Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Shopping at Ikea

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!

Did you stay up late and bring in the new year with someone special?  We had a quiet night at home and that was fine with me.  However, we spent the day shopping at Ikea first!  I love that store.  Lately, I haven't been able to go too much so it has become more like an annual trip in the month of December.  It has just worked out that way.  

So, because I wanted to take you along with me, I brought my camera.  

The first stop was in the Home Decoration section.  I purchased one of these enamel ware pitchers.

I stopped in the plant section and looked around but didn't buy anything there.

I did see these pretty fake orchids and probably should've bought one but didn't.  I had a list of things I was interested in and this wasn't on the list.  LOL!

Did you know they also sell live plants?  

They had a lot of cute planters as well. I like the white ones and the silver ones.

I really liked this white bushel basket planter as well.  

Then we headed over to the Home Organization section.  I wanted to look at their baskets and trunks.
I bought this trunk and another basket.

Next, we went into the Lighting section.  I have been eyeing this hanging light fixture for some time now.  I ended up purchasing it as well.

Next, we went to Rugs and Flooring.  I really liked this rug, but didn't get it.  Really regretting that now!

We swung through the Cookshop section before we checked out and I got a couple of small items there.  

Now, here is my loot!

Did you know that Ikea doesn't bag your purchases?  Nope!  Gotta take it like it is and put it in your car.  

So, now you want to see where I put everything?  Well.....................

Come back later and I'll show ya!  (I know, I'm mean.)  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Happy New Year Kelly. I have not been to IKEA in years. I need to get back there. Surprisingly the whole family stayed up till midnight and then we were pretty much asleep at 12:05. Enjoy the day.

  2. Happy New Year, Kelly! I love to go to Ikea but it's quite far from where I live. I do need to get over there and check it out! Love your purchases and can't wait to see where everything goes.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Oh, I like what you bought. So the trunk has to be put together? Hey, I'll go with you if you want to go back.

  4. Darn, there's not an Ikea in hundreds of miles of here. Great purchases!

  5. Hi Kelly,
    Ikea is great. Love that store. Looks like you got some great things. The prices are great too. Happy New Year. We are getting 11 inches of snow here so enjoy that clear weather you are having!!!

  6. Our closest IKEA is 4 hours away, but I make it a point to shop there whenever we're in Minneapolis. I love their feather pillow inserts! I can't wait to see where you put your newest purchases, Kelli!

  7. I love Ikea...and lucky enough to have one very close by, but I still don't go there as often as I'd like! I have that enamelware pitcher, it! Happy New Year!

  8. I like Ikea too. At the moment we are furnishing and decorating our flat, so I will probably visit Ikea more often than usual. I can see that you've got a lovely house.

  9. I love to take a stroll through IKEA every now and then. I am glad it is a 1 hour drive or else I would spend too much time/money there.

    Have fun with your purchases.

  10. Thank you for taking us along. I didn't get to Ikea this winter, so I feel better now.

  11. Happy New Year Kelly! We had a very low key night, ate at Outback with my mom and daughter's family, then home.

    I bought that same trunk 2 summers ago and love it. When I went to Ikea when I was over for the Country Living Fair I wanted to buy another one but no place for it in the car with 3 ladies and all our luggage...hope to pick another one up next time.

    So sorry to hear about your son's illness...hope he gets home soon and mama can take good care of him.

    "See' you in 2014!

  12. Happy New Year!!! You picked up some great goodies!!! I can't wait to see where you hang the light. We are getting an IKEA in KC and it should be open this fall. I can hardly wait!!!!

  13. Great finds, Kelly! I have not been to IKEA since moving back to NOLA from ATL. I can't wait to see where you put it all.

  14. Kelly, Your son's room turned out great. I'm sorry that his plans turned out so differently than he had planned, but when things turn out that way, I feel there's a good reason for it. My thoughts and prayers will be with y'all. I hope you'll get to see him soon.

  15. I really like the things you got. Can't wait to see them when you get them home and in place.

  16. I haven't been to Ikea in ages..We don't have one close by...Fun place to shop/browse..Happy New Year Kelly..

  17. I've only been to IKEA twice. It is an hour away on a good traffic day. I love your purchases and can't wait to see what you do with them.

  18. Happy New Year Kelly!! Love all your purchases! The nearest Ikea is an hour away from me but now you have me itching to go LOL!!

  19. Happy New Year, Kelly. We had our usual quiet New Year's Eve with my sister and bil over with their family, my dad and us (so that makes 5 young people 14-20.) We enjoyed lots of easy prep food and snacks, a glass of Baileys and were done by 10:30. You found some great items at IKEA. I had to chuckle cause I knew you would like the white and silver pots. The rug is something I will have to look for when I go. We have 4 IKEAS within an hour of us, kind of crazy that I don't get there more often.

  20. We have an Ikea close by. I hardly ever go, and I don't know why. When I do, I have a blast - and always leave saying I need to go more often. Now that I see what's in your cart, I'm going to go next week! Looking forward to seeing where your purchases are going to go. Happy New Year, Kelly!

  21. Happy New Year, Kelly!

    I've never been to Ikea. There isn't one close by, so I'm really jealous! One of these days I'll take the trek across the state to visit the one here in Michigan, but I don't know when!!

    Can't wait to see where you put those things!

  22. Oh, Kelly, I love IKEA and live only 20 min. away, so I go often. I've been looking at those enamel ware pitchers, too -- maybe next trip! I think they have the best selection of faux plants for when you just need some greenery in a special spot, and their real plants all seem pretty healthy. The aroma of their sweet rolls grab us the last time we were in there -- oh, boy, are those ever good! Can't wait to see what you do with your goodies!

  23. LOL- You ARE mean- but I love ya anyway! Happy New Year, Kelly- xo Diana

  24. We are two peas in a pod! I love those enamel pitchers. I bought that same light fixture, but had to return it because it didn't fit my fixture properly! I used to have those white bushel baskets, but they were damaged. They are cute though! I have been wanting to get the wicker trunk for awhile now...I love it! That gray rug would look great in your sons room, but I suppose boys don't really care about rugs! :) I'm looking forward to seeing how you display your new treasures in your home!

  25. Looks like you got some great goodies...can't wait to see where you put everything. I love Ikea, but is 1 1/2 hours away from where I live.
    Happy New Year!

  26. That pitcher is huge, looks really big in the cart, wondering where it will end up and the lampshade.....

  27. I went to IKEA yesterday too! I got some amazing things - wanted that trunk but didn't think we had room for it - does it come flat???? it almost looks that way in your cart! I got some really fun glassware and pillow forms and hand towels!

  28. IKEA ROCKS!!!! I have that same trunk twice...once as a side table in my guest room and also in my master bedroom under the window!!! LOVE the weathered wicker and added storage....

  29. I love Ikea. Unfortunately we are only able to go once a year when we come down for Christmas, but this year we where not able to do even that...

  30. I really have to get myself to Ikea. I have never been there because it was too far but they have one that is a bit closer. I love that trunk and all your other goodies!!


  31. What a great basket full of baskets and goodies.

    We have a store close by, and for some reason I've never been in it. I think that will change after your camera tour. I saw several things I would have purchased.

    Can't wait to see where you put everything.

  32. Hi, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
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  33. Happy New Year, Sweet friend. I shopped at Ikea, too when I was in Atlanta. I specifically went to buy another market cart, to use when I go to auctions. They had one displayed and so I picked one up out of the bin next to the display. When I got back to Kentucky it turned out to be a rolling suitcase not the cart that was displayed. Not too happy with IKEA at the moment. My daughter and I did look at the trunk that you got. Love it. xo Laura

  34. I do like IkEA. It is like a field trip for us to go there. I had two of those pitcher shut gave them away.

  35. I cannot wait to make a trip to an Ikea store! It's about 45 minutes from my house.So I will have to wait until these winter months are over!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly