Monday, May 12, 2014

Dressing Up the Back Deck

Hello everyone!

Thanks to all of you who visited me over at Anita's blog on Saturday.  I was thrilled to be invited over and really appreciated your kind words in return. 

As you know, we recently cleaned and stained our back deck.  Well, after that, it was time to place the furniture back and put out some pretty flowers.  I can't tell you how much better it looks out here now!  I should've taken a "before" shot.  But, trust me when I say it was awful! 

I moved the furniture in a different location this time.  Now, our table and chairs are on the opposite side of the deck.

I borrowed two chairs from the table to make a sitting area on the other side facing the woods. We have used this so many times now!  I don't know why I didn't do that before.

The deck steps down to our little vegetable garden too.  So, everything works so well together.

I hung some flower baskets on this iron post across from the sitting area.

Don't look too closely at our grass.  It needs to be cut!  The area we seeded in grass is starting to come in nicely.

It will really take off in the Fall though when we can aerate and re-seed it.  It's a cool weather grass and is meant to be planted in the Fall.  But, we couldn't wait.

These flowers came from cuttings from my inlaws house many years ago.  I don't even know what they're called but they are the most hearty flowers I've ever seen.  I've done NOTHING to them and they bloom like this every year!

I love being able to see them outside my kitchen window too. (Pardon the sun glare.)

We still have areas that need to be planted with something out back.  So, I have plans to bring in some more knock out roses and even some lavender.  They will be seen from the back deck and through my kitchen window as well.  I'm looking forward to that.

Hope all of you had a good weekend and are having a nice Monday so far.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Plant the lavender where it gets good drainage. Herbs hate to get their feet wet. Oh, what I'd give for a view like that! Woods mean birds!

  2. The really hot temps will start to ravage our yard, so I just have to hold off until fall.

  3. I wonder if thats an iris variety? Nothing like looking at your green grass, pretty flowers on clean deck with a glass if wine.

  4. Kelly, would love to come and sit on your deck. What a lovely place you have created.

  5. What a pretty place to sit, Kelly. Isn't it wonderful to be outside again? xo Laura

  6. love those flowers. your whole yard looks lovely and I would just sit and look at it if I were you.

  7. Your deck sitting area is perfect! I'm jealous of your little veggie garden. I agree with Laura, that looks like irises out there. :)

  8. Kelly, please let me know if you get this comment...TESTING..Christine

  9. Your deck and flowers look so pretty. We finally got our porch up and running last weekend. It's about time as it's starting to feel like summertime here already.
    Mary Alice

  10. Kelly - Your deck looks like a place where you will spend a lot of time this summer. What a gorgeous view you have out back!


  11. Looking good Kelly! Make sure you plant your lavender on a hill for drainage, or make mounds and plant them in the mounds so they drain.

  12. Those yellow flowers you got from your inlaws are beautiful! I love when you come across a flower that doesn't need a lot of attention and blooms profusely. Your deck looks so fresh and clean. We spent last week power washing the back of our house with a bleach solution and it was NOT fun. Lol!

  13. Your deck looks pretty Kelly. Ours needs cleaning but that is not even on our list:}

  14. It looks like you have a nice, big deck! Love that iron plant holder!

  15. Kelly, your deck looks nice. It takes time and effort to keep things spruced up. Enjoy the outdoors. You have a pretty view.

    Just viewed your blog feature over at Anita's blog. I have been out of the loop the last few weeks. So glad you mentioned it in this post. I was trying to catch up having been off the computer and I would have missed it if you had not mentioned it.

    Have a great week.

  16. Your deck and yard are looking so pretty. Love your yellow flowers. They look like Japanese or Siberian iris. I have some purple ones, but I think they come in yellow, too. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm working on my deck, but not making much headway. :)

  17. Love the flowers and so nice that you can see them from your kitchen window. Everything looks wonderful!

  18. Your deck looks like a perfect place to relax, Kelly. I love that wall hanging over your chairs. I really would love something like that on my deck. I am envious that you have woods as your view - we did until last year when the developer came. I can't get a good look at the flowers, but could they be Stella D'oro lilies? I just planted lavender from seed, but I don't have high hopes because I think I did it too late.

  19. Very pretty Kelly. The flowers look like irises of some sort.
    Enjoy many, many happy evenings on your pretty deck.
    Hugs, Gee

  20. Love your deck!! We have a small patio out back, but our puppies seem to thing that it is just for them. LOL...

  21. Jumping in a little late - definitely not Stella D oro lillies but they do look like some type of Iris.
    Your area looks so nice!

  22. That was gorgeous!
    nice place to enjoy some iced tea.

  23. Kelly,
    Everything is so pretty and inviting. I would love to join you on the deck. Really pretty and that view you have is fabulous.

  24. Beautiful, Kelly! I love the two separate seating areas. Makes the area so sweet and cozy! :) Isn't it such a blessing to look out your windows and see the colors blooming in your gardens? :)

    xoxo laurie

  25. Your deck looks like the perfect spot to sit and relax! Love your furniture,our yard is still trying to comeback after the damage done from our porch.

  26. Could those flowers be a type of Daylilie? They really don't need a lot of work and never seem to die...just a thought!

  27. Kelley , Your deck looks wonderful. What a beautiful back yard. Your vegetable garden is about the size of ours.

  28. Looks great Kelly....the fruits of your labor really paid off....the deck looks fantastic and your flowers are gorgeous....My knockout roses are doing well, but they have to be sprayed with deer repellent often...ugh!

  29. those yellow flowers would make me smile each time I spotted them through a window!

  30. I agree with everyone who says the yellow are an iris of some kind. I have purple and if the yellow are like the purple, you can split them. Mine grow like crazy, so if you want the yellow in another spot dig up a clump and divide them out.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly