Sunday, August 3, 2014

Come Visit Me on my Guest Post!

Happy Sunday to everyone!

First, I want to let you know how much better I'm now feeling.  I ended up going to the hospital for fluids and treatment.  It made ALL the difference in getting well faster.  I'm being treated for ulcerative colitis.  Do any of you know what that is or have it yourself? I've had it before, so I knew exactly how bad it was going to get.  It's about as as bad as having a stomach flu with a fever that has no end in sight!  It is triggered by my auto immune disease that causes severe inflammation throughout my body.  It usually starts with the muscular skeletal system and then moves its way into an organ.  This time, my colon.  That is it's favorite place to take up residence!'s getting kicked out FAST now.  I'm taking steroids to kick it's fat butt.  Anyway, I want to thank you all for your kind words, prayers and well wishes while I was feeling so miserable.  I loved getting so much support from all of you, whom I think of as friends.  

But now, onto greener and hopefully prettier pastures.

I'm being featured over at Pamela's blog today for her weekly Sunday feature, called How I Found my Style! Pamela, from From My Front Porch To Yours has great style herself and always has wonderful ideas to share on her blog.  She invited me to participate and I jumped at the chance.  So, thank you to sweet Pamela for including me in this fun weekly series!  

To check it out, please click HERE.

I hope to see you over there!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Kelly, I am glad you are better. My sister had many issues with her colon. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    PS going over to check out your blog post.

  2. Yes, I have it too...So glad you are feeling better.

  3. I was just thinking about you this morning. So glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm headed to Pamela's now. :)

  4. So happy you are feeling better. That can really drain you. I saw your feature over at Pamela's and loved it. Just always love seeing your beautiful room throughout your home. Have a better day today so glad you are feeling better.

  5. So happy to hear that you're feeling much better! Heading over to check out how you found your style.

  6. i'm so glad you're feeling better. i can relate to your pain and i suffer from diverticulitis and it seems to get worse as i get older!

    i'm going over to check out your feature...keep taking those meds!

  7. I do have a friend whose husband has ulcerative colitis. So glad you're doing better...I know it's no fun.
    Mary Alice

  8. Kelly, I had no idea you had been down for the count...I am just starting to get back into a normal routine with blogging. I feel so bad for you, this really sounds terrible. Steroids are wonder drugs, they make you hungry but they are amazing for so many illnesses!

    I'm off to Pamela's. I love this feature she does and congrats on getting chosen...your style is going to be loved!

    Jane xx

  9. I am so happy to hear you are starting to feel better!

  10. So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Hope you will be back to your normal self soon! Having pain is never any all!!

  11. Sending prayers Kelly! Being in pain and sick is never fun. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit over at my place.

  12. Although I've thankfully never had UC, I know how awful it can be. Hope you're 100% soon!

  13. Hope you're feeling better Kelly. I have ulcerative colitis as well as several other autoimmune problems. Ain't no fun!

  14. Very happy you are feeling better. I'll know you are really feeling good when you rearrange something!

  15. I"m so glad to hear you are feeling better, Kelly! And I'm going to Pam's blog right now to see your feature!

  16. Oh, my goodness!!! Prayers for your continued recovery! So sorry you have been so ill, Kelly!!

  17. I am not reading posts in the right order...sorry trying to catch up.My parents have both suffered from this.I know they take meds because if it.Thankfully I have never had a problem with it.So I did not inherit it.Hope your meds continue working for you.I know it is very painful.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly