Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer

Hello everyone!

Are you experiencing the heatwave that we're experiencing here in GA?  I'm hearing that the temps will be cooling down next week, so I'm very happy about that!  But, the scary thing is that we're nearing August when it's going to get even hotter!  What's a person to do?  

I have a few suggestions.  

Doesn't this pool and waterfall look inviting?

Of course, we all know that eating something cold will help cool you off too.

I thought this was a pretty snazzy invention.  It's a solar operated fan in a hat.  So it not only keeps the sun out of your face, but also cools you down.

And what about our pets?  They need to stay cool outside too. 
Perhaps a pool shaped like a bone would entice them.

Or maybe a paw shaped pool, instead, would be more to his liking.

That's right.  I kid you not. There are companies that make doggie pools just like this!

So, if the heat is getting you down.  I promise there are many ways to fight it without having to stay inside all day.

But at the moment, that is sounding pretty good to me.

I still send my praises to whoever invented these!

Hope you are having a great Sunday and STAY COOL!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelley, I am loving the solar cooled hat. LOL. Hope you get some relief soon. Our AC is's 75 degrees...which I think is cool. the humidity was 100 percent this morning. :):) Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Bailey would love those pools. She would sure be a lot cleaner that playing in the pond. Maybe we need those hats for the wedding the end of August.

  3. It is triple digits in Texas!! I am sitting in our camper with the A/C cranked up on high. I'm not going outside until the sun goes down.

  4. What a cool post! You had me laughing on the solar hat and doggie pools. yes, I'm mighty grateful for air conditioning! the humidity and heat inMichigan has been in bearable the past 2 days. Stay cool.

  5. Hi Kelly,
    OMG! The doggie pools are too cute. My little basset would love a pool outside! It is going to cool down in the midwest too this coming week. The weather has been so gorgeous. Hope it cools down for you too.

  6. Can you imagine what we would do without our A/C? Oh my. Worth every penny, I tell ya. :) I actually kind of like that hat! I'm cooling down with some cotton candy flavored ice cream right now. Yum!

  7. Kelly those doggie pools are so cute...unfortunately my Neena does not like the water:-(
    Hot and humid hear in NY today too!!

  8. Happy Happy Summer Kelly...will be in Europe all of August. You need to get that pool built in your!!!!!

  9. I'm so thankful we're enjoying a cool summer! I'm hoping we can make it through without hauling out the window ac units, but as you say, the hottest month will soon be upon us. I love the dog pools!

  10. That hat is a riot! What a fashion statement that would make! lol

    Our weather here in the northeast has been unusually mild and lovely this summer. No complaints from me!

  11. The heat is just awful down here in South TX
    Today we are expecting 103 temp.
    And we are staying in the cool.

  12. Those doggie pools are so cute!...For me, when it is really hot, I stay inside and thank the inventor of air conditioning!!!

  13. You have some good ideas there Kelly I like the last one the best. Mollie has a collar that you fill with ice cubes to keep her cool. We are both winter lovers. Stay cool!

  14. There are crazy weather patterns everywhere. We were surprised to get back from Kauai and have humid weather at home. There were lighting strikes in Venice Beach the other day and someone actually died from being struck by lightning.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly