Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Adding Country Touches to the Kitchen

Hello everyone!

How is your week going so far?  Mine has been very busy, but at least I'm getting a lot done.  Despite being busy, I found some time to change a few things around in my kitchen.  It was triggered by something new I got for Mother's Day.  

I got this blue and white striped rug.

It looks like a Dash and Albert rug, but it isn't!  It's from Hook Loom.  They guarantee their rugs will not fade or shrink.  They are handwoven in India.  I found their website in a magazine and decided to give them a try.  I'm very happy with it so far!  Here is their website if you want to look around.  

Now, I can enjoy it every time I'm at the sink (which is A LOT)!

So, you know how one thing changes and then there is suddenly that domino effect going on?  Well, that is what happened here.  I decided to bring in some more pops of blue into the kitchen.  I brought in some of my blue ball jars.

And I hung a grain sack beside my cabinets.

Then I spruced up the area next to my sink by removing a lamp and replacing it with an old pitcher of flowers.  

So now I have a little bit of color and the country look that I still love.

I also found this old bucket and decided to place fresh lavender in it.

It sits on top of a stool on the other side of the kitchen.

I think the warmer temps outside are making me crave a country summer look inside.

Now, if only I had an ocean and beach nearby,  I'd be set!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. It always looks so nice, Kelly!

  2. Love your bucket and the lavender! The rug and grainsack look so nice in the kitchen.

  3. Love your new rug, Kelly! You always find the most lovely accents. Everything is so pretty!

  4. Yes, where's the beach? Love the new rug and touches of blue added.

  5. Love the changes Kelly! Can I ask where you bought the bunch of fresh lavender...I've been looking for some.

  6. Love the new touches and the rug is so pretty! It's funny because I DO have an ocean and a beach nearby, and you know what??? I hardly ever go there! Lol! I'm actually not a fan of the beach...too much sand, it's hot, then the sand sticks to your skin, etc. Ha! Every once in a while, my boys will make me go with them and it's not so bad once I get there. :) Plus there's a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory near by. :)

  7. Kelley, I love your blue touches. Your kitchen is cheerful. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  8. Your new rug is all the touches of blue you have added :o) I am off to check out their site!

  9. Cute rug and touches of blue! I have an old bucket filled with lavender, too :)

  10. Love the skirted cabinet! I've always wanted to try that & I never have so simple & lovely. Visiting from Savvy Southern Style:)

  11. Luv the new rug. The touches of blue , very pretty.
    Sigh, I am landlocked as well. Nearest beach being Daytona. Someday it'll get my beach side cottage ;)
    Hugs, Gee

  12. Love your changes, Kelly, especially the rug and lavender...

  13. Looks like a picture right out of southern living!

  14. Looks like a picture right out of southern living!

  15. Looks like a picture right out of southern living!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Love your new rug...and love your kitchen too!! Your home would be beautiful with a Country Summer look.

  18. I'm LOVING the new rug Kelly! Thanks for the website! heading there now... :)

  19. The new rug is a great addition, Kelly. Your kitchen always looks lovely.

  20. I am redundant in my comments - I will say it again - I love your style.

    Love the bucket of lavender, the grain sack piece hanging by a cupboard and that rug.

    I am heading over to check out their website.

  21. Love it all but my favorite is the bucket of lavender!!

  22. Kelly, I love all your new touches around your kitchen. Great rug!


  23. Your new rug is lovely! The blue and white is just perfect.

  24. Lovin that rug....and those ball jars...swoon.....<3

  25. Love all of these little additions!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly