Monday, April 14, 2014

Wall Sconces

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a good weekend.  It was so nice and sunny here.  It was hard to say goodbye to a nice weekend like that.

I wanted to share the item that I found at the antique mall with you.  

I found these old looking (but they're probably not) candle wall sconces.

I have been wanting some wall sconces for a while now, but haven't been able to find exactly what I was looking for without a huge price tag.  Until I saw these!

I love how they match the frame on the mirror so well and even compliment the style of the mirror.

I'm not going to add candles to them though.  I like them empty.

I love how they stick out from the wall giving some added dimension to the space.

Here is a better close-up.

And I couldn't leave without sharing my latest love, my flowering cherry tree right outside my dining room window.  This is the first year that it has done this well.  I think it's finally mature enough to show all of it's flowers now.  I recall getting it several years ago for Mother's Day.

It has finally gotten tall enough where I notice it from the street.  It compliments the left side of our house perfectly.  I wish I had one more in the backyard too. Maybe we will plant one when the swing set comes down.  That should be in the near future.

Can you believe it is almost Easter?!  Time is flying by.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~

Linking to:  Inspire Me Tuesdays


  1. Love the sconces. They are perfect. Your tree is so pretty. My neighbors have two in there back yard that I am enjoying from the sun room.

  2. Very pretty, Kelly! They do go great with the mirror. I need to add something to either side of the mirror in our dining area. I was kicking around the idea of sconces, but I'm not one for putting candles in them either. Although, I would probably put something in there - moss balls, maybe?

  3. Yes Kelly I love them too!! Your mirror is stunning!

  4. Great find on the scones! They are gorgeous and fit so well with your beautiful home.

    The cherry tree is lovely!

  5. Those sconces look like they were meant to go with your mirror! And your tree is so pretty :)

  6. Those sconces are just perfect there! What a beautiful tree.

  7. Your new sconces are perfect with the mirror!!! Your tree is beautiful too.

  8. The sconces look like they were made to go with that mirror, and I'll tell you true - I cannot wait to see something in bloom around here!

  9. Love your new sconces! They are so pretty! They look perfect with your mirror, but they would look great lots of places in your home...and I know how you like to move things around! :) I think the sconces just scream Kelly!

  10. The new sconces go perfectly with that mirror! They're very pretty. Love your blooming cherry tree too. :)

  11. The sconces compliment the mirror so well.
    In the springtime, I really miss our old yard. We had dogwoods, redbud and flowering cherry. Note to self... plant at least one of the arose mentioned. Yours is beautiful Kelly.

  12. Oh I love the sconces, they are so pretty and the perfect compliment to the mirror. What a great find. Your cherry tree is stunning too, wow, love the pretty blooms. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me party that will go live this afternoon at 3 PM. Hope to see you there.

  13. So pretty, Kelly! They are perfect with the mirror.

  14. You would have thought that they came with the mirror:) Great find, Kelly!

  15. I have a pair I would like to paint like yours... What AS paint do you think would give me that look? I love them!

  16. Kelly, The sconces finish off that pretty seating area. I love how it all looks together. I would be tempted to cut some of those pretty flowers, at least a wee bunch. xoxo,Susie

  17. Those are great looking sconces! You didn't have to paint them or anything? The work perfectly with the mirror. I had some that I put those little flicker candles down inside them-you couldn't see them looking at them but they were fun lit up at night.

    YOur cherry is gorgeous! It is fun to see things get to a size where they really have some impact! xo Diana

  18. Love the pops of gray against the light gray walls. My walls about that color and I'm thinking this is exactly what I am going to do. Yelp! Just as soon as I can get some paint. Love the sconces!

  19. Love your sconces but most of all love your cherry pretty!

  20. Those are perfect Kelly!....I have some sconces and I think I need to get the ladder and take down my candles...I am loving yours (and Kim's) without the candles....great find and gorgeous Cherry tree...glad you can see it from the inside of the house too!

  21. What a perfect addition to your already lovely wall.

    Your cherry tree is just what that window needed, isn't it!! Absolutely lovely.

    You did good.!!!

  22. I love your sconces, they go so well with the mirror. I too have a cherry tree in my yard but I've only had it for 2 years so it didn't have many flowers on it last year. The cockatoos had a great time chomping at it which didn't help either. I can't wait till it looks as gorgeous as yours! take care, Maryann

  23. Your tree is gorgeous! I love the sconces. I've had different sets on and off for years. I can't believe how well they match the mirror.

  24. The sconces look great with your mirror...they are so pretty!!

  25. Oh my, what beautiful sconces! They are so perfect, just love them! I'm loving that cherry tree too! What a beauty!

  26. Well how perfect is that! You nailed it!! Perfect size, styling and color! The cherry tree looks marvelous- ours may be blooming mid May.

  27. The sconces are perfect. If you look long enough you find what you want. That is my mantra. Love the tree. We have two.

  28. The sconces look beautiful with your mirror…made for each other :)…the cherry tree is a beauty!!

  29. I saw this on your FB page looks amazing! What a beautiful find!

  30. Could those beautiful sconces "be" any more perfect flanking your lovely mirror?! I love them ... what a score, Kelly! Your cherry blossom tree is so pretty!

  31. gorgeous, just perfect for that mirror!!

  32. Oh so pretty Kelly! They really look good with the mirror. So cool how that worked out! And the tree is gorgeous!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly