Thursday, November 14, 2013

Simple Things

Hello everyone!

I know many of you are gearing up for Christmas, but for me, I am still savoring the last few weeks of quiet time this Fall.  There will be plenty of time to get out the boxes of glitter and twinkling lights to decorate with for Christmas. 

So, for now, I'll just enjoy the simple things that fill my home.

Such as............ 

fresh smelling lavender

old books
matlesse and gingham
French pillows

Grey cabinets filled with my favorite white dishes


a rosemary topiary

blue and white plates

a Swiss cross pillow

old book bundles and white flowers


And a gentle reminder of the season.

Hope you are able to find time to enjoy the simple things around you today too.
Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. So sweet. Have a great day Kelly. :)

  2. So pretty! I am not ready for the feels like we barely just got done with summer?!?! Ready or not though it is coming. LOL!!!

  3. Yes, we all need to enjoy the simple things. Great shots.

  4. I've been searching for a rosemary topiary-love yours. I'm in full Christmas mode here, but after all, there's snow on the ground, all the leaves are gone and our Thanksgiving is long over :)

  5. Those are beautiful pictures, Kelly! I love your grey cabinet filled with white dishes. I'm still trying to collect white plates, platters, and pitchers to fill my hutch in the kitchen. I'm thinking after the holidays, I'll re-do that hutch and just have all white dishes on it. Your pictures (and home) are truly inspiring. :) Have a wonderful day!

  6. Beautiful photos Kelly!! I'm with you and I'm enjoying the Fall season! I pull my Christmas things out Thanksgiving weekend.

  7. I can just smell the rosemary..
    I am with you.. I am savoring the fall... and I don't take out anything until after Thanksgiving.

  8. Everything looks so lovely, Kelly! I could enjoy myself at your beautiful home too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. I wait till the day after Thanksgiving and enjoy everything I pull out of the containers.

    Stop by my blog and see my Chicken Pot Pie, I made it yesterday and it was fantastic, my husband loved it and had seconds!

  10. Beautiful photos Kelly and lovely inspiration too! Oh yes my home is now a mix between fall and Christmas.

  11. All beautiful and soothing Kelly. I have been up to my ears in Christmas objects for our booth for weeks but have not decorated the house. The early retail season is dreadful but we compete with large stores too.

  12. I am with you, Kelly. I love the slow, simple things of Fall and I have decided to celebrate one Holiday at a time instead of plunging headfirst into the next one- xo Diana

  13. Everything is so beautiful at your house :) Happy fall!
    xoxo, andrea

  14. You have such an eye for accent pieces, Kelly! I love all your pillows and vintage accents throughout your home.

  15. Such a peaceful, calming, and lovely post, Kelly!
    Mary Alice

  16. Lovely, Kelly. Love all your soothing pieces of white. Relax and enjoy!

  17. Such pretty photos...everything looks great!! I always decorate right after Thanksgiving after my Christmas show is over. If I get everything finished up for the show...I might decorate right before the show this year.

  18. I am enjoying your simple things too…I am thankful every day for the simple things in life…a good morning kiss to start the day…along with a great cup of coffee…and watching the sun rise!….Life is good!

  19. Ah yes, the simple things in life !!. Glad your'e not rushing the Holidays..I have those blue and white plates..Love them..They have been kept while several other sets have been disposed of..

  20. Such lovely photos, and some of my favorite things, too! (Love the first pic!!:)

  21. Love the simple things! Beautiful photos...

  22. I'm with you - no Christmas here till Thanksgiving is over.

  23. Your pics are so pretty Kelly! And that pot pie looks tasty:) Can't wait for it to cool down here in the ole AZ desert so we can enjoy comfort food like that!!
    And yes! Thank you for not doing the skip! It goes Halloween, Thanksgiving theeeen Christmas! In that order. Always:)

  24. I am with you. Let's savor the fall and remember our blessings for Thanksgiving.

    There is plenty of time to savor Christmas and enjoy the REAL meaning of Christmas. I enjoy it everyday.

    All your pictures are so good of your lovely things. You have excellent taste.

  25. Absolutely, I am all about savoring each holiday. Beautiful pictures

  26. A beautiful post from a lovely lady in her elegant home. Everything looks so calm and peaceful. I am Quadville this morning and it is a bustle of activity! Amber and the nanny just took the babies for a walk - it will be in the 80's today! - and calm has returned to the house! However, I am equally as grateful for all the hub bub as I am for the quiet. Have a blessed Sunday, Friend!

  27. Your simple things are beautiful...lovely post Kelly.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly