Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning and a Sneak Peek

Hello everyone!

Did you survive Christmas?  It came and went pretty fast this year didn't it?  It wasn't the same at our house this year without our oldest son being home.  In fact, it has been hard to fully embrace the season since knowing that he has been placed in MRP (medical rehab platoon) while in boot camp very close to completing his training and graduating!  He was supposed to graduate on January 10th, but has been suffering with Vasculitis for a couple of weeks now and is on crutches.  Not sure if he will get to continue now.  They are testing him to see if it's an auto immune disease causing this. We are waiting to hear from him as to the future of his training.  He may be coming home as a civilian and not a marine at this point.  

However, we did have another young boy that did embrace the season and got everything on his wish list!

See that big TV box?  That is a bigger TV for him to play Xbox games on.  The smaller TV went into his brothers room.

He got a couple of Xbox games as well.

  And a new iPhone!  He's been very excited about that.  We figured since he's now in middle school, it was time.  This was the first year that he didn't get any "toys".  It felt strange to have such grown up gifts for him this year. Also, he is now aware of the "Santa" situation too.  

Our dog, Max, got a stocking with treats and a toy (that he's holding in his mouth).  It has batteries in it and moves around on the floor to entice him to play with it.  The only problem is that it's quite painful if he hits you with it while he's swinging it around!  So, we all have to stay clear when he starts playing with it.  LOL!

This is Will pulling out all the "sugar" out of his stocking.  Oh, did you notice I have new stockings?  They arrived just in time for Christmas.  I fell in love with them from World Market and decided to change them up last minute.

After Max discovered goodies in his stocking, he won't leave them alone now.  He doesn't understand that they're empty now!  I caught him sniffing one this morning.  

One thing that I've been doing lately (that is also very therapeutic) is to finish working on my oldest sons bedroom makeover.  I'm happy to report, it is finally finished!!!! 

Here is a sneak peek.

Sorry it is so grainy,  I cropped the photo so small that it's not very clear now. is only a peek for now.  I will post the full room reveal very soon!  I love how it turned out and can't wait for him to see it.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Looks like a fabulous Christmas. I hope your son gets well soon, I will add him to my prayer list. Hugs, Marty

  2. The first Christmas that one of your children is not with you is so difficult.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.

    On my agenda today, get the house back in order, but a positive take on it is that I can "play house" all day.

    Have a great day.

  3. Oh, Kelly!! Prayers for your son. I can only imagine how hard it is to wait and see..... Marines or not - prayers for his health. God has a plan....

  4. Sending prayers for your son, and, hugs for you Kelly. Looks like you had a very nice Christmas with your family.

  5. Merry Christmas Kelly. Sorry to hear about your older son. Hope he recovers swiftly. My stepson (11) is still under the xmas santa spell so there is still in magic in the air over here. xo

  6. I love the stockings....hod did I miss them at World Market? LOL....That is one lucky little kiddo to get an IPhone and new TV....Our little guys got tons of Legos , I am not looking forward to the non-toy years to come....Cant wait to see the make-over bedroom. It looks promising already!!!! Have a Happy New Year Kelly!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your son having health problems I hope that it is something they can take care of and not ongoing. It is so hard having them away at Christmas. When my son was in the Middle East during one of his tours was just a sad time. Sounds like the other guy lucked out on some special gifts. I hope the rest of your holiday is warm and cozy.

  8. looks like "Santa" went all out this year. Keep us updated on Cody.

  9. I am sending healing wishes your son's way. Looks like the youngest one got some goodies!

  10. Kelly, I am so sorry to hear that your son is ill. I will be saying prayers for him. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas. XO Laura

  11. I'm sorry to hear about Cody not feeling well. I'll keep him in my prayers. Will sure cleaned up on Christmas morning! My kids get lots of sugar in their stockings too. That's too funny about Max hanging around the stockings boy! LOL!

  12. I am so sorry that your oldest son is not feeling well. I know that must be hard for you. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. It looks like your youngest son did :-) And I love the new stockings!!

  13. Wow, Will got the same tv I did. An Iphone, too, wow he hit the jackpot this year. Hoping and praying that Cody heals and hears good reports.

  14. Fingers crossed that your son gets his wish and gets to become a Marine after all that hard work!
    Your new stockings are so cute, I can see why you love them :o) I'm glad you had a nice Christmas....I know this was a tough holiday for you!

  15. Hoping your older son is getting well as I type this, will keep him in my prayers.
    A bigger tv is always fun especially with an xbox to play with. He looks very happy with his stocking and gifts.

  16. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! I'm so sorry to hear about your older son not feeling well. Your son's room looks great...can't wait to see the full reveal!

  17. Kelly, saying a prayer for your oldest son....hope he feels better real soon. Love your new stockings.

  18. Oh Kelly, it so fun to what your little darling open his gifts. Our grandchildren are older, and I miss not being able to buy toys. Of course Tristan is 6 months, so I will have time for toys again.

    Max looks just like a dog we had years ago named Muggzy. We loved him so. We have many pets in our past, and now have our little Shih Tzy, Molly.

    You sons room looks great, and I was glad for the update since you mentioned him in your comment on my blog.

    I adore your house.

  19. I am a new reader but I want to offer prayers for your older son, Cody. May all his wishes come true . It must be so hard to be away from friends and family and be ill on top of that! Hopefully he will be healed soon.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  20. Oh, Kelly, I know there is an empty spot in your heart without him this Christmas and you must worry that he is okay.

    Glad your little one had a great one.

    BTW, I do love your sweet home. The rustic finishes are just elegant, just as I like.

    Thanks for sharing,

  21. Good Morning Kelly,
    I love the pictures of Max. He is too cute. So fun to see your son enjoying all his grown up gifts too! Hope you get better news on your older son and he will feel better soon. I know you missed him for Christmas. Hopefully in the coming year it will be better and you will all be together again soon.

  22. Brawn received an iphone as well, could we sign him up for lessons on use with your son as I'm sure a youngster will catch on to how it works much faster!

    Hoping your Marine will be able to complete the task he set out to do, but if not that just means there is a different path for him.

  23. I wish your son a speedy recovery..I know it was hard not having him home for Christmas.."Big kid " toys are way more expensive !! He made out really well..Wishing you the best for 2014..The "sneak peak" looks great..

  24. Oh Kelly , what a beautiful Christmas morning :)
    I am praying for your eldest, for a good result to the tests.
    This was also our forts Christmas without our eldest in the home. He got married in May. But he is only a skip away and we see each other often. Still... it felt different.

  25. Looks like Santa was very good to your son. I hope your son is OK. It would be such a disappointment to him if he could not continue. Love the sneak peek of the room. Happy New year Kelly!!

  26. I too understand the no toy Christmas this year! Can't wait to see the bedroom!

  27. Your younger son must be in his glory to have a larger tv to play his games on. I always found it sad when the kids grew up and there were no more toys..just gift cards and money...


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly