Saturday, April 12, 2014

Shopping Tour

Hello everyone!

Are you having a good Saturday so far?  It was an early morning for me.  I had to take my son to the dentist for a cleaning.  He has to go more frequently with his braces now.  Then I came home, and my husband was doing this!

He is pressure washing our back deck.  It hasn't been done in so long!  Isn't it a pretty day outside?  We are loving the sunshine today.  

The other day I went to my favorite antique store to walk around.  I brought my camera so you could come along with me. (I'm sure my sister will recognize this place!)

I stopped in one of my favorite booths.  I love all the blue and white dishes they have and french style accessories. This is the booth that I bought my blue and white plates from last time.  

Just check out all the french goodness in this booth! 

(This dresser reminds me of mine in my foyer.)

I would love to have that large blue and white platter and pitcher!  They're expensive though.

See?  They have fresh lavender bundles, pretty artwork and grain sacks too.

She sells a lot of french baskets which I love as well.

Ok..........there is more to see.  I took too long in this booth.

If you are a pillow hoarder like me, then you'll LOVE this booth!

I met the lady while she was setting up this booth.  She said all of her pillows are handmade with real french linens.  I believe her too!  (You should see the prices.)  They're all so beautiful though.  

More cute stuff.

I loved this harvest basket filled with twigs.

I about died when I saw this arrangement!  This is the same faux lavender that I have.  They placed it in an old bucket, but arranged it in oasis so it would have a fluffier look.  I loved how it looked.  I have some in my olive bucket in the kitchen.  I may give that a try.  They wanted over $100 for this arrangement.  WHAT?????

You can get this stuff at Hobby Lobby and make it yourself.  No need to spend that kind of money!

Are you still with me? 

What's not to love about this?  (Oh, the price.)  It was $89.  And I would need 2 thankyou!  

I loved these hanging planters with wire.

Another cute wall basket.  I liked the greenery.

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this.  It's just like my dog!

Well, that's all for today.  I hope I didn't put you to sleep with my long shopping tour.  This place is huge and can take hours to go through.  Oh, and did I purchase anything?  Glad you asked!  Yes I did.  I will share that in another post. is in one of these pictures that I shared with you.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Enjoy your weekend.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, You made me smile...the prices..yikes. I some times look at things then go make my own.:):) I once saw a wreath made of rolled paperback novels pages..all tied with twine on a wire wreath frame.. I did mine on a carboard ring covered with the same paperback pages. It works. I change it up every now and then for different effects. They wanted 60 dollars for their wreath and mine was way cheaper. :):) I am going to hobby-lobby girl and get me some lavender springs. xoxox,Susie

  2. Hi Kelly, pretty booths. I always like to see the arrangement of booths. We have one large room now (four booths) and arranging items is a challenge when we cannot hang anything on walls. We use shutters and old doors and such. We have a garden shop now_ I wish you could visit us. Our prices are low as we are in the middle of pretty much nowhere. Thank you for you darling comment at MLJ. xo, olive

  3. I loved going along with you on your shopping trip! Our Hobby Lobby is about an hour away, I'll have to see if they sell on line! I swear I'd stay in there forever.LOL

  4. Well of course you bought something! If you're anything like me, there's not much self control in a place like that. :) Can't wait to see what you got.

  5. I can't believe they wanted over $100 for the faux lavender in the bucket. Wow. I really like that wall basket with the greenery. Maybe that's what you bought. Or maybe the dog picture. Hmm...guess I'll just wait and see. :)

  6. Loved the shopping trip! What a drool worthy place to shop! Filled with so many goodies! The $89 sconce is on Antique Farmhouse right now for $72...still expensive.
    You have a good hubby cleaning the deck...go give him some sugar! :)

  7. How expensive were those pillows?? Hmmm, love them. I have bought some off OKL made from French linens and they are pricey. The candle sconce is for sale on Antique Farmhouse for $72.

  8. Looks like a wonderful place to shop. I loved all of the booths you showed. Looking forward to seeing what you bought!

  9. I saw so many wonderful items.

    The prices at this shop are equal to most of the shops near me. But, I use fun shops as ideas.

  10. Thanks for the tour, Kelly! The platter and pitcher are lovely pieces. I really like the pillows too. Hope you enjoy your weekend and the clean deck. We are finally seeing a touch of Spring weather but snow is still predicted for next week {yuck!}

  11. Oh- That is really a GREAT place. It would take me hours to see everything, I think. I love that blue pitcher and platter, too. I really love that old, faded blue color.

    I can't wait to see what you bought! You are SUCH a tease!!! xo Diana

  12. wondering if the pillow booth sells online? I would love to buy a few of those pillows. If you have a online address, would you please share it?

  13. I am guessing on of the Queen of Hearts stores!:) So many lovelies to see. Can't wait to visit this summer.

  14. Looks like a fabulous place to shop!! Loved everything!

  15. I must start looking for antique stores in my area. We have our thrift shop, but nothing like what you are showing me. I do love the "French Look" and what you do with your home. Can't wait to see what you bought.

  16. Oh yeah! I gasp at the prices. In my small town something that I sell for $5 is often $25 and even $50 when I go to Nashville to see my children. My kids are like, "Mama do you know what you have?" I know. I just don't believe in being greedy. I double my price and I've made my profit. It helps me and makes someone else feel like they've gotten a bargin. They still think I need a booth in Nashville. One day, maybe.

  17. Enjoyed coming along on your shopping trip, loved all of the wonderful pillows!! Can't wait to see what you found.

  18. i love all those booths kelly...can you tell me the name of the antique mall and where it's located? my sister and i are coming over that way for a graduation in mid-may and if it's not too far from where we'll be, i might have to make a stop there.

    thanks for sharing, i loved seeing all those "pretties"!

  19. I wasn't tired at all looking at your pics, Kelly. I have yet to find a good antique mall like this in my area. Then again, these ladies know how to present things so well, they can up the prices. Sometimes it might be better to dig through the dust.

    I'm thinking of getting some floral foam, too...even the bunch of tulips I bought this week were sprawled out in the vase I wanted them in. I ended up putting a smaller glass inside to hold them upright but I think foam is a good idea once we start getting flowers from our gardens.

    What a great hubby! My guy loves to get outside, depending on the job! Ha. I pressure washed our dock once, it can be addicting and you get a great suntan! lol!


  20. What a great place this antique mall is to go shopping at!! I see lots of goodies in your photos that I love and I can't wait to see what you got.

  21. Thanks for taking us along Kelly! Love all the goodies... Now if you want faux lavender our $store carries very real looking and you could fill a bucket for less than $20.00. All those prices were a little steep for me....Great ideas though!

  22. I could spend a lot of time and a lot of money in a place like that..Fun time..Can't wait to see your latest treasure.

  23. What a fun place! Thanks for taking us along!

  24. Glad you shared Kelly! It's so fun to see vintage goodness like this! I think you and I would have a fun time together shopping - trying to get to the great stuff first - heehee! I love all the same stuff you do :)

  25. Wow, that place looks amazing! There's so many things that I'd want, but those prices...yikes! I'm a bargain hunter :)

  26. Looks like a great place to shop for so much fun stuff! I don't think I'd ever come out of there empty handed.
    Mary Alice

  27. the prices are kind of high, but definitely it's a place you can get tons of inspiration.

  28. Such a wonderful place to shop filled with so many great things and great ideas!! Thanks for taking us along!

  29. oh you just tortured me so!!!! I saw lots of eye candy I want.....gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr

  30. Beautiful booth Kelly,it's so you! What amazing treasures! It snowed here yesterday...yep I cannot even believe it!

  31. So much fun Kelly! Those baskets! And that lavender! Did you buy anything?? What a great place to shop!

  32. Kelly, wow that antique mall and those booths are just my style! I love so many of the items that they had but like you said you can get the look at more afforable prices if you shop smart and savvy. Although I love vintage and antiques, I'll buy a great reproduction at a fraction of the cost when I can.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly