Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Paper Whites & Mug Cozy

Hello everyone!

Do you have a favorite place to sit and relax at the end of the day?  Mine is a chair and ottoman in the family room.  I keep my phone, glasses, laptop, and throw there.  I've dubbed it "my apartment".  LOL! 

 Recently, I added some other pretties to the area.  I found these faux paper whites at World Market on sale and placed them on a plate beside my chair.  Now, I have a little Christmas cheer there.  

And, I found this adorable sweater cozy on Etsy for my coffee mug.  It helps keep your beverage warm and looks so cute.

So, when I'm not running around the house taking care of things or out running errands, this is where you'll usually find me.  

I told my husband that I felt like we were like Archie and Edith Bunker, from All in the Family, with us having our own favorite places to sit.  Do you remember that show from the 70's?  Where is your favorite place to relax at the end of the day?  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. I love your apartment....the paperwhites are beautiful!!!! My escape used to be the living room. I loved sitting in there late at night and having a little "me" time. Now I rarely get that time anymore.

  2. Such a cozy area and so very pretty! I love that you have a spot to put your feet up. Nice! The basket side table is 2 die 4!!

  3. I love those paper whites! and your spot looks so cozy! Thehubs and I have 2 lazyboy recliners that we had the company attach together and that is our favorite place to chill and relax. We also have our favorite throw in a basket nearby. Oh, how it feels so good at the end of the day! Thank you for sharing, your home is just beautiful! xxDazee

  4. Love your "apartment!" :) Those sweater cozies are adorable! I totally remember All In The Family! And Soap, and Maud, and Benson, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, etc. etc. We had some good tv back in the day! My favorite spot to relax is probably on the sofa in the living room. I keep the same things reading glasses, laptop, phone, hot tea, a throw and my kindle. It's like my little private space. :)

  5. Love your "apartment"'s so pretty and cozy!! I have a chair that I sit in with a little table beside me for my laptop, a book, and my Mt. Dew.(not a coffee drinker) And there is almost always two little Yorkies snuggled in a blanket on my lap when I sit in my chair.

  6. Love your special spot. When the weather is nice, I love to sit on the balcony. When it's cold, I have a small swivel rocking chair and that's where all my "junk" is. Love your cosy for your cup.

  7. loooove your all pictures!!! thanks for the great pictures and inspirations, a nice evening wishes angie from germany

  8. I love your cozy corner-it looks so comfy! The paper whites and mug cozy are the perfect touches.

  9. Oh, my- Remember Archie always called her the Dingbat? I loved that show-it was pretty controversial in its time. My Uncle Pat looked just like Archie and it was like watching him on screen-except Paddy was the most unprejudiced person I have ever known.

    I have a WONDERFUL down-filled chair that I waited for it to go on sale for FOUR years. It was VERY expensive in a small specialty shop. We knew it wouldn't sell because the rocker/rotating mechanism had been screwed on wrong when they set it up. (and we weren't going to tell them because we knew we could reset it right). So -it went down by halves over the four years and when it got to be 1/4 of what it was and they had a 20% sale storewide- I took the day off from work and drove up to pick it up. (30 miles-in a snow storm). We reset the bottom piece and the kids all fight over who is going to sit in Nana's chair. That answer is easy- NANA! lol

    Good post and I love your sweet corner. I have never grown paperwhites but those faux ones look SO real!!! xo Diana

  10. A very pretty cozy space....the cup warmer is so cute...the Paper Whites look so real !!..I have a few cozy spots depending on what I am doing...but mainly on the sofa in front of the TV when it is time to relax at the end of the day!

  11. So I got a nice cozy visual of the comfy setting, that is till you turned into Edith Bunker!

  12. Your sweater cozy is adorable and your whole apartment space looks so cozy and charming. Hmm...I always plop down in our family room on the sectional at the end of the day.

  13. It's great to have a cozy spot to relax at the end of the day. Yours looks so comfy as well as pretty!
    Mary Alice

  14. Love your cozy spot. We sit in separate rooms since we don't like the same tv programs.

  15. You have a wonderful corner to cozy up in! Sometimes Mr. Comforts and I watch the same tv shows so we sit in chairs by our fireplace. When we have separate shows to watch, I climb into my cozy bed to watch and he stays in the living room

  16. I think I need a comfy chair like yours, Kelly. I can see why it's your favorite spot! Love your new finds!

  17. My favorite place to sit is right where I am an ugly but oh so comfortable recliner by the fire :).

  18. What a beautiful spot to sit Kelly! Those paperwhites are the most realistic I've ever seen. Christmas blessings to you!

  19. My parents were Edith and Archie and we pitied the visitor who made a mistake and sat in my father's chair.

    My spot is a corner of the dining room on the window seat. From that spot I can use my laptop while watching Steve cook. I start my morning there eating breakfast and blogging and am there now.

  20. This really is a nice cozy spot, Kelly! I loved the basket side table and how comfortable everything looks. Actually, I finish up dinner and dishes and a little straightening up around 8:00 p.m., so I usually shower and lie on my bed to read. Sometimes I think my furniture doesn't get much use at all unless we have company! lol!

    Jane xx

  21. Your spot looks very cozy as does your mug warmer.
    I guess we all have our spots. I have a very small cottage so I have several "favorites". Have a wonderful Christmas.

  22. So cute. We both have our favorite spots too. Have a great week, Kelly.

  23. That looks like a lovely spot to settle in for some down time. My favourite spot is one end of our couch in the 'quiet' living room (or as my guys say -the front room.) It's a great space for reading or needlework. Our laptop broke so unfortunately no blogging from there.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly