Thursday, July 24, 2014

Orchid Beauty in the Dining Room

Hello everyone!

This week has been flying by.  I must say, though, it has been hard watching all of the devastating images on the national news lately.  Have you been following it? It seems every day, there is a new accident and tragedy to discuss.  It's hard to figure out what to make of it all. On top of that, I've been dealing with a flare-up with my Ankylosing Spondilits in my back.  It's hard to bend over or lift anything.  So, I'm trudging on despite all of the negativity around me.  I'm hoping it will all improve soon.

I've been enjoying my pretty fuchsia orchid in my dining room lately.  Remember, it used to be in my family room?  Once I made some changes in there, the orchid moved to my dining room table.  I instantly loved the pop of color it gave the room. 

I'm afraid it's blooming cycle is coming to an end soon.  It has begun dropping petals lately.

So, I cherish every day I have with it until it goes dormant.  It is my favorite orchid!

I don't think much else has changed in the room.  I'm still enjoying my branch display.

I still have blue and white dishes on display too.

I did switch out pillows in my chairs to these grey and white ones.  I love the detail on them.

The morning is my favorite time in my dining room.  The sunlight just pours in.  I have windows on two sides of the room!

So, are you getting ready for a fun weekend?  It will be here before you know it.  I will be taking it easy until my back gets better.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Pretty 9rch8d. My little one did not bloom this year :(
    Hoping your back feels better soon my friend.
    Hugs, Gee

  2. hey you! take it easy. i know what you mean about all the crazy bad stuff going on around us. depressing!!

  3. So bad your back is hurting again. I hope it's better soon. That orchid color really pops in your dining room. I can see why you love it so.

  4. Love the pretty pop of pink! Hope your back feels better soon!

  5. The room with the orchid is very serene...I love the calming colors, and that orchid is the perfect spot of color. I'm praying for better world news in the coming does seem like we are in a bad place now. My hopes and prayers are for world peace- and I hope your back is soon better. Pain is no fun.

  6. Sorry to hear about your back :(. That's one body part that we can't ignore when it's hurting.

    I love your home Kelly! It's just stunning, and the neutral colors are right up my alley!

  7. Wow! That orchid color really pops! Looks great.

    Hope your back gets better real soon. That's no fun!


  8. I hope you're feeling better soon, Kelly. There's nothing like bright sunshine coming into the house to brighten up your day! Enjoy your orchid blooms while they last!

  9. Kelly...your dining room is so pretty! Hope you feel better soon. I have back and feet problems...and being in pain is no fun.

  10. So pretty, Kelly. Hope you're feeling better soon!
    Mary Alice

  11. Kelly, I love orchids but have never gotten them to rebloom. Love the fushsia orchid. It looks great in your room.
    Sorry, you are having a flair up with your back.
    Yes, the week is passing quickly. Have a great weekend.

  12. Kelly,
    I love seeing your dining room and the orchid does really give a nice pop of color. So pretty. Hope your back is feeling better soon. Nothing worse than back issues. Take care and have a good week end.

  13. Visiting you is like walking through a wonderful magazine! Beautiful...

    Yes, the news is so depressing. Lord help us!!!

  14. Oh my goodness Kelly...I hope your back is better soon! seeing your beautiful home...and I can see why that orchid is your looks wonderful in that ironstone container...Have a restful weekend!!!

  15. Love the fuchsia orchid pop of color is amazing!
    I hope your back gets to feeling better.
    I hate it when my back starts aching.
    Thanks for always inspiring me...
    xo Marissa

  16. Your home is so pretty Kelly! I love looking at your photos! I had an orchid... I killed it. It was so finicky ...light, water, conversation .... ain't nobody (here) got time for that :-)
    I pray your back feels better soon! And yes, the news is depressing. We can all count our blessings! Have a great weekend!

  17. I know what you mean about all the depressing news lately. I really wish they had a "good news only" channel. I'd totally watch that. :) Your dining room is so pretty. That's nice to have windows on two sides. I've never noticed that decoration above your front door before. I love how it looks! Hope your back feels better really soon. It's hard to find a comfortable position with a sore back.

  18. I'm sorry you are having a flare with your condition. I don't know if I've ever heard of it before but I do have friends with lupus and RA. Their pain is often related to stress. I hope you will feel better soon. I always enjoy the way you coordinate all the different hues of white and neutrals to make everything so bright and inviting. You are so talented. Feel better soon.

  19. Flowers always brighten a room. And we are having to limit our news's so depressing and also repetitive. We are having a quiet weekend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  20. The orchid is like a piece of art in your dining room. I hope you are feeling better, Killy!

  21. So calm and serene, hope it cheers you and you are feeling better soon.
    Love your iron stone gravy boats!

  22. your dining room is beautiful. lovethecolor and simplicity of the orchid. I hope your back is feeling better soon.

  23. Kelly, Your dining room is beautiful and I love the color of the orchid. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  24. Gorgeous orchid. Do take care!,


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly