Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Old Crates

Hello everyone!

As you probably already know, I love decorating with old objects.  One in particular is old crates.  I have a few that I thought I would share with you today.  In fact, one was just obtained recently!

All of my crates have come from the same source too -  Decor Steals.  I love it when they sell "found" objects.  

My most recent purchase just arrived!

It's an old crate used to hold grapes.

It's printed on both sides.   I placed it in the center of my kitchen table for now.

Another one that I've already shared with you before is this German beer crate.  I placed it on top of my refrigerator.

And lastly, is this old milk crate.  It is in my dining room.

I love how it is stamped on the side with the dairy farm that it is from.

It was the very first old crate that I purchased!  I've been hooked ever since.  

Do you like old crates?  I like the stories that go with them and the endless possibilities of how you can use them.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Hi Kelly, I love milk crates too. I have one I filled with hydrangeas last year. I sell them too when I can find them. xo, olive

  2. I had a few and I cannot believe ( still kicking myself) that I sold them when we were building then present home and selling the last one. What was I thinking??!!
    Luv old crates Kelly. In the old home I had the kids favourite DVD's in one, magazines in another. Towels in the hallway bath....
    I want them back.
    Hugs, Gee

  3. i do like old crates and the one's you have as so pretty. sadly I have just one...an old coke one. there are so many possibilites for these.

  4. I love old crates, Kelly and you have some really nice ones. They are perfect for so many things and I love that you can move them around when you get tired of them in one place. xo Laura

  5. Those are nice. I missed that last one on DS.

  6. What wonderful crates! I do love them too. I only have one and it is a wine crate.

  7. I really like old crates, and you have quite a collection.

  8. Great crates and they look good with so many things. Your new one is a nice size and height. Looking forward to seeing all the ways you use it.

  9. Kelly, I have loved old crates and boxes since my children were small. Somehow I always had a passion for them, and always look at the price whenever I see one, just in case it's in my price range.

  10. You have some really nice crates! I love the milk crate with the stamp on it. My mom used to have lots of those. Hmm...wonder if she still has any. :)

  11. You have some great crates, Kelly to use in your decor. They add such wonderful texture to a room.
    Mary Alice

  12. What some great crates! Love every one of them! I've sold all of mine but two right now, a small one and a large one. Got to get busy pickin' soon!

  13. Love your old crates, Kelly! I just recently signed up for Decor Steals (thanks to Kim) and if I saw one of these, I'd buy it! I don't know how they would fit into my decor, but I would find someplace for them!

  14. Amazing crates!

    Now you have me wishing I would find a crate.

  15. Love your crates!! I have several crates, but they aren't out on display in my home. I'm using them right now in my booth at my shows, but when I stop doing shows...they will be in the house for sure!!

  16. Kelly- I love all your old crates. I picked up several when a local soda company went out of business several years ago. They are so much fun to use in decorating.

    YOu have some really nice ones and have used them beautifully- xo Diana

  17. They are beautiful Kelly...yes, I love old crates...had many; however I sold them all when I moved from Florida to NC...thought I would have a totally different decor . . but gravitated back to what I love... major seller's remorse!

  18. Kelly I love all your crates. I have been looking for an old milk crate for awhile. Yours is gorgeous. They all look great.

  19. I love wooden crates too but I always buy them and then never know what to do with them!! Yours look fantastic xxx

  20. Kelly, I love all your crates and what you have done with them. I am a HUGE Décor Steal fanatic. I can't wait for that email every morning. I have purchased many items for the new house which I can't wait to use. Had to pass on a few items which I hope they bring back. Ran out of storage space, LOL.


  21. I like crates, too. I recently found a wooden bread box that my a Dad had stored years ago...he passed away in 2005, but it was like receiving a gift right from him when I discovered it in his tool shed. It is large and the type that would hold multiple loaves of bread. It's on top of my freezer in my laundry room.

  22. Hi Kelly,Beautiful color nice contrast...
    love this post because my mirror on top of my fireplace just broke and I need a new one asap you just got me to thinking about that
    A Wonderful Apartment

  23. Now you make me wish I'd bought those too :) They look great in your house!

  24. I love the crates! Especially with writing on them. You have a great collection!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly