Friday, April 24, 2015

Crisp White Slipcover

Hello everyone!

I've had a wing chair in my sitting room for years.  I found it for sale by a neighbor at a garage sale.  It was a cream color and always had a few water mark stains on it that wouldn't come off, so I finally decided to buy a slipcover for it.  I don't know why I waited so long to do it now!  (Gosh, I've been saying that a lot lately.)  Anyway, I thought I'd share it with you in case you've been looking for a good brand slipcover for your furniture too.  I'm very happy with it!

Now, since it wasn't custom made, it doesn't fit perfectly.  But, luckily it fits good enough to satisfy me.  If you are a perfectionist about not having wrinkles, and seams lining up just right etc.  Then this kind of slipcover would not be your best choice.  

But, I must say this one fits the chair better than others I've tried.  I got it from HERE.  I loved that it was free shipping too!  

It's a nice crisp white which I like better than the cream color that was on the chair.

This slipcover was designed for a wing chair so it has seams that help it fit that style better.

I may eventually buy more from this company.  I'm very happy with the quality and color.

People are always asking me where I find my slipcovers.  I have found them from many different sources.  I'm a a true slipcover lover too.  ALL of my furniture is covered in them!  I can't imagine not having them since they are washable and so perfect for the cottage look that I crave.  If I ever buy new furniture, it will either have a slipcover already on it or I will get one for it.  I'm addicted!  Now, if only I could learn to make my own!   I'm jealous of you gals that know how to make them.

Hope you all have a nice weekend ahead.  We have been busy planting our vegetable garden for the summer so I will share that with you next week.  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~ 


  1. Oh yes, I am a slipcover fan too! I prefer the rumpled look myself so yours looks just right to me. I've washed my sofa cover so many times and it gets tighter every time. If it starts out a little baggy there's more room in case of shrinkage. Happy Weekend!
    xo Sally

  2. It is very nice. In terms of doing it earlier, it's difficult. There are always so many things we can do in our homes, but there is only so much time and money. Sometimes, the projects just have to wait. However, when they eventually get done, it is lovely!
    Michelle from

  3. So pretty and so perfectly cottagey. How does it work out with you living with men in the house? I think white slipcovers would be gross in a heartbeat in our house.

  4. I think it is just perfect. There slipcovers look so soft. You will have room for some shrinkage. We had snow yesterday so no planting here. Life is returning normal at last.

  5. Looks really pretty on your chair. It would also be easy to make it a custom fit, since the slipcover already has the basic lines in place. Anyway, I think it definitely fits great with the rest of your home!

  6. Your new slip cover is pretty! I love when they offer free shipping. I can't stand to pay high shipping costs. :) Enjoy your weekend! Looking forward to seeing pics of your vegetable garden.

  7. Kelly, thanks so much for this post! with three little kids slipcovers are a must in my house!!
    I made a couple slipcovers out of drop cloths for my wingback chairs in my family room and they turned out pretty good for my first ones, but there were a nightmare to make, so there were my first ones and my last. So It's always good to know a good place to get more. Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Kelly - love your new slipcover. I've never had them but everyone that has them seems to love them. I think I need slipcovers in my car. LOL. I pick up the three grands from daycare and boy can they make a mess.

    Have a great weekend!


  9. Looks great Kelly...I love the look of white slipcovers!!

  10. Hi Kelly,
    It looks so great. How funny I just did a post that will go up on Sunday after Spotlight on a new slipcover I just got for my wing chair. Mine is white too and I love it. Made this old comfy chair into my cottage motif. I too love that you can wash them so easily. Yours looks awesome.

  11. Love your new looks great on your chair. Hope you get your planting done this weekend. It is going to rain here this weekend.

  12. You found a nice piece, Kelly! It seems to fit nicely and the color is great! I have never used a slip-cover but I'm thinking about it for my dark brown suede sofa, it's just I have a black haired dog who sheds more than anything I've ever seen! I'm sure a white slip cover (which is what I'd purchase) would be black soon! Enjoy your piece! Blessings, Cindy

  13. That looks good, Kelly. You are right though- most slipcovers are not for perfectionists. It took me a while to adapt to them not fitting like upholstery would...but now I love them.

    I like the pure white -it really is crisp looking and a nice clean look. Mine are cream color-which goes better with what I have to work with.

    Have a wonderful weekend. xo Diana

  14. Have you ever heard of They have a limited selection, but their covers are less than half off retail. I got one for the sofa on our porch. Until I got it (they don't advertise this) I didn't know it was a pottery barn slipcover. Check them out.

    Happy planting! I'm sooooo jealous. It's still very cold here. :(

  15. Love slipcovers! The crisp white is perfect for your home. Enjoy your planting - it will be great to have fresh picked veggies! Jane

  16. Looks great! I have made quite a few but it is always easier if you can buy one. Lucky you to be planting. Still to wet and cold here for even cleaning up the flower beds. Have a great weekend.

  17. Your chair with its new slipcover looks so pretty, Kelly! It's so fresh and crisp!
    Mary Alice

  18. Love it Kelly! I need to slipcover our reclining chairs...not sure if I can find any that will truly fit. I agree it really brings a cozy cottage look to a room.

  19. Looks great, Kelly! I could use some slipcovers with a teenage boy around!

  20. All caught up on reading, so I'm glad you ending with a pretty chair for me to sit in.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly