Saturday, December 6, 2014

Birthday Disasters

Hello everyone!

Last night, we celebrated my oldest son's 21st birthday and our dog's 10th birthday.  However, they didn't go off without a hitch.  After I picked up a cookie cake, I was driving home and had to slam on my brakes in traffic.  The cookie cake slid off the backseat of my car into the floorboard!!  I reached back and lifted it back up onto the seat, but the damage was already done.  Thank goodness I have leather seats, so I could clean all the icing off of them after I got home.  Anyway, the cake looked a little messy, but most of it was salvaged in the end.  

I had to piece some of it back together.  Next time, the cake will be in the front seat with me so I can watch it better!

We took him out to eat and gave him what all 21 year olds!  

Here I am showing him his messed up cake. 

We really enjoyed having him home this year to celebrate. Last year he was away at Marines boot camp.

See all the icing on the lid?  Ugh!  He starts college in January, so we're glad that he's finally able to move on with his future.

Our dog, Max turned 10, so we got him a little something too.

Here he is jumping at the bag that contains his present.

He is a M.E.S.S!!!!  He hasn't slowed down a bit, even with turning 10.

We got him this little spongy orange toy.

He loved it too!  He wouldn't play with any other toy last night but that one.  The only problem, though, was it was the worst toy ever!   I would never buy it again.  It left a fine orange powder on everything it touched.   Then he quickly started tearing it apart.  So where do you think it ended up?  If you said the trash, you would be right. 

But, we're going to make it up to him.  We're going to take him to the pet store and let him find something else.  Yes, we treat him just like a human child.  

So, hopefully, that's it for the disasters around here.  Luckily, they were all minor and everyone still ended up having a good birthday.

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. danke für die schönen bilder, einen schönen nikolausabend wünscht dir angie

  2. Happy Birthday to your son and companion. Our almost 18 year old is sporting a beard too. Good save on the cookie cake.

  3. Wow, you have an adult son with a beard and everything! Does that freak you out a little bit? The time must have gone by so fast. Glad he had a happy day. Yay, that your doggy loved his new toy! Boo, that it made a mess. Hope you find a new improved toy. :)

  4. I loved seeing your son celebrate his birthday!! It's the thought that counts!

  5. I can tell you from experience with Boston Terriers that they NEVER slow down! My youngest daughter has one now. Her other, Maggie, died. I'm so glad you had your son home for his birthday. At least no one got hurt!

  6. Happy Birthday to your son! Our daughter will be 21 the week before Christmas. I bet he didn't care if the cookie cake was a little rearranged. I bet it was yummy. Thanks for the heads up...will not be purchasing a toy like that for either of our dogs.

  7. Sorry there were a few hiccups in your did pretty good on saving the cake though!!! I'm sure it tasted great dispite how it looked?!?! LOL!!!

  8. So glad he enjoyed his birthday...very happy he is going to college and on to being a competent adult!

  9. Happy birthday to your son and your pup! Sounds like it was a nice evening despite the problems! We have a Boston Terrier granddog...he just turned one!

  10. Happy birthday to the boys. Human and furry lol! My daughters Boston is 10 too and acts like a puppy. Charlie her dog loves toys especially tennis balls. He goes nuts over balls. Glad the cookie cake was ok. Hey it tasted good I am sure.

  11. Happy Birthday to your son and to your furry son! We treat out two little Yorkies like little people to.

  12. fun. you should have let max lick the about a mess. happy birthday to your son and good luck to him in January

  13. Kelly- Disaster after disaster! The good part is that your son is home and your dog didn't actually EAT the toy! lol A little silver lining to every cloud.

    I have had that happen with things flying off the seat more times than I can count. NOT good..NEVER good!

    Have a wonderful Sunday! xo Diana

    ps-Happy Birthday to Son & Pup!

  14. Happy Birthday to your son and woofies..Take that toy back and make them refund your money!! Cake could have been worse..Still tasted good and didn't look that bad...Happy Sunday..

  15. Max sounds like a hoot, and of course you should give him another treat! He most definitely Italy is your four legged baby :)

  16. Happy birthday to your son and dog! Glad the cookie/cake was salvaged! :)

  17. Happy Birthdays all around. This post made me smile:)

  18. Happy Birthday to your son all month long.

    Love this post, and things happen at the worst times :)

    See you soon. And what's next in all you inspire for the holidays.


  19. We have one we treat like a child too! What's the point of having a pet if you can't spoil it? Happy Birthday to your son - that cookie cake looks yummy!

  20. So happy for Cody. He told us he was going to start College. He is a treasure...but you know that already.

  21. I've had that happen with things sliding off the seat too. Now I just put everything on the floor board. Lol! Glad you got to celebrate with Cody being home this year! Happy birthday to him (and Max too!) You're such a good doggie mommy to take Max back to the pet store to pick out a new gift. :)

  22. Great post, Kelly! The same thing happened to me once when I was bringing a pie to someone's house. Looks like your son got a good laugh out of it, and the important thing is that you all got to celebrate together!I am cracking up at that photo of Max jumping at his gift, and love that he gets to go pick out his own. My dog would just love that, too!

  23. Isn't that always the case...but it seems like all was taken in stride!....Happy Birthday to your son! ... and the pup!....

  24. Oh Kelly... I bet the cookie still tasted delish! My oldest son is 22... they will always be our babies huh?
    Have fun shopping with Max. I bet he will like anything you buy. Dogs are so easy to please. Loved this post!

  25. Happy Birthday wishes to your dog and your sweet dog.That cookie still looked delicious!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly