Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bedroom Makeover Reveal

Hello everyone!

We are finally finished with my son's room makeover and I'm thrilled with how it turned out!  

First, an update for you.  My son's journey in the Marines boot camp has come to an end.  They are releasing him due to his recent illness.  They are still treating him and won't send him home until he is well, but his training session is over.  I hate it for him  because he has worked SO hard for this.  We have missed him so much and are glad that we will be reunited soon, but hate the terms in which it is happening.  I appreciate everyone's heart felt comments and prayers that have been sent our way.  We still don't know when he'll be returning home, but hope to have the ability to speak with him while he's recovering.  

So, his new bedroom will be waiting for him.

Here is the new "after" picture and then I'll remind you of the unsightly "before" pictures.  Just in case you were longing to see them again.  LOL!

The furniture got rearranged and painted in BM Chelsea Grey. And the walls got painted in BM Linen White.

Burlap curtains were hung.

New bedding was purchased from H&M. I already had the burlap pillow.

I hung my over sized clock in here and a wire basket was placed above the bed.

I brought in a stool I already had to go at his desk.  The TV came from our kitchen (since it got replaced) and the clutter was removed and his shelves organized.  I added the silver desk lamp that I already had too.

We hung a hat organizer on the back of his door as well.  

All of his clothes are now in his closet and the locker cabinets store his personal items.

This is where we started..................

I think the "afters" are a big improvement.  Now, if he will just keep it clean, I'll be happy.  But first, we have to get him home!~  Let the countdown begin.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, the room looks wonderful and grown up. He'll be so glad to return home, I'm sure.

    I feel for your son! When they are so young they make plans and they don't always work out. My son has had to switch plans too...he's still trying to figure it out. I hope he comes home and finds just what should happen in life.

  2. AWESOME makeover Kelly!!
    I'm sorry to hear the news about your son...I know you must be very anxious to get him home!

  3. Love Love Love the transformation and I know your son will as well.
    So sorry to hear what your son is going through. I know how anxious you must be to get him home.

  4. It looks so much better, Kelly! You did an amazing job. I love the plaid. xo

  5. His room will be a welcome sight when he finally gets home.
    So sorry about his illness and the turn he has to take in his future Maybe he can take off with this bit of experience and decide what he wants to do from here. (((((HUGS)))))

  6. I am so sorry for your son, but the silver lining is he gets to come home to a great bedroom makeover.

  7. I'm so sorry your son has his dream taken away when he was so close to finishing boot camp...that really stinks! On the other hand he has a new room to come home to and it looks AMAZING!!!! Great job mom :o)

  8. Oh Kelly ~ How wonderful. I think with the disappointed of the situation with the illness and coming home under the circumstances he wouldn't have chosen....he will be delighted with the room, and the love that is evident in every corner.

    What a special mom and son.

    I love it all.

  9. I'm so sorry your son's plans have been changed due to his illness. I imagine he's disheartened that he'll have to choose a different career, but he's got his whole life ahead of him and he can do anything he chooses with the support of you and your family. His awesome new room will make his homecoming extra special! Great job, Kelly!

  10. I hope your son feels well soon and I love the room!

  11. What a wonderful room to be coming home to. So sorry about the circumstances surrounding his return. I can feel your excitement!
    Here's to a speedy recovery.

  12. You created a wonderful space for him to relax at home.

    Hope he is well soon.

  13. what an amazing room to welcome him home. That's a fantastic transformation. I really like the colors and the burlap curtains/pillow

  14. Kelly, the room looks wonderful-he will love it! I'm sure that you can't wait to have him home (sorry that it's under these circumstances, though)
    Great job :)

  15. Oh no. Sure hope he gets well soon and returns home to his man. I am sure he will appreciate the updates to his room.

  16. I know that is disappointing for your son since he was so close to finishing. He's lucky to have such a loving, supportive family. His room looks fantastic! I love all the colors you chose. I'm sure he'll love it too. :)

  17. Dear Kelly, the room is transformed. I do love the grey. I took some days off and did not know of your sons illness. I shall pray for his quick and complete healing. blessings, olive

  18. Love the plaid Kelly..Nice change..Sorry he will be returning under these circumstances..Good for you..Disappointing for him..

  19. It looks wonderful! I bet he'll be so excited. (Do boys get excited about things like that?)

  20. Wow, what a difference! The plaid bedding really adds a nice pop, and the furniture looks so much nicer in its new finish. I'm sorry to hear about your son's illness, and that he can't see his Marine journey through to the end. It's a bittersweet welcome home, for sure, but I'm happy you'll all be together soon.

  21. Hi Kelly,
    The room is great. I know your son will love it when he gets home. I am so sorry about him working so hard for all this time to be discharged on his illness. I hope he can recoup at home soon. Since he got this while in the boot camp I hope they will honor his service to this point and he will still get a honorable discharge. I know you miss him and will be so happy to see him home soon.

  22. I am sorry to hear about your son. It's hard to watch painful things happen to our adult children. I hope and pray he finds his path and that his life is richer for the experience even though all this wasn't in the plan. I hope he fully recovers and you all can get to the bottom of the cause of his illness. He has a wonderful room and family to come home to.
    Blessings to you.

  23. Love the gray used to paint the furniture. I've always felt that when things like this happen there is a very good reason why it did. I hope he is doing well and getting better.

  24. Love what you have done with his room...what a wonderful room he will have when he gets home. So sorry that your son worked so hard all this time to then be discharged because of his illness. Hoping he gets better real soon.

  25. Awesome room! Hope yor son has a speedy recovery and can quickly enjoy his room!

  26. did a great makeover, I really love the difference with the painted furniture. The "before" pictures really aren't that bad...boys can be so messy! I know he's going to love this!


    P.S. Did you make the curtains?

  27. I know he must be so devastated. Hope he recovers well and home soon…I know it will be a bittersweet homecoming for you…the room look fantastic and he will be so surprised and happy with his newly decorated room! You did a fantastic job!!

  28. It's a wonderful room, Kelly. Love the gray on the furniture. I hope your soon is better and home soon. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be and there is something bigger and better waiting for him. I really like the large clock. If he is anything like my son, maybe it will remind him to get up before noon! : )

  29. This is a great makeover! Your son will enjoy being in here, I am sure. I hope he finds a new path with which he will be happy and content.

  30. Looks great, Kelly and I am sorry about Cody, but I know you can't wait to have him home.

  31. The room looks fantastic! I'm sorry to hear that he is sick-I've not had any time to go online, so I'm just now playing catch up.

  32. So glad to hear that he is coming home. I know you can now have Christmas!

    I am loving gray now. I painted my rooms a light gray from a palette of grays and have not been happy, so I added a darker gray to go with my browns and tans. I think now I'll paint the dresser gray. Thanks for sharing.

    Love it. Praying for healing and safe homecoming.


  33. Wow!!!!! What an amazing transformation!! I love the plaid and burlap with the gray paint! What awesome color combos! I can't wait to hear what your son thinks about the room! I am so sorry to hear he has been ill. How frustrating to go through all the hard work of boot camp and then may not be able to graduate! I hope you get to talk to him soon!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly