Friday, March 13, 2015

Changes with Color

Hello everyone!

I received something new, that I ordered, and it ended up creating a lot of changes in my home.  It's funny how one little thing can do that!  This is what I received (from Antique Farmhouse).

It's the French style nursery flat hanging on the wall.  I ended up hanging a preserved boxwood wreath on it to add some interest.

On the wall where that is hanging, I used to have my grey chest of drawers. I decided that I wanted the stacked wicker trunks here instead.  So, they moved from the foyer in here.

I'm liking the texture of these in here with all of the white slipcovered furniture.

The grey chest of drawers moved back into the foyer where it once was.

Now, regarding some color changes, I decided to bring in a few pops of red into some rooms.  
I know what you're thinking, but I do like pops of color here and there every now and then.  So, I brought in some with pillows and books.

And I know I just showed you my pretty soft blue hydrangeas in here on the coffee table, but I moved those to my dining room.  I love them in there!  The dough bowl that I just got in St. Simon's, made its way onto the coffee table instead.

I am enjoying these changes right now but I'm not done.  I will share some others with you next week.  

One thing that allows me to make all of these changes is having such a neutral color palette throughout my home.  Grey and white is a great backdrop for punches of color.  

I'm not changing the style either, just adding some pops of red here and there.  I'm liking it and it can easily be removed if and when I tire of it.  

Hope you all have a great weekend and are enjoying making some "Spring" updates to your home!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. i always love how you are always making changes to your home.digging that dough bowl too!

  2. Pretty changes Kelly! I love the way the wicker trucks look near your white slips and I love the pops of red...especially that grainsack pillow!

  3. Love the changes. Love the chest back in its original spot and love seeing the stacked baskets against the wall in the foreground from the foyer.

  4. You are so right Kelly. One thing can have a dominoe effect on how we decorate, and you've been busy! Love your accesssories, especially the dough bowl!

  5. Love your pops of red!!!! The nursery flat was a great find...I'm sure you will find lots of different ways to use it :o)

  6. Love your new nursery flat Kelly and love the new/old placement of the baskets!....Beautiful focal point...Have a great weekend!

  7. Looks charming and welcoming!! Have a great weekend! ~julie

  8. That was so weird- I just typed a whole thing and it said you were editing the post and I could not comment--what the heck?
    Anyway, I said it is funny how even one little thing can start a whole chain reaction of shuffling things around. Hope you have a great day and hope this goes through! xo Diana

  9. I tried moving a few things around today, and I've ended up with somewhat of a mess. I'll think about it later though. I love your new find, it's so unique. And although we're not used to seeing much bright color in your home, it does look beautiful!
    xo Sally

  10. Hi Kelly,
    I love your pops of red. I am a neutral girl like you and I love that we can change up our decor easily with our neutral background. Loving all your reds coming into your grey and white. Have a great week end.

  11. Every little change you made is wonderful.

  12. I never thought to use books to add a pop of color. I've always just thought about pillows and flowers, but books are such a great idea! Everything looks so lovely. Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Kelly - love your new piece and how you used it. Especially love the wreath atop it.

    Looking more like Spring every day! Yeah.


  14. Love your French nursery flat and your touches of red. Love your LOVE letters on the wall too. I want to get some, but am trying to decide what word I want.

  15. Great changes and I wish I saw that piece. I would have grabbed one. I can't wait to get new furniture for the great room. More neutral with a pop of color. Budgeted for 2 years.


  16. Red is my absolute favorite color so adding those touches makes my heart sing. Love your white/beige linens with the red as well. I'm heading on vacay and hoping to find a couple of similar pieces! Blessings, Cindy

  17. Kelly I love how you used the flat! I really like it with your choices. Have a great day! Jo

  18. I just saw a huge dough bowl at the occasional sales last week, it was $179!!!!!

  19. You always have the best ideas, Kelly. Your pops of color go perfectly in your neutral decor - lovely. Pretty envious of your dough bowl, too! Jane

  20. Your rooms always look so good, Kelly. I like the pops of red you added. I have been going through my rooms and selling or donating pieces that just don't speak to me anymore. I guess I am streamlining my style. I love how a neutral base can let you easily change out accent colours too. Hope you have a great weekend. We start March Break tonight so I'm home for a week, yahoo!

  21. I love the wicker trunks stacked with the wood items on top...the textures are wonderful for that room. Your subtle pops of red are Perfect!! I adore your changes!
    Mary Alice

  22. Always enjoy your creativity, Kelly. You amaze me making changes so easily all the time.
    I would love a dough bowl and have wished for years to have my grandmothers. I have no idea who ended up with it. We have a large family and my parents died young.
    Maybe one day I will buy one. Love yours with lavender.

  23. What gorgeous new pretties! It looks awesome with the wicker pieces.Love all the changes and great vintage pieces you've found.

  24. You've created a nice cozy corner with your stacked wicker trunks and your cushy chair and accent pillow. Love the new wall piece!

  25. Kelly you sure have an eye for style.
    Love how you incorporated the boxwood with the tray and the lavender in the provence crate..

  26. I'm loving the color you're adding. It's all looking good. I REALLY like the big wicker hampers.

  27. I love color so I like this! I like the apples in the big dough bowl too. That French style nursery flat is great- the wreath is perfect there with it!

  28. I love how one new item can make you look at everything differently, and give you new ideas! LOVE the flat, and the trunks under it look perfect! Since I'm reading your posts backwards, I'm voting for the blue accessories!

  29. Beautiful changes Kelly and yes a neutral palette makes it so easy to change things and add different pops of color!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly