Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Celebration!

Hello everyone!

Well, it finally happened.  Someone in this household, turned the big 5.0.  My husband celebrated his birthday yesterday.  I made him a cake and tried to make it a festive evening (after all it was a Wednesday).  

He got lots of well wishes too.

We had pizza and cake.

But he's not so sure about this whole "50" thing.  He seemed to be very reflective on his birthday.  Which made me think I may be the same way when I turn 50 later this year.  Oh my!  Sometimes, milestone birthdays just make you do that I guess.  I think the older ones hit you the hardest.  Our oldest son will be having a milestone birthday later this year too.  Only he'll be 21.  Do you remember that one?  Now, THAT'S an exciting birthday.  Why can't 50 be like that too? 

Well, he's not done celebrating.  He will go the blade show with some friends this weekend and pick up something he wants and he'll celebrate over at his parents then too.  So, we're stretching this whole birthday thing out a bit. Maybe that will give him some time to adjust to his new age.  We have to remind ourselves that it's just a number, right?  

But, I have to admit, I kind of like the number 21 a little better. 

Well, you know what they say, youth is wasted on the young (or something like that).  

Here's to turning 50!  


May you have another 50 yrs ahead of you honey!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Oh, Happy Big 50 to Jimmy!!! Hey, better than sixty that I hit next year!!

  2. Happy 50th to your hubby!! Being a fireman I bet he's in a lot better shape than most 50 year olds!

  3. 50 is a wonderful milestone...Happy Birthday.

    The cake is so cute, and so is the hubby blowing out the candles.

    Every year...a bonus from above!!

  4. Wishing your sweet hubby a very Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Hubby. I just turn 60 just a few days ago and I have to say it was the worse one yet. I think it is more of the number to me. I really don't feel or look my age.

  6. The Big 5-0 was so long ago, I can barely remember it. Actually, I remember that my husband commissioned a friend to do a watercolor of our house. It is extra special because the house looks quite different now.

    Enjoy each day. It is now that I am mid 60s that my body is finally feeling my age!

  7. Happy Birthday your very young husband. I love your cake pretty nice. Best of lack.
    Dining Room

  8. Happy Birthday to your hubby. My oldest daughter turned 30 and I thought to myself when did that happen LOL! The 50's are not bad. I turned 56 this year and so far the ol'e body is holding me up! Enjoy this milestone.

  9. That looks like a very yummy cake, Kelly. Congratulations to your husband on his milestone birthday. My 50th is next year and I totally get that the number, whatever it is, can feel weird even if we are happy with who and where we are at in life. I try to remember that it is just a number and that really each one added means we get an opportunity for another year of life, so often what many people are denied. I hope that this year brings many blessings and much happiness to your husband and family.

  10. Cheers to the hubby! Happy 5-0! But I have to ask, what is a blade show?

  11. Happy birthday to your husband..
    and many more..
    That cake looks so yummy...

  12. Happy 50th Birthday Jim.
    Here's to another 50.
    We all remember that omg I'm turning 50..but you are as old as you feel.

  13. Happy birthday to your hubby!! Pizza and cake are the perfect birthday combo in my opinion. :) The cake you made looks scrumptious! Can't go wrong with chocolate. :)

  14. Happy Birthday to your hubby!! My hubby turned 50 in March...he says it's only a number lol!

  15. Happy Birthday to your hubby. 50 didn't bother me as bad turning 55 this year. Some places around here give a senior discount at 55... and I'm pretty sure that I just can't be a senior citizen yet. Can I??

  16. Happy 50th to your man!!! He looks great for his age. I'm only three years away from the big 5-0. How does that happen so fast?!!!? I expect to look in the mirror and see a 20 something girl staring back at me. Not wrinkles and grey hair!! : ) My oldest is 21 as well. I remember my 21st birthday like it was yesterday!! Have fun with the rest of your celebrating. Beautiful cake by the way!!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  17. Next April is 50 for me, WOW. How time flies. Happy Birthday to him!!!


  18. All the best to your husband! (Tell him he is still a Spring Chicken1)

  19. Yeah, I think I celebrated 21 a bit different than 50. I know I stayed up later for sure!

  20. Happy Birthday to your husband.Mine turned 50 in February,I still have a few years left of my 40's :-)

  21. wish your husband a happy birthday from me! my husband was 50 last september...he took it pretty well!

  22. Happy Birthday to your hubby! How exciting to be 50! When he gets reflective,you can tell him he's 50 and fabulous. :)

  23. Happy Birthday to your hubby, Kelly! The cake is beautiful! I'm with you - it's just a number, but I like the lower numbers better, too! And at this point, I'd do 50 again!

  24. Well, 50 is the new 30 and 60 is the new 40...and I am sticking to that!!!....Happy Birthday to your hubby!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly