Friday, December 19, 2014

A Few Snippets Around the House

Hello everyone!

TGIF!  Today is the last day of school for my youngest son until next year.  To say that he is excited is an understatement.  Next year, (sounds like that is so far away, doesn't it?) BOTH of my sons will be back in school.  My oldest son will start college for the first time.  He's already registered and has a class schedule.  He's very excited.  He will be a full time student so he doesn't plan on working for a while.  

This week, we finished up our Christmas shopping but are now waiting on a lot of deliveries.  We are down to the wire!  Since our tree is behind the sofa this year, that left me with a dilemma.  Where to put the presents?  For now, they are sitting in a basket.  But, as more are wrapped, they will be spilling out around the basket, I am sure.  

I'm wrapping everything in blue, silver and white this year.  

Recently, I decided to place glass candle holders in my coffee table centerpiece so I could light them and enjoy them at night. Before, they were just plain pillar candles.

I wrapped them in sheet music and tied them with twine for a vintage glow at night.
I love how they look at night!

And lastly, I decided that my new dining room slipcovers needed a little extra pizazz during the holidays, so I hung this soft cream stocking on the back of one of my chairs.  

It's amazing how something so small can have a big impact.  

Hope you  are getting all of your last minute shopping done and preparing to finally relax with your family.  Seems like the week before Christmas is always the busiest!  

Have a great weekend.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Your gifts look so pretty all wrapped in blue! What a great idea to place them in a basket too. I love the stocking you added to the backs of your chairs, they really add a special touch. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  2. Kelly,
    Love all your sweet touches. The stocking on the chairs is so sweet. Love the idea of the presents in the basket. They look so pretty. So glad to hear your older son is going to start into college. He has come a long way and I wish him the best. I bet your younger guy is excited to have the break from school. Have wonderful family time all together.
    Merry Christmas,

  3. The coffee table is pretty! I love the soft glow of the candles through the paper. Very nice.

  4. Looks cozy at your home Kelly. The stocking on the chair is the perfect touch.

  5. Kelly- I love your tree behind your sofa. It is always a dilemma here to put our tree because SOMETHING has to be moved and changed no matter where I put it.

    Love the stocking on the back of the chair idea, too-AND the pillar candles. Very sweet post. Happy Vacation with "the boys". xo Diana

  6. Our presents are on a bench in the hallway because they can be seen from the front window if they are under the tree.

    I love your wrapping and that stocking on the chair. I hung a dropcloth stocking from 1 chair.

  7. Sweeeeet as always Kelly!!!!! Love those slipcovers. Did you keep the ones from WM?

  8. Pretty gift wrapping and I love the vignette with the beads. I have to put our gifts in baskets, too with the tabletop tree.

  9. their decoration is beautiful !!!!!! I wish them nice and relaxing holidays, all love of angie from Germany

  10. Your packages are beautifully wrapped! I like the idea of hanging stockings on the backs of the chairs too. My boys are excited to be out of school as well. And I'm excited to not set the alarm for two weeks! :) Happy holidays, my friend!

  11. Hi Kelly, I love the shimmery wrapping paper your using, blue is one of my favorites for sure. We're not finished shopping yet, but are so close. Love the soft glow of your candles - pretty picture.

  12. Kelly, you are amazing! Everything looks gorgeous and all of your gifts
    so beautifully wrapped, too?! And I bet you've baked, too!!! I'm sooo behind.
    Wishing you a happy and blessed holiday season.

  13. We have always done multiple Christmases. So I separate the gifts by trees... ours 7n the living room... my parents under the sitting room tree in a basket, In Laws under the dining room tree in a basket.... So easy to grab and bring with :)
    LUV the sticking behind the chair Kelly.
    Happy Christmas .

  14. Everything so elegant and blues and white and makes me feel like purity lingers in your home.

    Unlike my busy red and green and my 99 cent store for colorful bags and boxes for the gifts.

    So glad we are not all boring that would be and I wouldn't be able to dream a Christmas dream as I visit your beautiful home, and know it's done with your sweet spirit.

    Merry Christmas girlfriend.

  15. Love your gifts all wrapped in pretty!! I have everything wrapped and am waiting for on more package to arrive.
    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!

  16. Hurray for your boys on all counts, Kelly...I know they make you proud!

    I haven't started wrapping but I did finish up the shopping today. I know tomorrow will be consumed with that. I love your colors, they will absolutely sparkle under the lights!

    Merry Christmas, my friend!

    Jane xx

  17. I didn't even realize that putting the tree behind the sofa would cause that dilemma. *duh*. Well, you solved it well, and the color of the blue on the wrapping is beautiful.

    I think chairs really benefit with just a little something different to dress them up. Very sweet stocking, and it got the job done!

  18. Enjoyed your "snippets" Kelly..Pretty packages..nice little touches around the house...Have a wonderful Christmas..

  19. So pretty! It's funny what one notices -- I love the way you've treated your windows with the sheer tiers. So simple + functional, too, I'd bet. I'm inspired to do something similar in our large bays! Merry Christmas!

  20. I just wanted to pop by and wish you a Merry Christmas! I look forward to the New Year visiting you wonderful blog and I am crazy for your Christmas decor, so lovely!

  21. Everything looks so pretty. I love the soft blue wrapping paper. And the coffee table is lovely, too. I always enjoy my visits. Two more days of school for us. Ugh. Almost there, though!

  22. Everything looks so pretty Kelly...I LOVE your coffee table vignette!!

  23. Your packages look like works of art with the color coordinated paper, Kelly! Of course I didn't buy enough of any paper to wrap all our gifts the same, so it will be the usual hodge podge of different colors and designs. Someday........

  24. Very pretty, Kelly. The cream stocking on your new slipcovers is a lovely touch and great texture too. Merry Christmas!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly