Friday, September 5, 2014

My Basement Storage Room

Hello everyone!


Are you as happy as I am that it's Friday?  Well, I guess it's almost over, but I'm thrilled that the weekend is finally here anyway.

My husband and I worked hard all day cleaning out our basement and garage.  It was a messy job but so glad that it's done.  We ended up taking things to the dump, and Goodwill.  I also have some things that will be heading to the consignment store soon. 

I took some pics of my storage area just to show you how awful it was.  This is where all my home decor "extras" and holiday decor gets stored year round.  


Doesn't it look like an explosion went off?  Or...........a scene from TLC's Hoarder show?  

The holiday stash is all in the back and isn't a wreck.  It's the front part of the room that's a disaster.  So, that is what I worked on today.  

I could hardly walk in here from everything taking over the floor space.  It was time to get it off the floor and onto some shelving.  

Notice we have a dehumidifier in there.  That has been the BEST thing we've ever bought for our basement.  No more mildew!  

 Are you ready to see what it looks like now???  


The most important thing is to get things up on shelves and I treat them like a store.  I try to place "like" items together.  All containers, vessels, vases together.  All baskets together.  All plants together etc.  That way, when I'm looking for something I know right where to find it.  It really is like going into a mini-mart down there.  

There is another storage area just beyond this space, but it is still a wreck.  My husband uses it for his camping and fishing stuff.  So, he's got some work to do on his side.  

The very best part though, is the storage under the basement stairs that I am now using to store all of my faux flowers in.  Now, I don't have them strewn in the middle of the room anymore.  I have a little space just for them.

We even hung a clamp light up so I could have light under there.  I love this little space!  I still need a few more containers to separate my flowers, but other than that, it's done.

I'm a organizer by nature, so to have this space cleaned up and organized makes me very happy!  

There is another small area, to the left of these flowers, that I store small furniture pieces and artwork.  I forgot to take a pic of that.  

I couldn't live without a space to store all of my "extras".  This really helps me when I make changes to my home as you know I do a lot!

Where do you store your extra decor and holiday items?

~ Kelly ~


  1. It's so organized. I have one bigger closet that I store seasonal things. Right now I have great storage for my craft things......that will not be the case when we move. I will miss it.

  2. It looks great Kelly. I want to come shopping in your storage area in the basement. Looks like HomeGoods. Great job.

  3. lucky you kelly...i'd give anything to have a basement or big storage area like this so i could see what i it is now, stuff is the attic (my husband HATES going up there); in 2 storage buildings in the backyard and a few things down in the house in the country...every year i say i'm going to get organized but here were are again almost to the end of another year and it's yet to get done...but you can come organize me! (LOL)!

  4. Oh my goodness! I remember long, long ago when people would win a shopping spree - anything they could fit past the finish line in like three minutes. WANT to win that for your basement! :) What cute things! Your organization is inspiring! I'm not an organizer by nature… but love things organized (don't we all?!). Thanks for sharing and happy weekend! ~julie (near Seattle)

  5. Can I go shopping in your basement? I see a few things for pickin'. Wow, what a great space you have.

  6. Your basement looks great. Most California houses don't have basements so I can't imagine having all that space beneath the house. We do have an attic that looks worse than your before. I am actually starting work on it tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Great job, Kelly. It does look like a shop of wonderful things. Could you come over and do my garage now. I think a bomb went off in there. :)

  8. I still need shelves. Oh, will that day ever happen? Yours is so nice and organized and I know that has to feel good. I love the flower shop nook!

  9. It looks great Kelly, there is plenty of room for all of the goodies. Great job!

  10. I was going to say it does look like a shop!! did a great job....I remember Christopher Lowell said that we should always have a space like that for "merchandising" !!...Have a great weekend!

  11. Looks great and I know all about doing this as I recently did the same. It feels god to get it done doesn't it! I love to shop my home and this makes it so much easier!

  12. Wow
    Did you build the wood shelves for your stuff? I don't have a finished basement so I hate going down there. It's all musty and spider webish. Yuk. I really need to get down there and organize.

  13. You did an amazing job! I would love to have storage like that for my extra decor! Mine get shoved whereever I can find a spot for it. I just don't have the space to keep it all together.

  14. Kelly...this is just fantastic! it looks like an aisle in Michael's! The humidifier is a great idea, too. I have been wanting hubby to help me get started on our basement, summer is the time to do it, at least here as we will have to lug so much out to the trash (not fun in cold temps and snow!).

    You are going to have a better eye for making your changes in your decor and some pretty vignettes. Good for you!!!

    Jane xx

  15. Very organized! I can see you worked hard and it paid off! Soon you can pull it all down and make more beautiful vignettes with them! Great job!

  16. Awesome, you wanna come do my two storage areas......LOL

  17. Awesome, you wanna come do my two storage areas......LOL

  18. Kelly, you would "die" if you saw our apartment storage area on the balcony. It's enclosed, and would hold about three "Caskets". HaHa.

    But I love where we are..and it was worth the downsizing.

    Love your basement...that would be a dream to have.

  19. Your basement looks great. I would love to have a basement. What wonderful storage.

  20. That is a great space, Kelly, I have two large shelving units in our basement furnace room, just not as much decor as you do. I would love to shop your greenery, flowers and baskets -so pretty!

  21. Oh, you're so lucky to have that storage space! I have to keep most of my holiday decor and extra decor items in my master bedroom closet. It's a mess in there too. :) I love how you have a little flower shop section! I bet it makes it so much easier to decorate when you can just go in there and "shop" for items. You have it organized so nicely!

  22. Your storage space really does look like a shop, Kelly! What a great space! We don't have basements here; so, I just use the space under the staircase. Yours looks great!

  23. Holy basement eye candy! ! Me wantie your basement Kelly! You are so lucky!

    We have been working on building a storage area under our deck but it won't be anything like your basement. (Nevertheless I'm excited about it.)

  24. Oh my gosh it looks wonderful! You have your own little store to shop at. My attic is where I store things ... it looks terrible at the moment! I need to get rid of some things!

  25. Wow, it is gorgeous, all I need is a shopping cart, it's like the store of my dreams! Great job!

  26. Is your shop open for business??I can see lots of candy that I would , to be so organized looks great.

  27. You've got the perfect set-up for storing your seasonal decor, Kelly! My stuff is all in bins on shelves in the basement. I need to change them out to clear bins so I can see at a glance what's inside each one. I like how you've stored your silk flowers so they don't get flattened.

  28. Kelly...your storage area looks great! We have a storage room off of the laundry room in our basement. I have my extra decor stuff there and all my crates filled with the stuff that I make to take to my shows.

  29. I was going to say it looks like a store, and one I'd like to shop in! I have no where near the amount of decor stuff as you do, but I started a project last winter to organize it better (also in the basement). I've got most of it done, and the rest will be tackled this fall. You inspired me to finish!

  30. You are so lucky to have a basement. We have no basements in CA. My garage is my storage area and it looks like a bomb went off in it. I need to de-clutter and give stuff to SA. Yours looks wonderful - almost like a craft store. It will be so easy for you to change things up.

  31. Good for you!! That's a lot of work!! Looks like you have so many goodies. We're in the process of cleaning out and organizing as well. Our garage looks so much better!! : ) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!

    ~ Wendy

  32. Looks great, Kelly! I too LOVE organization. It makes it easier to work.

  33. Oh my!!! Your storage area looks awesome, Kelly!!! I live in a chalet type no storage here, except for a couple of small closets, and bins in the garage.
    You did a fine job on organizing your things!!

  34. Like everyone else, I want to shop your basement!! Mine looks like the 'before' of yours on steroids...I need some serious organizing skills there!

  35. Hi Kelly, hope you have had a great weekend now that it's almost over:( Your storage area looks great now! I have the same type system, LOTS of shelves but right now I need to do what you did and get everything OFF THE FLOOR that has been dumped there all summer. Today Joe and I tackled the garage. Thanks for showing us how you organized.

  36. WOW!!! I am so impressed!!! You have such beautiful things and a great way to store them so you can SEE what you have!! My seasonal things are in tubs and bags and stored in the attics of both the house and the storage building. The fall things live in the house attic while the Christmas and other seasons live out in the storage attic. We don't have basements here - and if we DID - we would probably turn it into a ROOM!

  37. Kelly, I want to shop in your basement...on my way

  38. I'm so envious of your indoor storage space..with lights. Now, you've inspired me to tackle my shed with NO lights, and reorganize my seasonal "stuff"...when it gets cooler.

  39. You could open your own shop. lol. It's nice to have things organized

  40. Wow...I LOVE this type of organization...and now I'm going to pin it and put it on my bucket list. Nice job of organizing. Shopping will be FUN. :) And budget friendly...

  41. You did a great job! Wish my storage looked like that!

  42. You did a great job! Wish my storage looked like that!

  43. You did a great job! Wish my storage looked like that!

  44. I think I need to come and "shop" your storage or at least show it to my husband so he will see I don't have everything!
    Your photos of Yellow Daisy reminded me of the day my friend and I went this year. Fun times! I hadn't been in forever!
    Last, I will be attending the Country Living Fair for the first time ever. Can't wait. Retiring has it's advantages! Maybe I will bump into you there!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly