Friday, August 8, 2014

Platter Collection

Hello everyone!

This week has been a crazy one!  I've been getting my son ready to go back to school and he is now already on his second day back.  There was shopping to be done, lunch food to be planned and supplies to be labeled.  There was an open house to meet his teachers and find his classrooms.  I'm SO glad that this week is over and now things can begin to fall in place easier next week.  

I wanted to share another "tweak" I did on a wall in my foyer.  You may recall I only had a couple of platters hung, but decided to expand on that on this wall. 

I opted for some different shapes to make it more interesting too. 

This wall has always given me fits because it's in a narrow space and a door opens into it.  So, I'm limited on what I can put here. 

But, I'm liking the grouping of platters for their pleasing shape alone.

I already had these, so I didn't have to purchase any either.

I added some more of my vintage leather books in my foyer too.  Remember I took them out of my secretary recently.

I'm liking the warmth of the leather against the pale blue chest.
And of course, a little candle light never hurt either!

We have been getting some much needed rain lately too.  I hear it thundering off in the distance right now.  Everything was so dry here this week, so I'm thankful for the rain (for a change).

Hope you all are having a good Friday so far and have a nice weekend planned.  We may try to go see that new movie, called Into the Storm that just came out today. 

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Decor Steals had white platters yesterday - where these from there?

    I see they aren't showing today.

    That look is perfect in your hall there - hope no one's shoulder bumps them - I could never trust my family with them. : - )

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Lovely considered home, sadly it will require a lot of baby proofing. Love the light and volume of the space. Thanks for the peak inside this home.

  3. I love the look of all the platters on the wall! You have some pretty ones too. I'm also still loving the lamp on the blue chest. I bet you're glad the first week of school is over. It's always the most stressful with all the open houses, etc. Oh, by the way, I watched the movie "Labor Day" on netflix last night and loved it! Thanks again for the recommendation!

  4. Luv the platters on the wall Kelly. Beautiful shapes!
    S I type we are getting some loud rain as well. a desperate need as we have had none in over a week.
    Relishing the sound of the thunder crashing over head.
    Happy weekend.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. It makes a lovely hall display. The shapes are perfect the way you arranged them. I love the look from your hallway to the living room...beautiful.

  6. I love white platters. I only have a few. But your display is very pretty!

  7. You can never have too many pretty platters. I have quite a few white ones and use them as trays in several different spots. I'd put them on the wall if I had a spot. :)


    oh sorry for the caps...


  9. Beautiful plates Kelly! Love your table too!

  10. School starts early where you are. Have a restful weekend after all that prep. Your platters are darling.

  11. You know I'm crazy about white, especially ironstone. Love the way you are using these pieces for wall art.
    We soooo need the rain.

    Have a great weekend.

  12. Love love this Kelly. Very pretty. Love the leather books on the entry way chest. Looking good.

  13. Love how the white platter collection look against the pretty wall beautifully displayed:) And the vintage books look beautiful on your foyer chest...lovely blue lamp shade!Hope your weekend is better than your week. Enjoy the movie! ~hugs, Poppy

  14. The platter wall looks great Kelly. I remember what it was like when school started, having 4 boys. I remember loving it when school ended for the summer, because the crazy schedules ended. I also remember how happy I was when school started again, so there would be some

  15. Love the platers on the wall. And I'm loving the pale blue chest!! School doesn't start here until August 26th. We are heading out to The Endless Yard Sale tomorrow. Hope you have a great weekend.

  16. I've got a few places in my house that give me fits. I think you figured out a great solution for yours. It looks terrific! And before I read what you wrote, I was thinking how fabulous the brown books look on your blue chest.

  17. Your platters look sooo good in the hallway, and I'm loving your old books on the chest. Hope you get a little time to relax this weekend.

  18. Your home always looks so warm and inviting! Love the platters and the different shapes.

  19. Love the old books on the chest. Adds some color and texture. Hope you enjoyed the movie.

  20. Love the platters! What candle are you burning?

  21. Hi Kelly...I love platters hung on a wall and yours are lovely...great shapes...I have them hung all over including on my kitchen windows...a little strange but I think they look great.

  22. The platters look great Kelly and I love the new vignette on your hall chest!

  23. Your platters have very interesting shapes Kelly, and putting them on the wall is brilliant!

  24. Love the platters hung on your wall! (I have, and just hung, the very same platter on the bottom right in our dining room). I love that you used different shapes, too! I hope your kiddo has a great school year!

  25. I love your decorating style! The platters look perfect in the hallway. I like that they are all white and soothing to the eye. Your pale blue desk has an amazing patina, love it!

  26. I would love to gather a great platter collection such as yours!...and love the texture and color of the books on the table...the vignette looks so very cozy!

  27. The plates look lovely on that wall! And I'm with you on the candles :)


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly