Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Going for a Walk

Hello everyone!

With the rain lifting, and the sun coming back out, I thought you might enjoy going on a walk with me around my neighborhood.  So many of my neighbors have been working in their yard and making it pretty.  

So, we'll start at my house.

And go down the street and back up again.  

My son and dog will join us too.

Take at look at these pretty bright flowers planted by my neighbors door step. I like how they match the cushions in her rocking chairs.

The lady that lives here is out working in her yard almost daily for hours.  She has one of the prettiest yards in the neighborhood.

I love how this house has a cobblestone walkway that leads to the front porch.

There is a nice stream that runs behind their house and under the street.

The man that lives in this house is also out working in his yard a lot.  He designed his flower bed in a scalloped shape which is unique.

This neighbor does a great job with symmetry in their yard.  Everything is very balanced.  They have a nice flat yard which makes things easier to maintain too.

And now we're back to my house.  

Maybe next time I can take you to the front of our subdivision and share the farmland that resides beside it. We often see horses and cows on our way in and out of our subdivision.  

Hope you enjoyed taking a walk with us today!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. You live in a beautiful neighborhood!!!! Everything looks so lush and green from all the rain you have gotten.

  2. That is a lovely neighbourhood, Kelly. We are by lots of farmland too but in the typical small lot builder home subdivisions common in our area. The homes are 1/2 - 1 million $ jammed on small lots. Drives me nuts lol.

  3. What a beautiful home and neighborhood. I may or may not have said this before but it sure reminds me of where my brother lived in ALabama.

  4. Looks like you live in a beautiful area...thanks for the tour and enjoy the rest of Summer:-)


  5. Thanks for taking us for a walk around your beautiful neighborhood, Kelly. I love all of the pretty yards this time of year. xo Laura

  6. Beautiful! I love the style of the houses in your neighborhood. Very different from ours which are all brick and stone.

  7. I did enjoy talking a walk with you today. Loved seeing the houses and their yards. Homes and yards take a lot of tender loving care and plain hard work. Their efforts are noticed.

  8. I love "snooping" in other yards - so many pretty gardens & talented gardeners out there. Jane

  9. Beautiful neighborhood Kelly. How nice it was to go along with you on your walk. Very pretty.

  10. I enjoyed the walk around your neighborhood. The houses are pretty, but I like yours the best. I absolutely love the idea of a creek behind the house.

  11. beautiful curb appeal all around and you know how much i love your house!

    i'm not about to post my yard...we haven't done anything all spring/summer...you'd think with my husband being a landscaper we'd have an awesome yard but noooooo...he's too busy making everyone else's yards look pretty! oh well...he'll eventually make ours pretty (this fall) when his work slacks off.

  12. Such a pretty neighborhood! I love all the greenery. Thanks for taking us along on your walk! :)

  13. Sometime I wish I could spend more time outside...It's the end of July and we just mulched the areas in our front yard. I guess better later than never

  14. I enjoy our walk around your pretty neighborhood!!

  15. Oh, what a lovely neighborhood you live in, Kelly! All the yards are so nicely manicured and landscaped. Thanks for taking us along on a walking tour with your son and dog. I hope you brought your pooper scooper along. :)

  16. I loved this walk with you!
    I wish some of my neighbors had some pride in homeownership. All they yards looks just amazing.I always try to keep up with ours even though it is so HOT to be working in my yard. Right now I am working on my back-yard in the evenings and let me say it is so hard with a baby.
    but, I won't give up . I love, love a nice yard.
    Thank you for sharing.

  17. Pretty neighborhood! It's nice when the neighbors take pride and have pretty landscapes. I like how your sub has large mature trees. Shade is a blessing when you live in a hot environment. That's pretty nice that there is a stream running through there. Looks like a pretty place to live.

  18. Pretty views Kelly! A gorgeous neighborhood. And your home is beautiful! A fun post :-)

  19. We have horses near our neighborhood. It makes it feel like we are in the country even though we're not. Your neighborhood is just gorgeous. I'd love to see more.

  20. Your neighborhood is so pretty! It is a pleasure I'm sure to take a walk.

  21. Thank you for taking us on a walk in your neighborhood Kelly. It's nice to see where other bloggers live. What lovely homes, and gardens you, and your neighbors have!! It helps give us a bigger picture of who the blogger is. Very nice!!!

  22. I think your house and yard is the prettiest, Kelly. I adore the way all of the homes are tucked among the tall, mature trees. Many subdivisions don't have that cozy feel to them - at least here in Michigan.

    xoox laurie

  23. What a beautiful place to walk. It's been too hot to walk here and I miss it. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  24. I can just imagine you having a great time walking throughout your neighborhood of beautiful homes and gorgeous well cared for gardens...love all of the pretty flowers!

  25. looove your garden pics!!! angie from germany

  26. Such a beautiful space you live in. Thanks for the tour.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly