Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Framed Sheet Music

Hello everyone!

Last year, I bought some sheet music at an antique store and never really used it. So, when  I ran across it in a drawer, I  decided to make use of at least one sheet!  LOL.  

It was the perfect solution for a picture frame that I wanted to use.  I had this picture, but really didn't want to use the floral in the location that it was.

So, I turned it over and pulled out the canvas from the frame.

Then I selected a piece of sheet music to frame.

And I simply placed the sheet music over the canvas and placed the canvas back in the frame.  I let the canvas be my backer.

I secured the canvas with some masking tape and that's it!


Now, it's hung on my wall in a little hallway.  I like the combination of the aged sheet music with the chunky white frame. 

Do you have any good ideas on how to use sheet music?

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. I love it, Kelly! Great idea!

  2. Pretty, Kelly!

    I just posted what I did with some antique sheet music in my last post!

    I have a whole box of it and have lots of ideas in my head for its use. I love your idea. Looks excellent.

  3. Really cool! Love this.

    A friend of mine once framed a piece of antique sheet music for a favorite song between two sheets of glass. The music looked like it was floating, and you could see the whole thing. :)

  4. Kelly, That's clever and you still have the little painting. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Hi Kelly,
    Your blog and your home are both so charming!! I just spent some time browsing through your archives - love the red plaid from last Christmas!
    Sally @cottagefix

  6. I like the look of the framed sheet music. It's different and interesting to look at. I've seen people make those wreaths out of sheet music too. Kind of the same way they make a book page wreath. There's probably tons of ideas on Pinterest. I love the frame you have it in too. :)

  7. That is beautiful and if I could find some vintage sheet music I would definitely copy your idea.

  8. How fun! I used sheet music to decoupage a rooster once...here is the link if you want to see it.

  9. Looks so pretty in that frame. There are so many possibilities with those music sheets. Mod podge?

  10. That looks really pretty! You're right. The contrast of the sheet music and the frame is really nice. If I had it, I'd probably decoupage with it.

  11. Love it...the sheet of music looks great against the white frame.

  12. Beautiful !!...you are inspiring me to drag out my vintage sheet music books and create something with them!

  13. You know... I do that with photographs, put one over another, but never thought to do that to a regular picture. Little tip - easy and smart, thanks.

  14. I love the framed sheet music! It looks perfect white the all white frames. I love that really thick frame you found, lucky girl!

  15. There's something I just love about sheet music! I love your simple idea!

  16. Great idea Kelly, love the frame. I wish so much that I saved all my moms old sheet music. She had such a collection and she was one amazing piano player. She could everything and anything beautifully.


  17. What a great idea Kelly! I have some of that paper too.I have used it to make Christmas ornaments :-)

  18. I am a musician, so of course I think this is neat!!!
    how about if you cut the music in the size to fit a printer, and printed a script initial onto the music. That would look cool in your frame too!!
    Blessings to you,


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly