Sunday, November 16, 2014

Manzanita Branch & Other Things

Happy Saturday!

Is it freezing at your house now?  It sure is at mine!  Atlanta is forecasted to be colder this winter than it has been in 15 yrs.  This weekend is as cold as it usually is in February (our coldest month).  Yikes!  So, you know what that means?  Time to get some firewood!

My husband was able to get a little bit from his moms property, but we're going to need a lot more.

Since we had a fire in the fireplace recently, I had to pull out my decorative birch logs.  I placed them in an olive bucket  so I could still enjoy them.

I snapped a pic of the fire we had.  I just love this time of year!

I wanted to share this really cool find that I found.  Have you ever heard of a manzanita branch?  They grow in the coastal mountain ranges of California.  I found one at HomeGoods, of all places!  So, I decided to change up my coffee table so I could use it.

I'm always drawn to anything found in nature, so this fit the bill!

Here is a better look at it.

Since I was moving things around in here, I decided to try out my crated bottle on the chest of drawers.

I'm kind of liking it here!

I like the contrast of the weathered wood against the grey and white.  

So, where did my other things go that were on the chest?  Well, the lamp went "bye-bye" for now.  The scale went into my kitchen.

I'm using the feathers and sachets elsewhere at the moment.  

So, who knew that buying a branch could cause all of these changes?  


Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you have a great weekend and GO DAWGS!  (Gurley is back, so get ready Auburn.)

~ Kelly ~


  1. I have never seen a branch like that is really pretty! Your new find was worth the domino effect it created in your house! LOL

  2. So cool. I love the logs and that branch, The fromage tray is fabulous. Stay warm.

  3. I've never heard of that branch, but it sure is pretty! I love that wreath you have in the tray too. I'm always playing "musical decor" around here too. It seems like I'll move one little thing around and it creates a whole shift in my decor. Lol! We're colder than normal for this time of year too. In fact, I don't ever remember us having temps this low before Thanksgiving. I'm loving it though! Stay warm!

  4. Kelly! It makes sense to me. Of course you had to move everything around so the new branch could have it's time in the spotlight... YEP, perfect sense! And its gorgeous by the way. I painted my oak mantel white.. and I've been stressing for 2 days about What to put up there and when I saw what you have on yours, I was inspired. I have something similar and I'll try it out. And YES, it's cold here. So much for fall.

  5. That shot with the fire going was so pretty!! I like all your changes.

  6. This time of year might last a little longer than usual. I love that branch..Great for decorating.

  7. Beautiful photo of your room with the fire in the fireplace. What a neat it. They are forecasting snow for us on Monday.

  8. Yuck on the cold for you warm loving people, but at least you get the coziness of your fireplace...beautiful! In the mid 20's here but we are used to it! lol!

    I have a Manzanita branch like yours from Marshall's a few years ago. I never knew what they were either but my daughter discovered them, ordered several tall ones from a garden sort of website, and cemented them into pots for her tabletops at her "organic" wedding almost two years ago. She hung little kissing balls on them!! She's always been ahead of the game! Ha!

    I love how you are always rearranging things...if it weren't almost time for bed I'd be inspired to do a bit myself!!! :)

    Jane xx

  9. Love that branch and the changes that it inspired! We've been having a fire every night since our temps dropped-so cozy! :)

  10. Hi Kelly,
    Love the branch and to find that at Home Goods. SCORE! Gotta love Home Goods. Your fire place looks so warm and cozy. We are getting snow and freezing temps. This is when I wish I had a fireplace!!!!

  11. One thing leads to another!!!
    Yes, cold has hit the South!! We are heading home from the hospital and will go straight to bed! It is good sleeping weather in Texas today! temps falling with light rain turning to snowflakes this afternoon. I see a fireplace and glass of wine in my future!!

  12. Kelly- This is an exciting post for me! Seriously! When my hubby's Gramma Hazel died she had this branch that she used for Easter eggs and I wanted the branch and so kept it when they were taking stuff to GW. I am so glad I did-and no one has ever known what kind of branch it is. Now I know and love it even more!

    Love yours (it is a bit bigger than the one I have) and I know how adding one thing makes everything change around. xo Diana

  13. hallo, kelly, danke für die schönen bilder und liebe grüße von angie aus deutschland

  14. I didn't know I had one of these branches until just now! It's downstairs in a planter and I think it's placed in some oasis.

    It's cold here in the northeast too. We woke up to some snow Friday morning and tomorrow is supposed to be pretty bad. Ugh!

    Love the picture of the fireplace. In our other house, we had two fireplaces. One was natural, which we rarely used, and one we installed which was gas. The gas one heated up almost the entire downstairs and I loved it, but nothing is quite like the real thing. In our current house we had a real fireplace but changed it to a gas one. As much as I love real ones, I love being able to flip a switch and have a fire, but real ones are mesmerizing!

  15. It looks so cozy in your sitting room. We have had fires for a week now. My husband has brought home hickory...I hate sparks and snaps and it's like trying to light a boulder to get it burning. LOL. I wish I could give you some of our fire would love them. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. your home is so pretty.

  16. I miss having a wood fireplace. Gas just isn't the same. The blackbirds are flying around like crazy. I think they are trying to get away for the bad weather that is approaching. Stay warm. my friend. xo Laura

  17. We've had snow flurries in East TN since Friday morning. Brrrrrrrrr!

    I've never heard of a manzanita branch before but it sure is pretty. I think I have seen those in the movies when they shoot scenes along the coast.

    Your crated bottle goes great there. It's a fantastic find. :)

  18. So cozy with that fire going. Love the branch.

  19. It is chilly (cold) here to in NC. We have a gas fireplace that we have on whenever we are in the living room.

    That branch is really neat!

  20. I used to have one of those branches and gave it away . . . I've missed it more than I ever thought that I would. They are such an elegant part of nature. By the way, your home is gorgeous. I know that you have eyes and already know that, but it's always nice to hear, right:)
    Have a lovely day.
    Connie xx

  21. Your room looks so cozy, especially with the fire going. Love that little chest of drawers.

  22. Our temps have already dropped down to the single digits, so I think we're in for a record breaking cold winter again, too. There's nothing quite like a real wood burning fireplace and you're going to enjoy yours a lot this year, Kelly! Your branch looks pretty on your tabletop. I've seen them before, but I had no idea what they were. Love the crated bottle, too!!

  23. I love a wintry fire, and the branch is a wonderful organic piece.

  24. Hi Kelly, your living room looks so cozy and inviting with the roaring fire! Yes, it's cold here too - unseasonably!I've never heard of that kind of branch before, it kinda reminds me of antlers. It looks really cool on your coffee table! I'm a nature girl too!

  25. Yes, funny how bringing in one new thing into the house can cause such a domino effect! the branch!

  26. hope you guys are staying warm. We have been having cold weather and today we had our second snow of the season. Crazy

  27. Everything looks so pretty in that warm winter white! Just lovely. Hope you're staying warm!

  28. So pretty Kelly! Your family room looks so cozy and inviting!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly