Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Best Way to Buy Meat

Hello everyone!

One of the perks to being married to a firefighter is the fact that he can cook.  In fact, my husband enjoys cooking!  In particular, meats.  With that, comes being picky about his meats too.  He prefers to buy our meat at the local meat market as opposed to the grocery store.  Why?  Because it's a better quality meat that is fresher and you can control your quantity size as well.  For example, we can buy the number of pork chops we want rather than a pre-packaged pack at the grocery store sold by weight.  

We shop here for our meats.

It's nothing fancy, but you get high quality, fresh meats here.  We buy in bulk and bring it home to freeze for later.  

We take it out of the white butcher paper it comes in.

We separate the meats by type and portion size. Be sure to have plenty of freezer bags on hand.

Then when it's all packaged it up, we load our freezer with it.

We have an extra refrigerator in our garage to store it in.  

At first, I wasn't sure if the meat would be any different than what we've purchased elsewhere, but after browning some ground round one night and had no fat to drain off of it, I was a believer.  It even broke up easier in the pan.  Everything we eat from there is much fresher than anything we've purchased at the grocery store.  We make a trip about once a month and stock up.  

So, if you're looking for a new way to buy meat, try your local meat market.  You may be surprised at the difference.

Now, what's for dinner?

Thanks for stopping by! 

~ Kelly ~


  1. I agree with you. Same goes with seafood, if you can find a good seafood market in your are (we can't, sadly).

  2. Sounds wonderful, I just need an extra freezer mine is so small I hate it.
    Maybe it's something I should consider...
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. My husband enjoys cooking too. Or maybe I should say "grilling." :) We have a local meat market that's been around for years. You're definitely right about it being fresh. I remember when we were first married, we could buy 10 pounds of ground beef (individually wrapped) at the meat market for just $10!! Now THOSE were the days! :) If I buy it at the grocery store now, I pay $5.50 a pound. Crazy.

  4. i really like buying my meat at the local farm. it is organic and the beef is 100% grass-fed. it is even cheaper than the organic meat from the chain supermaket. You are what you eat and if your cows and pigs eat GMO grains, you are eating that as well. As you do, i like to support the local farms and businesses. I would rather pay extra money to the organic farmer to keep me healthy than to pay money to the doctor to try and get me well.

  5. that's definitely a great way to buy meat. Ryan has a coworker who grew up in a farm. His parents sell beef and deer meat. I am thinking about buying a 1/4 or 1/2 cow and have them do some ground, some roast and some steaks. Then freeze it. We just bought a small freezer for the garage.

  6. That's a good way to buy meat. My husband likes to cook, too...especially grill! Aren't we lucky? Hugs!

  7. You are on to a good thing, Kelly!! Especially with it just being me and the hubby and sometimes my daughter ( who doesn't always want meat), it's great to buy it locally and divide it into portions. Sometimes I find the butcher shops (as we call them in the city) to be pretty high priced although the meat is outstanding...very little fat and cut perfectly. Costco has some great meats and we buy there quite a bit and I freeze portioned bags for our big freezer downstairs. I am still in awe of those that like their meat fresh and buy it every day and that really happens here a lot. Where do they find the time? :)

    Jane xx

  8. That's how I buy our meet too. I totally agree with your findings.

  9. I agree, there is nothing like a local butcher shop for quality meat...I have not found one that is close to me so I have to trek to Whole Foods to buy our grass fed beef...How great that your hubby loves to cook!!!
    Have a great weekend Kelly...

  10. I agree. There is nothing like the local butcher. Have a great weekend.

  11. Lucky you to have a hubby who loves to cook, Kelly! I've been searching for a local organic meat market and there are a few places I'm going to give a try.

  12. Couldn't agree more that supermarket meat is not good. We don't have a meat market nearby, only a gourmet store that sells fantastic meat, but way too expensive! Believe it or not, we buy our meat at Costco. The quality is excellent, and the price is great, too!

  13. I was thinking about joining a food co op this summer. There are many farms in our area, and some offer meats as well...pork and beef mostly. Would you believe that many of the farms here operate on the honor system?? It's a far cry from where I grew up (NY)!

    Thanks for the reminder Kelly!

  14. You know,we have a meat market not far from here and I've never been there. You have inspired me to give it a try... It can't be any more expensive than the grocery store! And if it's better quality, that would be great! Great post Kelly!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly