Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Sweet Gift

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, while it was stormy and raining cats and dogs, the sweetest package arrived at my door.  It brought a ray of sunshine to my home at just the right time!

My sweet blogging friend, Lisa from Texas Decor sent me this cute little tweed pumpkin.

She packaged it so cute too.  

I walked around with it to decide where to place it and it ended up in my vintage scale in my foyer.  

Isn't it darling?!  

Here is a close up of it when I was considering placing it on my mantel.

Thank you Lisa!  If you haven't been over to visit her blog, you must check it out.  She's always sharing great shopping deals that she finds and has recently redecorated her home in a soft neutral palette.  She has a sweet tooth (like me) so she often taunts me into wanting to try some of her dessert recipes as well.

Hope you all are having good weather where you are.  It is finally clearing up here, but we're left with lots of fallen leaves and a soggy wet yard!  

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. You are so sweet!! I'm so glad you like the pumpkin! It looks great on your vintage scale. Glad I could bring a little sunshine to your rainy day. :)

  2. That is the cutest pumpkin and it looks great on your vintage scale.

  3. That's adorable! What a sweet friend. It rained here for days. But today is sunny.

  4. Oh what a sweetheart she is - that pumpkin is darling!

    I love where it settled on that scale - looks great and is a perfect style.

    Heading over there now to check out her blog. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Adorable pumpkin - what a sweet surprise! Our boys had little fall sport coats out of that same tweed material! <3

  6. It's sooooo cute!!!! What a sweetie Lisa is for sending it to you....and the timing was so perfect :o)

  7. So cute, love the tweed! We're still getting lots of rain and wind here. I'm looking forward to the weekend forecast though - three days of sunshine!

  8. What a sweet gift Kelly!And you found the perfect spot!

  9. A tweed pumpkin, how adorable! Little packages in the mail are always a bright spot in my day, too.

  10. Love it and looks cute in the scale with the white one!

  11. Adorable!! And you know how I love that scale Kelly, so yes, you found the perfect place for it.

  12. What a great and thoughtful gift...I love the brown tweed....

  13. Adorable. What a thoughtful friend and gift.

    Love the many varieties of pumpkins. I just bought a white one at the pumpkin patch.

  14. How sweet of your friend to send you such a cute little gift, Kelly.

  15. What a great pumpkin, Kelly! How sweet of Lisa to send it to you! It looks great in your vignette.

  16. What an adorable little pumpkin! How clever to use the tweed.It looks amazing on the scale.

  17. Such a cute pumpkin, and it looks perfect on your scale. How sweet of Lisa to send it to you!

  18. What a sweet gift from Lisa. Love it on your vintage scale. Have a wonderful week end Kelly.

  19. What a darling! I've been wanting to try my hand at this. Maybe next week. What a sweet thing to do for a friend.

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly