Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Curly Willow

Hello everyone!

Remember, I said I would show you what I bought at the Yellow Daisy Festival last weekend?  Where this is what I bought.

Curly willow!

I know you are probably laughing right now because most people, that go to a festival where things are handmade, don't come back with something like this.  But I did!  This sort of decoration fits my decor perfectly since it's all natural and has lots of texture.  That is something I need with a mostly neutral color palette.  

I bought two bunches of it and it was a VERY good price!  I did not have any except a few sticks from another bundle I bought years ago and it wasn't as nice as this.  So, I'm very happy to have this!   As you can see, I simply placed it on both ends of my mantel.  I think it looks great for Fall too.

Now, the festival I'm REALLY looking forward to is the Country Living Festival!  Unfortunately, I have to wait about six more weeks for that one.  I promise to come back with more than just curly willow from it too.  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. You dont have to wait. Hop on a plane and come to Columbus this weekend. I can pick you up and you can stay with me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would LOVE to go to the Country Living festival. Never anywhere close to me. Love your curly willow. Looks perfect in that spot!

  4. I'd love to go to a festival Kelly! Your branches are beautiful! I see why you like them. Perfect for fall too. Have a great evening. The weeks half over already.

  5. The branches are beautiful and look perfect on your mantel!

  6. That sure is a nice find! I think the curly willow looks wonderful on your mantel. It's great for Fall, but I also think it would work perfectly for year round decor. I bet you'll have a blast at the Country Living Festival! So many goodies there!

  7. I totally see why you bought looks gorgeous and it's so YOU (and me!!).

    The hubby and I have talked about visiting Atlanta from Asheville (Is that where the CL thing is at?) Maybe some day!

    Jane xxx

  8. The curly willow couldn't be more perfect there, Kelly! It was the right thing to buy!

  9. It looks very pretty - and if that's what you bought, and it made you happy, then it was the perfect thing!

  10. peeeeerfect for fall too!!! I love branches of all sorts!!!!

  11. The curly willow looks great on the is such a versatile decorating element...can be used all year round....great purchase!!

  12. The willow looks great! I have some that I bought last year. Haven't brought it out yet, though. I like it on your mantel. I wish we had festivals like that around here!

  13. You are my kind of gal! I LOVE curly willows. So much so that I planted two of them in our front yard. We call them the Twisted Sisters!

    I'd say you made a GREAT buy there and they look lovely on your mantle. xo Diana

  14. It looks beautiful on your mantle....I would have bought it too! I wish there was a Country Living fair close to me!!!!! I can't wait to see what you find there this year :o)

  15. Love your curly willow! I would love to go to the Country Living Fair, but I have a show this weekend. The Country Living Fair is less than an hour away from where I live. It is one of my favorite shows to go shopping at.

  16. I love your mantel, mirror and armoire! Not to mention the textured coffee table. : ) Have fun at the Country Living fair! ~julie

  17. i went to the daisy festival when i first moved to atlanta 18 years ago. is it any good? Looking forward to country living.

  18. It looks great on your mantel, Kelly, and it is perfect for fall. I went to the Country Living Fair in Columbus, Ohio once ~ I think you will really like it!

  19. Looks great on your mantle! I bet you will find many uses for your curly willow. Looks like there was lots to see. The metal pumpkin looked mass produced.

  20. I love curly willow. I probably would have come home with that too. It is perfect for fall!

  21. Kelly,
    They looks great. I love the texture it adds to the mantle. I bet that country living show by you is so great. So wish I lived closer. Have a great rest of the week.

  22. I love the shape and texture of the curly willow against the gray backdrop, Kelly!

  23. Love what this does for the mantle and all the other touches you have going on. Enjoy the Country Living Fair. Sure you get some great items.


  24. I really like curly willow. It is a perfect natural for fall and winter.
    I can't wait to hear about the Country Living Festival.
    Have fun.

  25. I love your "sticks" and they fit perfectly in your house.

  26. Love how simplistic and pretty that looks Kelly!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly