Monday, October 13, 2014

Vintage Wicker Trunk

Hello everyone!

Last January, I found an old wicker trunk at an antique store and even shared it with you on my blog.  It caught my eye because of it's size and age.  I remember the price being reasonable for it too.  But, I didn't get it because I didn't really have a place for it.  Fast forward about 9 months later, and I stumbled upon it again at the same store.  Only this time, it had been heavily marked down!  Well.......this time I just couldn't pass it up.  I thought I would just have to find a place for it.  It ended up replacing the wicker trunk that I got from Ikea.  And that trunk moved to another location.

The reason it replaced the Ikea trunk was because it is bigger.  

Also, this trunk is a bit heavier, so it stays in place better.

It has nice woven handles on each side.  The inside is even lined in a light weight muslin!

I'm very happy with it and glad to have more than one wicker trunk now. 

 I love the extra storage they provide and many places they can be used.

Do you like wicker trunks too?

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. What a great find....and it is such a good size too! I wish I had room for a trunk like that since we have so little storage around here. It looks fabulous in your family room :o)

  2. i love trunks and i have the Ikea trunk you mentioned. when my daughter, sister and i were at the country living fair last year we stopped in at ikea on sunday and i almost picked up another one but we didn't have room for it in the i wish i had just strapped it to the top of the car!

    i have a mini-trunk for the grand kids' toys in the sunroom i picked up several years ago at a flea market for around $6 and it's pretty big! i need to clean it out and use it since the kids don't play with those toys's all electronics now!

  3. That is a gorgeous trunk! I have a few smaller ones, but would love a big one like that for toy storage at the lake. Trunks like that look so beautiful in a room...and so nice it was marked down for you, too!

  4. Oh that is a great trunk! What a fabulous find. I love trunks, especially wicker trunks! That is wonderful...what great storage and a great feel for your home...

  5. Love it - and so great to get a good deal!

  6. Kelly I LOVE wicker trunks!! Last year I replaced my coffee table in our living room with a wicker trunk from Pottery Barn and love it! I've been on the hunt for an antique one but haven't found any around here yet. Love the way yours looks!!

  7. What a great piece!! How lucky for you that is got marked down! It looks so awesome in your home!

  8. Yes, I like wicker trunks and I love yours. I do wish I had the space for one.

  9. Plus it looks amazing with your sofa!

  10. I love it. It is just gorgeous. I don't have a wicker trunk but I love trunks for a coffee table. You are right, so much storage.

  11. Your wicker trunk is fabulous, Kelly! I love the texture and warmth it adds to your room. Great storage too.
    Mary Alice

  12. That is reall beautiful. I really like the size and the handles on the sides. It pays off to wait.

  13. I love wicker trunks and it looks like you got a good one! The larger size is great for storage. I'm finding more and more that we could use a lot more storage around here. Or maybe I just need to quit buying things. No...that's not it. We definitely just need more storage. ;)

  14. Hi Kelly,
    I love all things wicker and love your wicker trunk. It is great for storage I am sure and it looks so nice with your slipcovered furniture in the room. Very pretty.

  15. I LOVE Wicker trunks...and this one is a GREAT size and in excellent condition. It looks great in your room. I wonder if you put a piece of that rubbery "waffle" stuff like you put under throw rugs if that would help to keep it from shifting? That is one of the problems with hardwood floors and I have issues here, too. xo Diana

  16. I have the same trunk in storage.. this post makes me want to grab it.. but like before, I still have nowhere to put mine! I love them with a large bread board on top !!

  17. I love them too. Beautiful storage pieces. xo

  18. So very pretty and the practicality is such a bonus..looks great in the room Kelly!

  19. What a perfect find. It goes so well with your sofa. Don't you love it when you wait on something and it gets reduced. :)

  20. I love wicker anything, but your big trunk is exceptional! It adds just the right amount of texture to your room, and the storage space is a nice bonus. I guess it pays to wait!


  21. What a great wicker it! I have a wood trunk that my hubby built many years ago in front of our sofa.

  22. What a wonderful find! I could definitely find a spot for it in my home!

  23. Yes, I do love wicker trunks! I love when that happens - you ultimately get the thing you wanted at a greatly reduced price - it was meant to be yours! It looks great in front of your sofa, Kelly!

  24. That's a great trunk!!!
    What's not to love about the look AND great storage space?? That's always a Win! WIN!

  25. Love this look! And the woven basket weave trunk is a perfect choice blending with all things French in your rooms space.
    It's rustic feel adds all the right kind of rightness to your home.

    I love the look!


  26. Hi Kelly, I just LOVE your vintage wicker trunk! It adds so much character to your living room! Great find!

  27. What a find Kelly and it looks perfect in your home!

  28. Love trunks of all kinds! I have a wicker one in my bedroom. My MIL gave it to me 20+ years ago. It's a bit on the orange side but I don't know what color to paint it. Maybe gray. They're great for storage. Don't you love when something you like crosses your path twice AND it's marked down! Woo hoo!!!

  29. I guess that lovely trunk was meant to be yours, just like the scale! You've been very lucky lately Kelly!

    Trunks are decorating workhorses. They're pretty (most of them), and extremely functional. I don't think I've ever seen one exactly like this one with the handles. Nice!

  30. Love the trunk! I would love one just like it for our living room… Your whole room looks beautiful!!

  31. Love your new trunk! I do love trunks and am looking for a larger one. mine are rather small. They add so much texture and storage!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly