Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Union Jack Pillow Cover Makeover

Hello everyone!

The other day, I was browsing Etsy and came across some union jack pillow covers I liked.  One of them gave me an idea for a plain one that I already had.  This was my inspiration.

I noticed that the underlying part of the pillow was very similar to my own.  What made this one so attractive to me was the blue and white patterned fabric added on top.  So, I grabbed my pillow cover and some blue and white floral material.  Correction............a blue and white floral pillow cover that I bought at a consignment store and wasn't using. 

It's actually from Ralph Lauren.  I hated to cut it up, but I realized that I would like my new pillow better than this one by itself.  So it was worth the sacrifice!  

So, here is my new pillow!

Now, since I don't own a sewing machine, I just used fabric glue to add my floral fabric strips.  But, the main pillow was purchased on Etsy a few years ago and is very well made.  I like how the floral fabric makes the union jack pattern stand out now.

I placed it in my wing back chair in the sitting room.

Isn't it great when you can find a way to recreate something you saw and do it with supplies that you already had on hand?  This was an easy and fun project.  Now, I need to find something else to do with the rest of that floral fabric!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. It looks wonderful!! Can you wash it since it's glued? I keep my Bernia sewing machine out and ready to use all the time. What with mending and one thing and another I use it several times a week although I don't really 'sew' anymore!

  2. That looks amazing! It's really pretty and soft looking. A union jack pillow is on my wishlist.

  3. Oh my gosh Kelly it turned out SO CUTE!!! I just love it!!

  4. What a cute refresh Kelly. Luv it.

  5. I love that! I struggle with cutting things up too!

  6. You did such a good job with your pillow, Kelly! I adore that fabric too, so pretty!

  7. Okay...first of all I have to say that Max is absolutely adorable in that last pic!!! Sweet boy! Anyway, your new pillow looks great! Very clever of you to make your own with supplies you already had. The floral fabric strips look great and still lend a little feminine touch to it. I actually do own a sewing machine, but it's a hand me down from my mom (circa 1970)and I've never used it, but my hubby has. :)

  8. A lovely change for your pillow.

    I have reached the point in my life where I tell myself to just go ahead and use up things I have been hoarding. I might just cut up a couple of worn out vintage tablecloths after seeing your pillow.

  9. amazing Kelly...that chair is perfect for the pillow too

  10. Kelly - What a gorgeous transformation you made!

    Love the pillow even more now!


  11. Great idea,Kelly. It looks so nice on your chair.Jane

  12. I love when those creative sparks fly! Your pillow looks great, Kelly...Your blue and white fabric is so pretty, and was put to good use!

  13. Your pillow looks the blue & white fabric that you pretty!!
    I love it when I can do projects with things that I have on hand too.

  14. I love the new pillow, great idea! I used to sew but my 36 year old sewing machine died a couple years ago and I just haven't replaced it...guess I'll just create in other ways. Thanks for the encouragement on my sheet music wall, I'm getting used to it! Blessings, Cindy

  15. I love the pillows and love the blue pops of color with the jars. So sweet and you definitely caught the feel of summer in your vignette.
    Interior Design Idea

  16. I'm impressed that you did that without a sewing machine! I like the look on your wing chair.

  17. Kelly I love it! it's a beautiful soft version and looks perfect in your chair.

  18. I love how that turned out. Pretty impressive that you used a no sew technique!

  19. That is amazing! It looks so much like your inspiration! Pretty fabric... And I love the no sew.
    Have a great weekend Kelly!

  20. Cute pillow, Kelly! You did a great job! It looks great on the chair!

  21. Wow! No sewing? I am impressed. Break that down for me? Step by step, please!

  22. I love how your pillow turned out! The fabric is great...and it IS wonderful when you have all the materials and can re-use them!

  23. How creative! You did a great job-love the pillow!

  24. So adorable! A no sew project is just the kind I need, Love it!
    Great job.

  25. Super cute and I love Max's expression in the last photo.

  26. Love it Kelly and a high five for being creative and using another method besides sewing.I don't own a machine either...looks great!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly