Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Little Bitty Vegetable Garden

Hello everyone!

Our little garden is proof that you don't have to have a lot of property to grow vegetables.  This year, we planted only a few things.  Tomatoes, squash and peppers.  We quit growing cucumbers because we got so many and I was the only one that ate them.  We also cut back on our peppers because so many of them just ended up in the freezer and some are STILL there a year later!  

My husband went to the nursery to gather the materials we would need.

While he was prepping the soil, he soaked the plants in water.

Here is a lovely "before" picture of our garden after a long winter.

Then, the work began tilling up the soil.

Looking a little better.

He added all of the other "ingredients" to make the soil rich and made mounds in which to plant the vegetables so they'll have room to spread their roots.  (I always tease him about those rows.)

Now, let the planting begin!

 All done.

He added a few cages to some of the plants that will grow tall or trail.  

And THAT is our little bitty vegetable garden!  We're a small family of 4 so this will be just a nice addition to our evening meals.  

Do you plant a vegetable garden at your house?  

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~

Linking to:  Tweak it Tuesdays


  1. Your garden is bigger than mine! I only grow herbs and tomatoes - I have yet to get the tomatoes in the ground!I hope I'm not too late.
    xo Sally

  2. I think that's just the right size garden. I remember the summer my neighbor planted tomatoes and we were well stocked all summer long! She really had a green thumb and her plants produced tons of them. So far this year, the only thing I have growing is a teeny tiny basil plant my mom just gave me. :)

  3. I don't have enough sun on my patio so all I have are a few herbs. I do miss growing vegetables. xo Laura

  4. I really need to plant at least tomatoes. We love fresh veggies and have no excuse for not growing any.

    Good luck!

  5. Kelly,
    That is the perfect size garden. I think it is so great you will have fresh veggies to add to your meals. Nothing better than home grown.

  6. Kelly, What a cute little veggie garden!
    I only planted tomatoes years ago... but this year I am going to give it another try! My son and I just got some seeds yesterday. We are trying tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli and carrots! We'll see how it goes!!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Your itty bitty garden is off to a good start!!! I might plant a few things this year.....

  8. Good for you! A garden is nice no matter the size!! The only problem is when the vegetables are ripe they are in abundance and we end up giving more away than we can eat.....

  9. You know- Those little gardens are the best ones for busy people. They are manageable and don't get out of hand and overrun with weeds like big gardens do sometimes.

    Nice job and I can't wait to see what they produce (little pun there?;>) xo Diana

  10. Looks like you are off to a great start!

  11. I'd like to. But Abi jumps up in my containers to do her business. I'll have to find something about 4-5 feet high because that little girl can jump!

  12. Oh Kelly I think it is just perfect! I grow a small one with things we eat. My mother, on the other hand and right next door to us, grows about 2 acres total and it's a LOT of work. Then the canning, preserving, and freezing is even more work. It's nice to have home-grown food, but I'm just not a farmer and yours is just the right size:-)

  13. I'd really love a garden. We had one when I was a kid and I loved it, but the deer around here are crazy so no one wants to invite them over to then eat everything we have including flowers and shrubs. Nothing better than fresh salad fixin's. How nice that your hubby does the hard work!

  14. Looks good Kelly! You know I have always had raised beds and veggies. Now that we are moving to a new place, I am going to plant in containers. I can't wait....

  15. Hey Kelly, your little garden is so cute! I have similar boxes but 9 of them... I got them all planted last Friday. We share our harvest with neighbors and family. We also planted corn and peas out in the field. I can't wait to pick my first bowl of cherry tomatoes of the season! YUM!

  16. Your raised beds look great!! My daughter and son-in-law just planted their 2 raised garden beds. I've tried to have some here at our house, but the squirrels just dig them up!!

  17. I haven't planted a vegetable garden in so many years, I can't even remember! I love that you have a nice small area, makes the idea more doable for someone like me. Love it! Blessings, Cindy

  18. I have a herb garden and Louis Dean is FINALLY growing tomatoes and peppers in an enlarged flower bed by the back fence. The tree in our neighbor's yard was cut down and it allows us to FINALLY get enough sun there to grow things!

  19. Small is perfect. I do not have enough sun to manage the growth of veggies. Boo who!

  20. I think it's perfect size. Not to overwhelming to keep up with. I plant many herbs in containers


  21. Small but not itty bitty..Good for you..I've been tempted but it gets too buggy around here to be outside..Have a nice week..

  22. Nothing like fresh fruit and veggies from your own garden.we are a ccucumber family and find that they grow so well we end up giving a ton away. Good luck with your garden.

  23. Small or large, it is always great to have a garden of great veggies!...

  24. I really wish we could but we have almost no full sun. I love cucumbers and would love to have them growing in the yard.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly