Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Extreme Cheapskates

Hello everyone!

I know we are always looking for the least expensive way to do things from time to time and the least expensive price to buy things.  But, I found a show on TLC that shed a whole new light on the subject!  Have any of you seen the show, called Extreme Cheapskates on TLC?  

I just caught a couple of episodes by accident.  I was so shocked by some of the things I saw that I just had to share them with you.  I know everyone loves a good bargain, and many of you want to find ways to live on less. But these methods were very extreme. Let me point out that they were by choice, not out of necessity too.  Here are just a few examples of what I saw on these shows:

*One lady uses lint from her dryer to apply her powder makeup.

*One family uses one light bulb for their entire house and just moves it from room to room as they need it.

*One man refuses to use the A/C unit, so he just sprinkles cornstarch on his body to stay cool.

*That same man also refuses to use tap water, so he goes down to the local creek and fills up a large container and just filters it for drinking.

*Another man reuses his paper towels, dental floss and even tea bags.

*I was stunned when that same man took his wife to a movie and rummaged through the garbage at the theater to find a used popcorn bag and cup so he could get a free refill at the concession stand.  His wife was  unaware of this when he brought the food to her to eat. 

*There was a woman that used her dishwasher to cook her food as well as wash her dishes at the same time!  (yes, you read that right)

*That same family also cuts off the TV during commercials to save energy.

I could share so much more, but you'll just have to check it out for yourself!  You won't believe how creative people can get.  

And just for kicks, I included a link to this quiz to see if you could be a "cheapskate" too.

I'm a little bit embarrassed by my score.  Mine came back as a big spender.  Hmmmm.........
I'm sure my husband will get a big kick out of that one!  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I've seen that show a couple of times. I remember the movie theater guy too. So gross! They had one episode where a whole family shared one toothbrush. Yuck. I'll have to go take that quiz now. :)

  2. Oh my. No, never heard of the show. Can't say I am sorry though... there is thrifty and well.... Hmmm... what would I call them?
    Have a wonderful Wednesday Kelly.
    Hugs, Gee

  3. Oh Kelly this shows sounds too funny. Wow I bet you can see how gross some people can be. Sorry but everyone including myself likes a bargain or to be thrifty but there is a line LOL! I will have to check this show out.
    Tooo funny.

  4. Oh, my word are you kidding me?? That poor woman who ate from garbage containers. Gross!

  5. I'm glad they used the word EXTREME ~ as those are over the top extreme.

    However, I had to smile with the light bulb.

    Years ago we visiting my husbands aunt down in Tenn. We ate in the kitchen, a lovely dinner, and when it was over, she unscrewed the light bulb over the kitchen table and took it to the living room, where we visited, and then she put it in the guest room where we stayed when we went to bed.
    We said nothing...but boy do I remember that.

  6. Hi Kelly, I think there is cheap and there is thrifty. My Joe and his family are thrifty because his parents grew up during the GREAT DEPRESSION. His mom threw nothing away-not a bread bag. everything was reused. They lived in a tiny house but all that worked out as each grandchild received 30,000 dollars for college. xo, olive

  7. I have not seen the show but I know I would like it. I am certainly no cheapskate either. Why keep the $$$????

  8. Going to check this show out. I took the quiz and it said I was a big spender too. Funny thing is...I know I'm not a big spender. Guess we are compared to the people on the show! LOL...

  9. I find myself getting more thrifty as time goes on. Mostly because I have had to. I think there is a line and these people have crossed that line. Yuck.
    I took the test and I was an extreme spender too. Some of the questions really didn't relate. Like the one where you live. The only thing close was in the big city......and I don't. Thanks for posting, I find it interesting.

  10. Well, I'm mildly cheap! LOL I though I'd be a big spender!!!
    I've never seen this show Kelly but I'll try and remember for tonight!

  11. I think I would call these people eccentric. We had friends whose parents were quite well off, but they used the shower at the gym instead of at home to save water...even if they weren't exercising.
    Mary Alice

  12. I've seen one episode where an oriental woman was extremely cheap...she got food out of a trash bin at an upscale restaurant to feed her guests! she also had other gross habits with her bathroom "needs"!

    i took the test and guess i'm a big spender too!

  13. OMG!!! I can say I will not be watching the show anytime soon. I would kill my husband if he gave me food served in containers he dug out of the garbage!!!!!! SO GROSS!!!

  14. Be sure to check out Uptown Acorn today....shout out to YOU!

  15. Never seen this show!! Yuk!! how disgusting eating out of garbage...

  16. These people are nuts! I can't imagine living that way can you? Thanks for sharing this...I had no idea the show even existed.

  17. Guess I would probably think those folks are just gross, but the good news is I can go shopping with you since the quiz says I'm a big spender too.

  18. That's funny and kind of gross to read about how cheap people can be. I know my sister cut napkins in half to get more mileage out of them when she was hard up but that's not her "normal" way of living! I didn't take the quiz yet but I'm pretty darn sure of what the result will be!!

  19. Eeeewww! Some of those people are just grossss! I took the quiz and am "mildly cheap". No extreme cheap here, thank goodness.

  20. oh my, not sure I want to watch that show...LOL.....

  21. I'm a big spender as well Kelly..I don't think most of those answers applied to me anyway..To each his own..

  22. Ok Kelly, I hope you don't think this not nice but how gross and cheap can people be??? I want to save where I can too but digging in the garbage f or a bucket and a free refill just crosses t he gross line big time!!!


  23. That show sounds hysterical...I have to make a note to catch the next show!...extreme is an understatement I'd say!!!

  24. Oh my! Now I want to watch it to see what other stuff there is to laugh about!
    And I had to go take the quiz - I came out as mildly cheap - my hubby is gonna laugh at that one - he will say yours and mine got mixed up or something :)

  25. Oh my! Now I want to watch it to see what other stuff there is to laugh about!
    And I had to go take the quiz - I came out as mildly cheap - my hubby is gonna laugh at that one - he will say yours and mine got mixed up or something :)

  26. Funny, Kelly! I watched an episode where the woman served her dinner guest food she got out of a grocery store's dumpster. LOL

  27. Never seen the show...but definitely it sounds like those people are cheap. As I say...frugal ain't cheap :) and there is a reason why.

  28. The popcorn one is the grossest to me. That poor women. I will have to check this show out. I've never seen it before. I'm frugal but that stuff is gross. Dryer lint. Yikes. Think of all the dust she is putting on her face.

  29. Yikes ...that is awful.What some people will do to save money..LOL!

  30. Wow, I'm thrify but those people are crazy in my opinion. Some of the stuff on that show is just plain nasty. I feel sorry for the poor family members. I think there is a difference between thrifty and stingy... know what I mean.

  31. Yuck! I like a good bargain but please........the people on this show sound gross. I bet you get a few good laughs. The examples you provided are extreme!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly