Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Restyling the Secretary Shelves

Hello everyone!

I recently made some changes to some rooms in my house (subtle changes), which meant that my antique books found a new home.  They had been in my secretary for years!  I decided to fill the shelves with more white pitchers and blue glass. I can't get enough of these dishes!  I just realized that they are in every room in my house now!

I love the new look.  It has a clean look to it now.

The pitcher, below on the left, is a recent find.  It's ironstone.  I found it at a "new to me" antique store very close to my house.

I added my fresh lavender to an old galvanized bucket.

Here is a sneak peek of what I've been working on in another room.

Don't let this picture fool you, though, and think that I've started adding lots of color and pattern everywhere.  I'm just enjoying a touch of it here and there.  

Hope you're having a good week so far. I'm still battling my inflammation problems this week.  It has now moved on to my stomach.  I was just thinking how it's been a  long time since my last flare-up.  It makes me appreciate the days that I feel good, that's for sure!  Hoping that the meds I'm taking will get me well soon.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Very pretty! I love the ironstone mixed with the pale blue jars. I can't wait to see what else you are working on. I am feeling under the weather this week too. I got food poisoning on Sunday and it is taking me a bit to bounce back.

  2. Your ironstone collection is growing! The white and blue look great in your secretary. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Looks outstanding Kelly and I hope you get well soon!


  4. I love your white pitchers with the blue ball jars, Kelly! The lavender makes it all perfect! three of my favorite things. So pretty together.
    Great job.
    I hope you feel better real soon.
    Do you have Crohn's Disease? I do.

  5. love the changes. I just starting collecting ironstone and blue mason jars with the galvanized lids. love how they look paired together. just finished stripping, and priming a vintage corner shelf. it was painted a hideous blue so I'm painting it white with a linens and background. Need lots of cupboard space for all that ironstone. I love the gray color of your secretary and the doors are gorgeous! I've never never seen a secretary like yours. One of a kind.

  6. Beautiful styling of the secretary.

    You make me want to change some things around the house.

  7. You stay busy creating new looks. Your secretary looks great. I would like some lavender.

    The temps are great today. I am sitting on my porch so relaxed and pleasant. Wish it could stay like this forever.

  8. Kelley, I hope you are totally well soon. I like your white things. The china cabinet is wonderful too. Blessings , xoxo,Susie

  9. Your secretary looks gorgeous, Kelly. I really like how you put the beautiful lavendar in the bucket too!

  10. I sure love this look, Kelly...the colors are so beautiful! I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well...hope this flare up passes quickly...xo

  11. I like the fresh new look for your secretary, Kelly! And, of course, I'm loving your floral paintings! I can't wait to see where you've got them displayed!

    I hope you feel better soon. I've suffered with IBS (not the same, I know) for all of my adult life, and I know how painful it can be.

  12. LOVE that combination of the blue and white. Hope you're feeling better, Kelly. take it easy!

  13. Love the touches of blue Kelly. Your secretary looks so pretty. I cannot wait to see what you are doing with the pictures. Hope you start to feel better soon.

  14. Kelly I LOVE the new look...love the look of the lavender in the galvanized bucket...so pretty!!

  15. Great changes. Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Hope you're feeling better, Kelly. I love those paintings. I do love my color, but I also love my collection of white pitchers.

  17. Your secretary is so beautiful.....I love your blue seltzer bottle....any advice on how much to pay for one???? Feel better!!!!

  18. I love your pitchers in the secretary. I can't wait to see what else you are up to.

  19. Love the touches of the blue with the white pitchers. Hope you feel better soon.

  20. Your secretary is a favorite of mine, and I always like the different ways you've styled it. Looks so fresh and pretty with your newest arrangement.
    Mary Alice

  21. So pretty! Love the gray cabinet too - would look beautiful in my kitchen! Enjoy.

  22. Beautiful, Kelly ... I love how your awesome pitchers pop against your gorgeous secretary! Of course, the blue bell jars and lavender mixed in are the perfect complement!

  23. Love how you designed the secrtary with your white pitchers, glass jars and the bucket with lavender! I like the floral pictures- of course because I love color and flowers! I hope your inflammation settles down :-( That's no fun.

  24. Great new look Kelly..love the pops of blue too!!!
    Looking forward to your new project!

  25. Looks great -- and guess what? I have the mate to your "new" pitcher. I found it at an estate sale (where else) a few years ago. I had a teapot with no lid ($2 from the same sale) just like it, but I finally put it in a yardsale and made a $3 profit (yay).

  26. Always love to see that secretary!!!! Great new look. Jane

  27. Love the simple clean look-gorgeous!
    Hope you're feeling better! :)

  28. Love the clean fresh look, so light and airy. Beautiful! Hope you feel better soon.

  29. Perfectly clean look! Sorry I have not been by much as I had laptop issues, and blogging is hard over the iPad and iPhone. Hope to see you more:)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly