Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yard Work

Hello everyone!

I didn't mean to go missing so long, but it seemed there was a lot to be done this week during Spring Break.  We did end up taking a day trip to the mountains though.  It was a nice little getaway.  But, back at home, there was a huge need to work in our back yard to get it ready to grow grass.  In January, we had our septic tank field line expanded and it tore up a lot of the back yard.  So, now with the warmer weather being here, we were finally able to get it back to normal. 

My husband had to rake up all the hay he put out to cover the dirt from the construction.  Then he could get it regraded properly.   

It's time to retire this old birdhouse now too!

We hired someone to run a bobcat around the area to regrade that section of the yard.

After the bobcat was done doing its magic, my husband created a new shape for the backyard and bordered it in pine straw.  He put down grass seed in the area that he wanted to grow grass in.  That is the area covered in hay that you see closest to the house.

The existing grass will get reseeded in the Fall.  He needs to aerate the yard first and it will do better in the cooler months of Fall. So, right now it doesn't look as good as it will.  We will probably plant something in the pine straw border as well.

The grass will continue to fill in and get greener as the months go by. The hay that is in the wooded part will eventually go natural as part of the woods.  We had to cover up the red dirt for now. 

We have pressure washing to do and someone coming out soon to replace rotten wood on our house too.  Our house is 18 yrs old and needs quite a bit of work now.  There are other areas in our side yard and front yard that will get some TLC this Spring too.  Can't wait! 

Despite a lot of things being in limbo, we are starting to see some pretty flowers blooming.

My flowering cherry tree near the dining room window.

And my Camellia bush near the front porch.

  We also have a flowering crab apple tree beside our driveway that is in full bloom now too.

So, today is a day of rest for us! 

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Hi Kelly,
    The yard is looking so great. I had a flowering crab that I just loved at our last home. I miss the pretty blooms of that tree. Yours is gorgeous. After all that work you deserve a rest.

  2. I love when the spring flowers start blooming! Your yard is going to look so pretty this summer with all your yard work!

  3. Kelly, My husband and I did some yard work today...but your yard work was a major one. Looking good too. xox, Susie

  4. It's going to look great and all your hard work is going to pay off. It looks like you have a nice sized yard too. I'd love to have some wooded areas like that. I love the look of pine straw. I've seen it on a lot of blogs, but I don't think they sell it here. Your spring blooms are so pretty and colorful. I love the cherry tree!

  5. I love seeing the yard work that people do in other parts of the country. Believe it or not, that's a little different from what we would do. I love the shape of your yard! That setting is beautiful too. Your flowering trees are amazing.

  6. Your yard is looking really good, Kelly. I love the expanse of your back yard.
    Happy Spring!

  7. Your yard is shaping up! We did yard we work today, too. Much colder here in Wisconsin right now, so nothing flowering yet. Nice to get out though! Jane

  8. A finished job is the best kind isn't it. I can relate to your need of a Bobcat.

    We also have lots of projects around the house. So many I don't want to think about doing them or paying for them.

    Love your spring blooming trees. Glad you enjoyed your get away in the mountains.

  9. You guys have been BUSY!!! You have such a great big back yard! I love it! My step son put a bunch of hay down at his ranch. Not sure if it was for the critters or to cover the mud. Either way works!
    Have a great week, Kelly!!

  10. The outside of your home is as lovey as the inside. I really like what you are doing with the yard and grass.

    The new blooms are so pretty. I'm waiting for my ONE iris to open...maybe tomorrow.

  11. Oh I love your flowering crab tree!
    The blooms are so pretty. Thanks for the tip on using the straw.....
    Glad your are back.

  12. Your pretty blooms make me wish that it would warm up here, so that more of my outdoor flowers would bloom. We live in an older home and have some indoor and outdoor projects that we need to get done this Spring and Summer.

  13. Looking good Kelly! I like what your hubby did to the back yard.

  14. Wow- That is a lot of work going on there. It is looking beautiful. I am glad you finally got a day of rest and can enjoy the beauty around you, Kelly- ox Diana

  15. You have been busy! I can tell how pretty your yard is going to be. You guys did a great job. Yard work is hard work! A trip to the mountains even for a day sounds wonderful. Hope you have a great week Kelly.

  16. Things are looking good Kelly! Your spring flowers are beautiful. We did some outside work this weekend.

  17. Isn't it wonderful to be able to get out and work in the yard. Love your flowering bushes and trees, and the yard is looking great. xo Laura

  18. Your yard is looking the new shape, and the cherry and flowering cherry and crab apple trees. Hope all this rain, helps your grass, and doesn't give you gullies. :)

  19. WOW..Looking great Kelly..You've done a lot with your yard Like the design..Flowers !! Still waiting..

  20. Kelly your yard and property is so lovely!Can't wait until things start blooming around here!

  21. You have a beautiful yard Kelly. Your blooming flowers are so pretty.

  22. I get excited to head out and rake etc., once the snow is gone, then that excitement fades if the temps get too hot. You made it look fun, you can't fool me.

  23. Raking is my middle name. I know you are glad to get that back yard straight. The pine straw area looks great. I love the cherry tree. xo, olive

  24. Love the look in your back yard and your trees are so beautiful. I love seeing trees/bushes that are not native to our climate ... your Camellia bush for one.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly