Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Real Life and Some Changes in the Family Room

Hello everyone!

I'm finally starting to feel the cloud lift around me.  My meds got straightened out and I'm hoping to feel well enough to get me through this hectic week.  School starts back this Thursday and I still have some things to do to get ready for that.  

Our garden is slowing down, but our tomatoes have been popping out like crazy!  This is the second batch full this week alone.

There's one lonely cucumber in the mix too. I've been clipping those like crazy too.  Still waiting on some more to mature first though. 

I promised last week that I would share some changes I've been working on in the family room.  

I found some pretty vintage artwork at an antique store and propped it on my mantel.

The new one is on the right.  Isn't it cute?  I've always liked floral paintings.  

I placed this peony arrangement in a burlap sack on the other side of the mantel.

And on the hearth, I placed a demijohn bottle in an old rusted wire lampshade that I found while out shopping too.  

I thought about using it on a lamp, but it's too big for most of mine.  So, I'll use it like this or even as a cloche in the future.  Lots of fun uses in store for it, I forsee!  I was happy to snag this since I've been on the look out for one.

Here is how my mantel looks now.

I'm liking the romantic look of it with a little color.

My old crate on the coffee table received a mix of old books, demijohn bottle and a sprig of greenery.  

I like the natural look of it and the texture it has. 

Do you see that mess on my sofa over there?  That's real life around here right now.  See?  I didn't even straighten it up for you.  Sorry about that.  I'm running around like a mad woman with too much on my plate this week, so I had to set some boundaries.  LOL!

And look whose all kicked back and taking it easy? At least he's out of my hair when he's sleeping.  This little guy has been keeping me good company while I've been sick.

And lastly, my other two chairs received some french ticking pillows that I've had.  Decided to mix up the ticking on the chairs with the florals on the sofa.  

So, that's it for now.  I've done some more tweaking in other areas as well, which I'll share at another time.  

I'm hoping to get back to a regular schedule around here now that school is starting back.  

Hope you are all doing well this week.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your place looks so cozy.
    Love the florals..

  2. Adorable little 'mess' on the sofa :) I have one of those as well. Too cut to edit out. Real life is wonderful.....
    Continue to feel better Kelly. I have our Bella today, and I am relaxing as she naps. Little cuteness wore GG out.

  3. Love the pictures that you found!
    It's always such a delight to read your posts. Glad that you are feeling better.

  4. Nice paintings and I love the burlap sack with the flowers. Great idea using the wire form with the bottle.

  5. Nice paintings and I love the burlap sack with the flowers. Great idea using the wire form with the bottle.

  6. Sorry to hear that you have been sick, sweet friend. I'm a little behind in my reading. Love your new finds. xo Laura

  7. Glad you are feeling a little better. Have a good week preparing for school to start. I remember those days.

    I like your florals on your mantel. Very pretty. I like the romantic look of them with a little color too. You have the vision and follow through on your ideas.

  8. I absolutely love the oil paintings on the mantel. The demijohn in the lamp shade is pretty brilliant too.

    I'm so glad you are feeling a little better. Hopefully you are on the up swing. :)

  9. Kelly, I have to say, I like your coffee table. I like the floral pictures mixed with the real flower in burlap. Very nice. Glad your meds have been straightened out, scary isn't it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  10. Your living room looks lovely…the paintings on the mantel add a little color for a nice summery look! I like floral paintings too! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. your room is lovely. really like the color you painted the armoire.

  12. Glad your feeling better Kelly! Love the way the paintings look propped on your mantel and great idea using the wire lampshade with the demijohn. Pretty changes!

  13. Glad you're getting back to your old self Kelly. It's no fun being sick. Love the ticking.

  14. Glad to hear you are feeling better Kelly. I love that wire lamp shade. The demijohn looks great in it!

  15. It always looks so good. I love the wire lampshade form. Brilliant! I am glad you are feeling better. Stay well, Kelly!

  16. The color you've introduced really adds warmth to your room, Kelly.
    Mary Alice

  17. Everything looks beautiful as always. I hope you're fully recovered soon.

  18. I sure hope you continue to feel better. And I love your beautiful mantle. It's always so hard for me to know when enough...is enough! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  19. As much as I love your pretties, the pic of your fur baby is what made me smile. I'm not surprised he's keeping you good company Kelly. That's all they want to do! lol

    The wood tray you have is very similar to one I have that I think I scored for maybe $4. It really lends itself nicely to creating vignettes.

  20. LOVE the coffee table ... LOVE the demijohn in the old lampshade - so clever.

    DON'T overdo it!

  21. Your mantel looks lovely, Kelly...and the whole room looks cozy and inviting! Love your sweet, lazy dog! Glad you are feeling better...autoimmune disease is no fun!

  22. Glad you are feeling better! I like the rustic and romantic remix!

  23. Love the floral paintings, they add such a romantic look. And great use of the lampshade! Thanks for reminding me that I have some burlap "bags" I've been meaning to put flowers in:)
    xo Kathleen

  24. I'm so glad you are feeling better. School starts early for you all. Your floral paintings are darling. I love the crate.

  25. Your little helper looks so comfy on the sofa!! Love the prints on your mantel...looks great there. So glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  26. It all looks lovely and so YOU!!!!
    Glad you are feeling better! School is STARTING???? It seems so SOON!
    I'm like you, though. I love a 'normal' schedule. I wish I HAD one! Amber will be having surgery soon so my fall schedule is up for grabs! EXCEPT!!! 25 days and a wake up and it is September 1st!!!!

  27. I love the new look! The pictures and flowers pull on the brick coloring and enhance the the corner. That's a cute idea with the lampshade frame and the Demi John. Your dog is a cutie. Our schools don't start until the day after Labor Day so this is way earlier than our area. I'm sure your schools let out a lot earlier than ours though. Good that your feeling better. :-)

  28. So glad that you are feeing better Kelly...and love all of your changes, especially putting that demijohn inside that rusty lamp shade form!! Great idea!

  29. Love the new little oil paintings on your mantle. The wire lampshade paired with the bottle is so clever and looks great :o) Your pooch is such a cutie pie!!!!!

  30. Kelly great additions and changed to this room. Love the demijohn in that metal lampshade. Burlap sac with the peony, beautiful.


  31. Good to hear you're continuing to feel better. Love the changes you made. That burlap sack is great and Max is adorable, as always. :) Love your mantel with the floral paintings. Good luck to your son on his first day back tomorrow!

  32. I'm glad you're feeling better, Kelly, especially at such a busy time for you. Your mantel looks so pretty with your floral paintings propped up there! Don't you wish you could relax without a care in the world like your dog does? :)

  33. Sorry you were not feeling well.Love your beautiful mantle....those paintings are gorgeous!

  34. Everything looks great Kelly! I love those paintings. Aren't our fur babies always great company when we are sick. So glad you are feeling better now.

  35. so sorry you have been sick but glad it's getting better. I hate to be sick :(
    I love what you did with that lamp shade! i have a really cute wire lampshade I haven't done anything with yet. I can't quite add it to the resell pile cause I really like it but I haven't found the perfect way to use it yet. I will have to turn it over and see if there is a way to use it like you did in my home!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly