Friday, September 12, 2014

A Rustic Vignette

Hello everyone!

It seems like this week just flew by.  I can't believe it's already Friday.

 I thought I'd share a new vignette on my chest in the foyer.  It works well with my neutral decor but also for the upcoming Fall season.  

Remember, I used to have this old crate on my coffee table?  After I moved the trunk in it's place, the crate moved to my foyer.

I filled it with antler racks and a trophy cup filled with feathers.

I mixed pheasant feathers with turkey feathers.  I love the turkey feathers because of all the white in them. The pheasant feathers were found at Hobby Lobby many years ago.  I found the turkey feathers recently on Etsy.

I placed the lamp, that was once beside my bed, on the chest too.  It has a warmer look than the blue and white lamp that was here before.

The faux lavender in the olive bucket was replaced by white hydrangeas.

It's all a nice blend of rustic outdoor items that bring warmth to the space.  The blue chest keeps it from being too bland.

So, do you have any plans this weekend?  We are supposed to get cooler temps soon.  I can't wait!  I'm hoping to begin some outdoor projects once that happens.

Have a great weekend!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I love decorating with vintage trophies! And feathers make it even better:)The lamp color mixes well with the more neutral palette and the dresser color really pops. Beautiful! Have a nice weekend.
    xo Kathleen

  2. so pretty! Love the dresser colour.

  3. Great vignette....very pretty!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  4. Very pretty vignette Kelly. Love the Turkey feathers too. Have a great week end.

  5. It all looks so nice, Kelly. I LOVE the finish on that chest of drawers. The finish AND the color!

    I wish I could send you some of our cooler weather. We have a high of 50 here today. xo Diana

  6. The blue with the wood box is wonderful. Love the feathers, too! Jane

  7. Your crate is great - ha ha, I rhymed! It all looks beautiful together and it's a really nice transition for fall!

  8. great looking vignette kelly and i'm in love with your blue chest...let's hope fall hurries up and gets here weather-wise so we can enjoy some cooler temps.

  9. Everything looks so nice! I love those trophy cups! They're such a versatile piece. The feathers are a nice touch too. I love that you can find pretty much anything on Etsy these days. We don't have a lot of plans for the weekend. It's supposed to rain, so I'll probably stick close to home. I can't wait for cooler fact, I have some pumpkin bread in the oven as we speak. :)

  10. Picture perfect Kelly...I love it! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Your wonderful crate is perfect for fall...the trophy is fabulous...everything together adds the best kind of warmth for the cooler temperatures.
    Mary Alice

  12. It's not something I would normally think of, but I love the feathers in the loving cup/trophy! Great!! Really nice vignette! Blessings, Cindy

  13. Love the way the rustic crate looks on the blue chest! A wonderful Autumn look!

  14. I really love that crate and I know how versatile it must be. And you are tops when it comes to moving things around. The feathers are a nice touch. I find swan feathers here at the lake all the time (and they are loooong), and I did have some displayed for awhile in a vase. I thought they were pretty.

    Isn't it fun to decorate for must have something to do with not only nesting, but that we are getting back to nature in a lot of ways.

    Happy weekend. It's cold here in Michigan (at the lake) and I plan to do some de-summering tomorrow!

    Jane xx

  15. Your new vignette looks great. I love the feathers and the old trophy cup.

    We are having friends over for dinner tonight and Sunday I might tweak a little bit of fall on my front porch.

  16. That is a lovely vignette on the pretty blue dresser. I too love a mix of neutrals with blue and you do it so well. We had our hottest week of the summer for the first week of September and then cool weather this week (cold at night.) I'm enjoying a few projects around the house this weekend and this morning I went on a road trip about an hour away with my sil to deliver some pieces to a great furniture consignment/decor store. Hope your weekend is good too.

  17. I love the wood crate on top of your painted chest, Kelly, and the feathers add a nice autumn touch inside your trophy cup. We've already been hit by frost the past 3 mornings and I had to turn on our heat because our house was a chilly 56 degrees yesterday morning! I'm definitely in the mood for autumn decor now! Have a great week!

  18. I love the vintage trophy filled with feathers! And your crate looks perfect there ... another beautiful vignette!

  19. I like the grouping of the feather, antlers with the silver and with the wooden crate. It's nice and inviting. We had cooler temperatures and were able to finish the upper deck painting!!! I am glad that part is done.

  20. Love the gathering on the painted pretty!! Fall is here in Ohio. The highs over the weekend was in the middle 60's.

  21. Crates like that are so versatile, and no one does it better than you Kelly!

    Love the color of your dresser too. Right up my alley!

  22. Always love your "vignette change-ups"...Looks perfect for Fall!!!

  23. Looks beautiful, Kelly - just right for the upcoming early Fall season. We finally have a little cooler weather this week - so nice!

  24. Hi Kelly! It looks beautiful. Love each element. Great color combination of the painted dresser and the more natural-toned lamp.

  25. Love it Kelly! Looks beautiful especially with that awesome crate!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly