Saturday, November 8, 2014

Rosemary Ranch Chicken Kabobs

Hello everyone!

Are you looking for an idea of what to serve for dinner tonight?  I found the BEST recipe the other day.  So, I thought I would share it with you so you could enjoy it too.  It is delicious.  My whole family loved it (and I've got some picky eaters).  

It's also VERY easy to make! 

Here is the finished product:

OK, let's get started.

First you make the marinade, which consists of olive oil, ranch dressing, Worcestershire sauce, rosemary, salt, lemon juice, white vinegar, pepper, and sugar.

It doesn't look too pretty, but this it.

Next, cut up boneless chicken breasts into cubes.

Then pour the cut up chicken into the marinade mix.  Stir and put in the fridge for at least 30 min.

 Thread the chicken cubes onto skewers.

Then place them on a hot grill!

When done, they will look like this.

I cannot begin to tell you how tender and tasty these were.  I served them with an herb and butter rice, green beans and wheat dinner rolls.  

For the complete recipe, click HERE.

Let me know if you make it and how you liked it!  We thought they tasted like they came from a restaurant.

~ Kelly ~


  1. I am always stressing about what to make for dinner, and these do look amazing! If not tonight, definitely tomorrow! Thanks, Kelly! Pinning!

  2. These look delicious. Making me wish I still had a grill. :)

  3. thank you! I am always looking for new chicken dishes!!

  4. Looks delicious! I love grill recipes and will definitely give this a try!

  5. I love everything in that marinade (especially the rosemary) so I'm sure I'd like this! We've been doing a lot of grilling lately since the weather has cooled down. It's so nice to enjoy the outdoors without sweating! Lol! Thanks for the recipe!

  6. I am definitely going to make this!!

  7. This looks like a very good recipe, Kelly. We eat a lot of chicken, so I'm always glad for new recipes.
    Mary Alice

  8. That really looks yummy. I will have to try those.

  9. Looks good Kelly. I'll have to try it! Sounds great. Hope you had a good weekend.

  10. I think the ranch dressing is probably the ingredient that takes this marinade from ordinary to extraordinary. It must be extremely tasty!

  11. These look delicious! And beautiful! We don't have a grill at the moment but I'll see how they taste in the oven. Thanks for sharing the recipe Kelly.

  12. Looks really good - I'm going to try this. Also, I really like your dish in the pics (I have the same pattern: Asiatic Pheasants.)

  13. OMG I am totally going to make those

  14. I made them, Kelly, and we all loved them!!! This is going to be made again and again...very easy, and so tasty! I'd make it for company, too.

  15. Oh yummy, yummy. Will try this soon.

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  17. I am going to try these next Wednesday at Amber's!! I have two large rosemary bushes in thr front flower bed. Instead of the skewers I am going to use the tough rosemary stems that have gone a bit woody on me! I'll just strip off the rosemary! Can't wait to try this!

  18. This looks and sounds so good. I'm pinning this for future reference! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Gosh, this looks sooo good. I'm always looking for things to do with chicken.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly