Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Styling my Secretary

Hello everyone!

I have had this secretary for many years.  It is antique and came from a family member on my husbands side of the family.  A couple of years ago, I painted it grey.  Don't worry it was never made of high quality wood or anything.  It was just old!   Anyway, I've enjoyed changing it up from time to time, just like I do my mantel.  It is a focal point in my sitting room, so I'm careful to keep it "styled".  

I decided to introduce a touch of blue to it.

So, I brought up my blue and white plates from the basement.  They have made appearances before in my kitchen and foyer.  Nothing unusual with that!    

I hung them from some simple white ribbon on each door.  I used to have white plates hung here.  

I also added some of my blue and white grain sacks to the desk part.  I thought it would make a great place to display them.

I added a lined wire basket underneath too.

I still have my old metal ceiling tin propped up above it too.  

So there she is!  All prettied up with some old books, crowns, white flowers and vintage grain sacks.  

Do you have a favorite piece that you like to "style"?

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~

Linking to:  Wow-Us-Wednesday


  1. I seem to get stuck in a rut. Find a way that I like and leave it at that. You do a great job styling.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! That whole area looks like it's out of a beautiful movie scene.

  3. I love that piece Kelly and love it's new look!!

  4. So pretty, Kelly. Fun pop of blue! I am a sucker for a secretary...there's just something so charming about them. Jane

  5. Now that is a secretary to LOVE.

    You staged her beautifully to give you a charming view in your sitting room.

    I had a very similar family secretary that we loaned to my husband's brother when we downsized. It is walnut and absolutely beautiful. But, it would stick out in both size and color (Steve would never let me paint it) if we brought it back. One day, one of our children will take it.

  6. Beautiful. I am always changing around vignettes in my home. So nice to change from season to season or when I have gotten something new.
    Patty at Home and Lifestyle Design

  7. Your secretary is beautiful and looks so pretty "styled". Love the blue plates hung with white ribbon :o)

  8. Just as beautiful as ever! I have been catching up with you and I just wanted to say thank you for all the inspiration! Your rooms are truly beautiful!

    Happy day to you!

  9. I love all the added blue and your beautiful secretary.

  10. Love it! You do have a flare when it comes to decorating!!

  11. I love the blue plates with the white ribbon. Such a beautiful secretary. Your crowns are lovely too. I'm now so glad I picked up a small one after Christmas at Garden Ridge. It's actually a Christmas ornament, but I plan on spray painting it and displaying it somewhere. Thanks for all the inspiration1

  12. Kelly,
    I love the secretary painted in the grey. So pretty and love the touches of blue you added with the plates. It looks great.

  13. Beautiful! I have an old secretary in the guest room and am planning on painting it. It will need to be 'warm'to go with the dark colors in there. It's going to be an adventure figuring out how to do that! I like the copper/turquoise look of an old penny - but not sure how to get it!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I love the blue plates, they look great with the gray. I never get tired of pretty blues!

  16. the blue accent looks good. I like the plates displayed on the doors

  17. Love the secretary painted grey. It's so pretty and I love the touches of blue...especially on the vintage grain sacks.

  18. What a wonderful treasure! You've created such a beauty! I'm happy I found your blog, it's awesome!

  19. Hi Kelly, I love your secretary and the way you have styled it!

  20. I always like seeing your secretary. So pretty and styled to perfection! Loving the column in the corner too.
    Mary Alice

  21. I wish I had a bigger home to do things with. We went from large parsonage for 27 years before we retired to the little cottage we have now. Much of my furniture didn't fit.
    But I do love my little house, and try to do different things. I need to get over my fear of "painting" things. Thanks for your encouragement...and great ideas.

  22. I absolutely love it! I have just the spot for one like this! May be on a hurting excursion for a new/olod piece:)


  23. She is all prettied up, Kelly. You did a wonderful job. When I start to pretty up one area it seems to lead to shifting things around in three or four areas. I really need to redo my china cabinet in my dining room again...soon! xoDiana

  24. Great job Kelly…I just love how you hung the plates from the doors…you have some fantastic books! The area looks so very cozy!

  25. I kind of resemble your opening remarks..... I'm an old secretary, a bit grey, not real high quality, just old!

  26. Great look..love the blue accents..Cute

  27. Hi Kelly, That's a beautiful secretary. I love that you painted it. My favorite piece to style is my antique pine dining room hutch. It displays my white ironstone.

  28. I love your secretary! It must be a fun piece to decorate! Love the grain sacks.

  29. Kelly, this is a wonderful piece and it is decorated with such awesome accessories! Loving the crown


  30. Wow Kelly your secretary is absolutely gorgeous! Love the color and you style it to perfection....love!

  31. I missed this post somehow. I love secretaries, and have two. On one, I keep the doors closed; the other is somewhat "styled," but I never found enough things to make it just right. I'll have to work on that.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly