Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pretty Flowers and a New Find

Hello everyone!

I am taking it easy today since it is the first day that I don't have something on my calendar.  It has been such a busy time since my father in law passed away.  I wanted to share some of the pretty flowers that were sent to the funeral from people that worked with my husband.

This pretty arrangement was sent from the county that my husband works for.

The colors are so pretty for Fall.

Our sweet neighbor sent these pretty mums.  They are now gracing our front porch steps.

This pink azalea plant was sent from the guys at my husbands fire station.  It is in an urn until we can plant it in the ground.  Funny how we needed more azaleas too!

Yesterday, my mom and sister took me out to lunch for a belated birthday get together.  Afterwards, we went antique shopping at one of our favorite stores.  I came home with this old crate and bottle.  I have been wanting one for the longest time.  I was happy to find this one marked down and the tag said it was from Switzerland.  For now, it is in my kitchen.  I tried it in several other areas, but I liked it here the best.

It came with an orange tube coming out the bottom of the bottle.  I didn't like that, so we cut it off.  I also had my husband saw off the top 4 corners of the crate that were sticking up.  It was too bulky looking for my taste.  So, I'm sure I've already lowered it's value.  LOL!  Oh well.

Hope you are having a good week so far.  Tomorrow is already Friday!  How did that happen????

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. The flowers are all so lovely. Your new bottle is great!

  2. Sorry about your father in law..Lovely fall flowers..Wonderful colors..

  3. The flowers are really pretty and how nice that you can plant those azaleas in the ground to enjoy for years to come. What a nice find at the antique store! It's so satisfying when you come across something you've been wanting for so long. :)

  4. Pretty flowers, sorry to hear about your loss.

  5. Sorry to hear about your father in law. The flowers are beautiful.

  6. The flowers are just beautiful. Nice that you can enjoy them at home. I like the bottle and crate. What was it used for, I wonder. I hope your weekend goes well for you.

  7. Happy Birthday. The crate and bottle is cute.

  8. Happy belated birthday Kelly!! The flowers are beautiful and I love your new find!!

  9. Well, Happy Birthday to you! And although I feel so bad for your loss, it's always nice when you can save the flowers, they are all so pretty.

    That is a neat find! I would have grabbed that myself! :)

    Jane xx

  10. Hi Kelly,
    Gorgeous flowers. How sweet of everyone to send such pretty flowers in honor of your father in law. That bottle and crate are awesome. Very cool.

  11. Kelly, I'm so sorry about your father-in-law's passing. It's so hard losing a parent. It sounds like you had a nice birthday with your mom and sister and you got a great crate and bottle. The flowers that everyone sent are so pretty. Take care and have a good weekend.

  12. I've been thinking about you and your family. The flowers are so pretty. Sounds like you had a nice time with your sister and mom. Love the crate and bottle.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about your father-law. The flowers are gorgeous. It is so nice that you will be able to plant some of them and enjoy them for years.

    I love the new bottle and crate! I would have cut it off too. It looks great!!

  14. Beautiful flowers, Kelley...although a sad reason to get them. Hope the family is all doing well.

    Love your purchase and I think it is okay to do whatever you want to to make an item your own. xo Diana

  15. Happy Birthday, Kelly! Really like your new purchase - it's a great birthday present to yourself!

  16. Happy late Birthday Kelly! And I too am sorry about the loss of your FIL. So sad. The flowers are gorgeous. Maybe you can dry some of them. I had to laugh about you lowering the value of the crate and bottle. I know how you feel! I'm always wanting to paint things that shouldn't be painted... in other people's opinions. Oh well! Have a Blessed day friend!

  17. You should definitely consider drying those roses Kelly. They're so pretty and it would make a lovely memento.

    Happy Belated Birthday and enjoy your weekend!


  18. I like the crate around the glass bottle...makes me want to build one for my green bottle from Italy

  19. Beautiful flowers Kelly!....Happy Birthday..and love your crated bottle!!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly