Monday, September 8, 2014

Yellow Daisy Festival

Hello everyone!

This weekend, my husband and I went to the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain, GA. They've been having this festival for 46 years now!  And do you know what?  I've...never...been!  They basically started this festival when I moved to GA (I was 3).  My husband didn't even realize that I've never been.  So, what's a sweet husband to do?  Take his wife!  So, that is what he did.  

I had him take some i- phone pictures to share with you today.  I purposely didn't take my camera because they frowned on picture taking here to protect the artists creations from being stolen (I guess).  Hopefully, someone won't be coming to my door now to arrest us for taking pictures.  LOL!  

All of the vendors sell homemade wares.  So, nothing sold is mass produced.  

Luckily, most of the vendors were set up in the shade.  It was extremely hot and crowded though.

Here are a few pics of things that caught my eye.

Sorry, these pics aren't the greatest.  They were taken (secretly) and among many people.  So, it was hard to get a good shot.  

This festival was held in the same location that the Country Living Fair was held last year and I can't wait to go to that one again next month!  I do like the Country Living Fair better.

So...........wondering if I bought anything?  Yes, I did!  But, you know I'm going to have to share that with you in my next post.  Go ahead and throw something at the computer now.  LOL!  

Hope you're having a good Monday so far.  (Ugh.......Monday's) 

~ Kelly ~


  1. That fair looks great..and surprised you have never been!...glad your hubby took you...I think I could have bought some things there too!....Looking forward to your goodies!

  2. How sweet of your hubby to take you to the festival! It looks like they had some good stuff. I love the pumpkin decoration on top of the scarecrow! We've had a few festivals here too, but it was just too hot to attend. I'm looking forward to the ones in October and November. And yes...ugh, Mondays! I've got so much on my to-do list, I'm not even sure I'll get it all done. :)

  3. Kelly...I've been to this show many years ago. We have family that lives down in GA and we all went to this show while visiting them on a vacation.

  4. It looks like a fun day, Kelly, but I bet you can't wait to hit the CL Fair! I'l check later to see what you found. Have a great day!

  5. I have never been either! It was really sticky yesterday. Hoping it is way cooler for the CL fair.

  6. Looks like a fun festival Kelly! I just adore homemade items...and there are so many cute things. Love the signs and the colorful paintings. Hope you have cooled down a little, we finally did up here in the northeast. Have a great week!
    XO Barbara

  7. Looks like fun. The CL Fair is here this week-end. I can't wait.

  8. Looks like a fun trip Kelly. I cannot wait to see your new treasures.

  9. Looks like a fun trip Kelly. I cannot wait to see your new treasures.

  10. Kelly, what a fun festival. I would have bought that sign "Born to Fish" for my SIL.

    Love to go to festivals.

  11. A fun day! I love homemade stuff. We don't have anything like that in our local area. So sweet your hubby took you and secretly took photos. Have a great day Kelly!

  12. Would you believe, I've never been there either. Looking forward to seeing what you found there. :)

  13. Looks like a very fun fair in a beautiful location, even though it was so hot. So many creative people there too. Did you find anything you just had to bring home? :-)
    Mary Alice

  14. Looks like a great time and I can't wait to see what the purchase was.


  15. How fun!

    I saw a few things I might have bought.

    We have the Strawberry Festival and the Salsa Festival right near us and I have never been - too many people in one place!

  16. Looks like a fun day even though it was hot..Sneaky you!! The picture police will be after you..

  17. What a beautiful day! I see lots of beautiful treasures!

  18. Hi Kelly...LOVE that scarecrow!!
    Looks like a fun show. Can't believe your husband went with cool is that??!!
    Have a nice week.

  19. I would have had a BALL there!!! I really appreciate getting to see the pictures! Next best thing to being there!

  20. looks like fun and I can't wait to see what came home with you!
    Sally @cottagefix

  21. This would look like so much fun! I would love to go to it!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly