Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Living Life Beautifully Book

Hello everyone!

Well Christina Strutt has done it again!  She has written another great book showing that wonderful "Cabbages & Roses" style that she is so well known for.  She is the owner of that shop in London and author of many decorating books that reflect the style that she sells in her shop. 

Here are just a few snippets from her book.

The cover is beautiful.

This is actually a room in her shop!  It looks like you're inside a home.

This is a room in her cottage.

This is her kitchen in her London apartment.

And another room in her London apartment.

In the back of the book, I was surprised to find this!

When I opened it up, there were these post cards inside with the pattern of her fabrics on the outside.

So cute!  Hmmmm.....wonder who I could send these to?  

If you like this style as much as I do, go check out this book.  It's full of great eye candy and stories about her shop and home.  

Just wanted to share this with you.  I am not being compensated by anyone for this review.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. What a gorgeous book. Definitely my style. xo Laura

  2. I have the book and love it!!
    Mary Alice

  3. Love the cards in the back.

  4. Have missed your wonderful blog while on our trip.

    The book looks fabulous. I was looking at your previous Mother's Day tables. Sign me up...what time shall I arrive? HaHa.

  5. No, I don't like that style, I ADORE IT! I want to live in that book. It's sooooo pretty!

  6. I have some of the "Cabbages & Roses" books...but I don't think I have this one. I'll have to check it out.

  7. What a nice surprise to find those beautiful post cards in the back! It looks like a lovely book with lots of eye candy. :)

  8. I need to look for the book - the photo on the cover won me over right away.

  9. What a fantastic book, I'm going to getting this for sure. Thanks for sharing!



Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly