Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cottage Style Magazine

Hello everyone!

Are you all ready for the cold weather that is headed our way?  Some of you may already be feeling it.  So, that means you will most likely be hunkered down inside your house and feeling a bit bored.  I have just the thing to help you pass the time!  

There is a new Cottage Style magazine out on newsstands right now that I really liked.  I thought I would share some of my favorite pages with you.  I found it for sale at Target and Walmart. 

It says it is a Fall/Winter issue, but I think it has a lot of  summer style homes in it.  So, maybe you'll feel like you've gone to the beach to read it!

This was my favorite house in the issue.

Isn't it pretty?  I love the kitchen!

I love the grain sack used on this bed.

Here is another beautiful bedroom.

Check out this beautiful family room!

Ok, interested???  Go head out and grab this magazine and then light a fire in your fireplace and curl up in your favorite chair with your dog.  Sounds like the perfect way to bring in a storm to me. 

 I think we're in for a long cold winter!  I live in GA and even WE are expecting a colder than usual winter here.  Ugh!

Also, I will be participating in a fun blog hop party, tomorrow, going on right now.  It's for Thanksgiving vignettes.  

Go check out these blogs for some great inspiration!




Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Heading to Target in a few minutes for to get a few things. Adding that to my list. :)

  2. Thanks for scanning the beautiful pages and links Kelly!!!! Your house should be in that magazine too!!! xoxoxo

  3. That does look like a good issue! That kitchen is beautiful and I love how they have that large piece of furniture in there. It's funny you would mention curling up in your favorite chair, because as we speak, I'm curled up in my little reading corner in my bedroom with my kindle, hot tea, and Holly! We're getting cold weather too (well, cold for US, anyway..ha!) I'm hoping to use our fireplace this weekend. :)

  4. I used to love reading magazines. It looks like a great one. I'm snuggled down today. A magazine would be great.

  5. Oh my, are you sure that's a magazine. Looks just like YOUR house. Very lovely. Very cozy, very YOU.

  6. Some lovely stuff in that magazine. I've bought a couple of them in the past and I still love to page through them - so much beauty and inspiration!

  7. It is definitely a curl up with a magazine kind of day. Cold and gray. xo Laura

  8. Ohhhhhh I will have to see if I can find a looks amazing!!! I wish I had a fireplace to curl up next to because it is sooooooo COLD!!!! Can't wait to see your Thanksgiving vignette :o)
    Stay warm!

  9. Thanks for the links Kelly..That will certainly keep me busy for awhile..Temps in the 20's this weekend..Starting to drop tonight..

  10. oh my...perfection. I will have to find the magazine so I can see it clearer. looking forward to seeing what you come up with tomorrow.

  11. I saw this issue at Walmart and then forget to pick it up, but I will on my next trip out shopping. We have snow coming this weekend!! I'm so not ready for it just yet.

  12. Kelly, I love this magazine and will definitely get this issue. I am excited to see your vignette tomorrow and appreciate you helping to promote the blog hop.

  13. I haven't seen that new magazine out yet, but I'll have to pick it up. I drove home from work in a snowstorm tonight, so I think winter is here to stay. You've got the right idea. Light a fire and park myself in front of it with a new magazine!

  14. Hi Kelly,
    I just got this copy today and it is a good one. It was very cold here today so it was nice to curl up with this new magazine and swoon through the pages.
    Have a great rest of the week.

  15. Oh- I saw that, Kelly! Isn't it a great issue this time? Sometimes you get one and there is really only one or two articles you like...this one was exceptional, I thought.

    Looking forward to your vignette! xo Diana

  16. I saw that magazine yesterday, but picked up the Flea Market Decor one instead as Cat from Sunday Brocantes had a feature in will be getting the Cottage Style on the next trip,,,thanks for the preview!!

  17. Those rooms look like they are yours Kelly! So pretty, I can see why you were taken with it.

  18. It's supposed to be cold here for the next ten days. I love this time of year. The cold coming makes worry about snow this year. Don't want a repeat of last winter


  19. Beautiful inspiration,thank you for sharing!

  20. So pretty! I love this magazine. Can't wait to get a copy for myself. I save mine and look at them over and over. Study them, actually. Too bad I didn't put the same kind of effort into algebra back in the day.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly