Saturday, June 28, 2014

Italian Florentine Trays and Tables

Hello everyone!

I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far.  It is beautiful here in GA. 

I wanted to share my newest love with you.  I have fallen in love with these feminine Italian Florentine trays.

I found these at a local antique store and just snatched them up!  I love how affordable they are too.

Isn't this petite round one pretty?

It has a very subtle pink color on it.  

This rectangular one is pretty too.

It has a cream background.  

I love the painted gold on all of the trays along with the scalloped edges and detailed design in the center.

I plan on grabbing more when I see them.  Also, Etsy and Ebay are full of them!  

In addition, to these trays, I love the nesting tables.  Now, I've actually had these for years.  Every now and then, I bring them back out of storage.  I decided to bring mine back out after finding the trays.  

This makes a great little table for my glasses, coffee , etc. next to the chair. 

Look at the pretty design on top.

These tables are meant to be seen, not covered up with stuff!  

I used another smaller one beside the bench in my foyer.

I noticed that there are many different styles and color combinations of these trays and tables.  Do you have any of these?

If you have a feminine style home (like I do) they fit in perfectly!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Those are really pretty and I'm glad you brought the tables back out. No, I don't have any of those.

  2. Hi Kelly! I have not seen anything like these here in WI, but oh my, they look fantabulous in your home. You have such a knack for finding just the right thing. Have a great weekend. Jane

  3. Those trays are so pretty Kelly...LOVE your nesting tables!!

  4. Beautiful trays and nesting tables. And no, alas I have none :/ I haven't stumbled across any in gold condition of late. But inhale my eyes peeled!
    Happy weekend.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. I have a pair of these tables listed on craigslist right now, a square and an oval... They haven't sold.. maybe I should keep them. :)

  6. Not anymore. I did have a set of the tables that I sold in my booth.

  7. oops...meant to also say that I love the trays and tables in your home!

  8. Your trays and tables are so pretty, Kelly. Glad you brought the tables out of storage. They are perfect with your trays. xo Laura

  9. I have never seen trays like that, they are perfect for your house.

  10. Beautiful trays and tables, Kelly! I don't have any; but they would be awesome in my master bedroom!

  11. The trays and the table are perfect for you. Do you think someone redid the trays or they were always like that. Very pretty.

  12. Your trays and table are beautiful! I have a Florintine trash can (small) I found at a thrift store for about $2.00.

  13. I have a tray in brighter colors, but I like the softer hues of your tables and trays, Kelly. It's a good thing you kept those tables in storage!

  14. Your florentine trays are so pretty. Yes, I'm loving using florentine nesting tables around. They're often just the perfect thing for a particular spot.
    Mary Alice

  15. Kelley, The table seems to go right with the trays. Very pretty. xoxo, Susie

  16. Hi Kelly,
    No I do not have any of these trays but think I would like too! They are so pretty. Love where you hung them on the wall. The tray tables are pretty too.

  17. Your new trays are so pretty! I love all the detail on them too. Oh nesting tables...I adore them!! I also love nesting bowls. I have several sets in my kitchen and use them constantly. :)

  18. Love the trays...very pretty and they look great with your them too!!

  19. They look very gorgeous and all in different designs...they are great ideas for a good home.
    Interior Design Idea

  20. Your trays and tables are really beautiful, Kelly, and they go perfectly in your home!

  21. Those trays look great on the wall and the little tables are a perfect pick-up to them. Looks like you have a new collection started!

  22. We've had those tables at the shop before....yours look great! I've rarely seen the trays-they're a great addition to your wall space! :)

  23. Your trays and table are really pretty, Kelly, and the little tables are perfect...just the spot to set a glass of tea..with a coaster. :)

  24. I love how you used the on the wall. I have always wanted a set of nesting tables, but haven't run across any at the right price. Over the years I have had several pieces, including a hand mirror. Right now the only one I still have is in my powder room. It is a red-coral, and sits on a plate stand. I have always liked this stuff, and it has been around a long time. I think I used to have some little boxes, too.

  25. Love the tables Kelly..nice addition..Happy Sunday

  26. I have seen these for a long time and I love them. Yours are pretty and fit in your decor nicely. I would like them too.

    If I don't visit as much it is because Blog loving quit in my email I guess because I was editing my blog roll and must have hit the wrong button. Everything is gone, gone! If I don't remember the blog address I can't retype them. Ugh. I dread typing all those blogs.

  27. I love these pieces. I've had several that I've used as dresser trays and boxes for jewelry, but I've never seen a pink one! My heart is going pitter, patter. Love these on your wall.

  28. I have seen those beautiful trays and have always admired them....they look wonderful in your home!!..and the nesting tables make such a beautiful accent and statement in your rooms!..I do not have any of those trays and I will be paying more attention to them when I browse the antique shops!

  29. they look perfect together. I love the nesting table too

  30. Lovely trays,I have many of those and sometimes they end up in my shop too so keep checking back :-). Although I have taken a short summer break the shop will open soon.Love how you displayed yours on the wall too!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly