Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Time

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a nice Easter yesterday.  It was a beautiful day here in Georgia and it's still going strong this week!  I wanted to share a few snippets from Easter yesterday and some shots from around the house outside.  I just love this time of year!  

My youngest son knows the truth about the Easter bunny, however, he still wanted a basket.  So, I wasn't about to disappoint him!

I'm sure he will be on a sugar high the rest of the week!  

We included our dog in the festivities as well.  He got a new toy bone!  It was hard to get a pic of him sitting still. He was off in a flash to play with it as soon as he got it.

I forgot to take pics of our breakfast, but it was very good.  After breakfast, we headed over to my inlaws for an Easter dinner.  I brought this orange bundt cake. It was delicious!

I included a link to the recipe in my last post (if you're interested). 

Outside, things are looking so pretty now.  The grass is greening up and the trees are budding leaves now.  One of my favorite trees is our River Birch by our front walkway.  It's always so bare in the Winter, so I know summer is coming when it's full of leaves again.

I refilled my bird feeders only to find the usual suspects eating out of them again.

The dogwood trees are in bloom too.

I haven't done much on my front porch yet since we've had some cold snaps and rain lately.  I need to clean it real well first.  So, this is all I've done at the moment.

My husband is buying some clear stain to put on our back deck now that he's cleaned it.  I'm so glad that he's getting some stuff done around here finally!  

See?  This IS a good time of year.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. When our four children were small, I delighted in making fun Easter baskets, designed with things they liked. Your son's basket would have been a hit.

    Now, that they are all grown with families of there own. Can't afford a basket for a doz. grandchildren. I make a "Family Basket" with homemade goodies, and this year one of my hand knitted dish cloths.

    Your home is lovely inside and out and I just enjoyed each picture.

    We had a dog named "Mugzie" like your cute dog years ago.

    Isn't nice to look outside and see green.

    Have a great day.

  2. love those pink flowers in that basket!!!

  3. I still do Easter baskets for my boys too (even my almost 20 year old! Lol!) Your yard sure is greening up. I love the scalloped fence you have and what a cute pic of Max!!

  4. Hi Kelly, nice to hear you had a great Easter, lovin the little squirrel.....and that large basket by the front door....super cute!!!Thank you so much for commenting on Susan's blog MUST LOVE JUNK and leaving me a sweet comment there on being in the Saturday Spotlight! Your the best blog friend!!!!xoxoxo Christine

  5. It sounds like you had a lovely Easter.

    I am so happy for you that your spring is finally there. Some of the northern people are still complaining of snow.

  6. Your Easter sounded lovely. We had a quiet day, spent mostly tweaking and cleaning for our special guests today... and yes you probably know what type of guests :-)

  7. Hi Kelly,
    So glad you had a great Easter. Love the outdoor pictures. So pretty. Have a great week.

  8. Kelley, Love you pretty trees. The dogwood is beautiful. That's a nice tall basket on the porch. xoxo,Susie

  9. The weather is looking up. My kiddo called and instructed me to run out and buy Cadbury eggs on sale. She's 22.

  10. You are never too old for an Easter Basket!!

  11. Love the basket on the porch Kelly, and love making baskets for the grandkids, 5 Below came in handy for their baskets this year!

  12. Sounds like your Easter was wonderful….I love the pretty trees on and around your property…Spring has sprung!!

  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. We got together with family on Saturday.
    Love the basket with flowers that is by your front pretty!!

  14. Looks like you had a great Easter! I love the outdoor pictures, it's so fun to see nature come back to life...especially after this cold Winter we had.

  15. Oh- I haven't touched our porches yet either. Too cold and miserable here still.

    It looks like you had a lovely Easter with your family and I am laughing at the stupid squirrel on your feeder...well, I guess he is not so stupid after all if he can figure that out. We have his 2 brothers living at our house- If you'd like I can send them to visit him on a permanent sort of basis.

    Hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

  16. Everything is getting green and blooming here in Ohio also. It's so nice to see. We still get our kids Easter baskets too even though they know who the Easter Bunny really is. It's still fun for them and us. Your bundt cake looks super yummy!

  17. Your Easter morning sounds like it was fun. Even the dog got to celebrate!
    Your outdoor photos are lovely, Kelly. LOVE the dogwood trees in bloom!
    I think you have a good start to getting things ready for spring at your house.
    Enjoy the week.

  18. Kelly, I love your outdoor basket with the blooms-so pretty! Glad you had a nice Easter :)

  19. Glad you had a good Easter, Kelly I'm going to check out that orange cake. The picture of the squirrel is too funny - a great shot! Can't wait to see what you do with your porch -- you know I have a thing for your porch, don't you?!?!?!

  20. What a pretty basket with flowers at your front door! Yes the kiddies were on a sugar high all day!!
    We woke to snow this morning YUK!

  21. Sounds like you had a great Easter. My favorite tree is river birch too. My husband hates it because it drops so many limbs. They're great shade trees though. That cake is looking good!

  22. It's a crazy time of the year for us.And this crazy weather one day winter next day spring is not helping get things done,glad you are able to get ahead on things.

  23. Hope you had a great Easter...I love that basket by the door...beautiful!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly