Sunday, December 22, 2013

Some New Christmas Decor

Hello everyone!

How is your weekend going so far?  Mine has been pretty busy as I'm sure yours has been too.  It is, after all, the last weekend before Christmas!  I wanted to share just a few new goodies that I've gotten for my Christmas decor this year.  Better late than never, right?!

I ordered this cute little Christmas pillow case from H&M for just $3!  It was on sale, so I included it with my sons bedding order.

I just used it on my sofa for now.  After Christmas, my polka-dot pillow will go back on here.

I also found this cute red and white striped stocking from West Elm.  I hung it on a wreath in my kitchen window.  I love stockings combined with wreaths.

And guess what I won recently?!  I won this beautiful candle from Ron at Uptown Acorn.  It smells heavenly.  Just like a Christmas tree.  I love the container it comes in too.  It looks like red mercury glass.  It's a Fleur de Light candle.  

I took pictures of it at night.  That's why the lighting looks different.

I'm thrilled to have it since I didn't have a Christmas scented candle yet this season.  Thank you Ron and Fleur de Light!

And remember the bedding that I ordered for my sons room?  Well, it arrived the other day and I loved it so much that I "borrowed" his pillow sham for my bench in the foyer just during the holidays.  I liked the winter look of the plaid.  Of course, it will go back in his room as soon as it is ready! 

 I wish you all a very merry Christmas with your family this year.  

Are you ready for Christmas yet?  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~  


  1. Wreath and a stocking!! I love that combo and will have to remember that!! Your pics are that $3 pillow! Who but YOU would find such a deal!
    I was excited at the sneak peek of the painted bed.....

  2. I am thrilled to have discovered H & M Home and believe me I will be stalking the on-line shop by September for Christmas goodies so I won't miss out next year.

    I love that red plaid pillow on your bench.

    Have yourself a Merry little Christmas

  3. your son just texted me and told me he wants his pillow back!! :) your paperwhites look beautiful. We are are on the road heading to florida for the week to spend christmas with my family. ahhh...the joy of having technology in the car. Merry christmas sweet new friend!! are you going to kims?

  4. Kelly,
    I love that santa pillow. It looks great on your sofa. The plaid bedding is great. I cannot wait to see the reveal of that room. Your son is going to love it when he comes home in January. Have a great Christmas.

  5. The pillowcase is so cute, it inspired me to go check out H & M Home. Love all of your little touches. Happy Holidays!

  6. I never thought to combine a stocking with a wreath, but I LOVE that idea! You find the prettiest things at H&M. Your son's sham looks very festive on the bench. These pictures look straight out of a magazine. :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  7. Simply beautiful! $3 ? What a steal? What's the website?
    Merry Christmas!

  8. Oh, I love that pillow cover and Cody's new bedding is going to look great after you get through with it.

  9. I'd be stealing, er, borrowing that pillow cover too. it's perfect for Christmas/Winter. I just saw his room progress, LOVE the gray for the furniture! Have a great Christmas, Kelly!

  10. Really pretty! I like the plaid. Merry Christmas

  11. love the wreath and stocking so much!

  12. Love your new touches! The pillow on your couch is so fun, and what a steal! Merry Christmas :)

  13. Kelly I LOVE the new pillow on your couch and your sons new bedding!

  14. That new pillow is great Kelly! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  15. How cute, Kelly! You always find the cutest accents! LOVE the pillowcase and the sham! You're's perfect for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Enjoy!

  16. What fun little touches that make all the difference. I love the smell of a Christmas Candle. The stocking and wreath are a great combination. I think your son should be honored that his pillow is getting so much attention HaHa.

    Yes, my list is coming to a close as most everything is done. I've just been enjoying my little cottage decorations and reading another good book.

    Merry Christmas friend. So glad I found your blog just when I did this time of year.

  17. Oooh, lucky you, winning the candle from Ron's giveaway. It's really pretty. Cute, cute pillow case, too. Your house looks great, and good idea to use the plaid pillow for your bench. Hope y'all have a great Christmas. Hugs to you and your family.
    xo Babs

  18. I knew the red mercury glass candle would look great with all your red touches. I am happy you are enjoying the smell. xo

  19. Very pretty. Love the pillow slip. Have a Merry Christmas.

  20. Very cute finds. I love the plaid pillow on the bench in your foyer. Darling!

  21. Love the pillow looks great on your sofa. The stocking on the wreath is so cute. Love the plaid pillow too.
    Merry Christmas!!

  22. Such pretty touches Kelly. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!


  23. Oh no... I have not been to the H&M site since the last time you forced me to spend money there, but I'm thinking I really really like that pillow case. I better go see what they have.......

  24. I saw that candle on Rons blog..Congratulations..Lucky you..I.too. like the wreath/stocking combo..Cute look..Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in 2014 Kelly...

  25. Great pillows…so nice of your son to "lend it to you" for the holidays!…great candle..congrats on your win.
    Merry Christmas!

  26. Great combo of wreath & stocking. Actually all of your new touches are just lovely. Hope you & your family have a wonderful Christmas! Jane

  27. The H&M bedding plaid is terrific. I wish y'all a Merry Christmas. Olive

  28. Hi Kelly, I have enjoyed seeing your pretty home decorated for Christmas. Everything is beautiful and I adore the new pillows. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly