Monday, May 18, 2015

April Showers brought May Flowers

Hello everyone!

We had a very rainy April!  It was one of the wettest months on record.  However, May has been pretty dry.  We are now enjoying the flowers that the rains from April helped produce!  I thought I would share some views around my front yard.  My back yard is blooming too, but I'll share that another time.

First of all, I'm very pleased with how our grass is doing.  This is the time of year when it looks the best.  Once the rain slows down, it starts to fade.  

We basically have grass at the top of our yard and at the bottom.  Since we're on a hill, we have landscaping along the hill. The top of our yard gets a lot of shade, so we planted fescue grass there.

What I love the most is my peony bush that is doing well this year. Here is a bud about to open.

 Just two days later it looked like this!

I also like my knock-out roses.  We have red and pink.  For some reason, the pink ones haven't grown too much.

This bush was planted many years ago but this is the first year it has bloomed small white flowers on it.  We're not quite sure what it's called either.  We think it's a type of privot bush.

The three little green plants, below, are yellow day lilies that haven't yet bloomed.

Down by our mailbox, we have a mix of honeysuckle and roses.  

We have bermuda grass planted at the bottom of our yard due to the full sun exposure.  However, it hasn't greened up all the way yet.  

I'll share the back yard next!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. Good morning Kelly! Your yard looks great! The green grass looks so lush. I love to see the shrubs and trees blooming. I think that is a spirea with the white flowers. Loving the red roses with honeysuckle on the mailbox. The knockout roses look great- some varieties act differently than others. I love peonies- mine won't bloom for a while yet. Their fragrance is wonderful!

  2. Your grass is so green Kelly, no wonder you're happy with it! Do you have an automatic sprinkler system? We had one in our previous home and it was the best investment we ever made. With well water now we've been told it's not advisable to have one but I sure do miss it. Yesterday we did some digging up of some lilies and in the process accidentally killed a peony plant. They're one of my favorite flowers, but having just discovered ranunculus I think they're number two now ;). We used to have a hedge of knockouts also. Love them!! So hardy and prolific!

    Beautiful yard Kelly, and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest soon.


  3. Yes our grass is very green and thick this year as well. Hubs had to cut it twice so we didn't have to rake...
    Love your roses! What mulch have you in your beds?

  4. Everything is so pretty, Kelly! Spring is such an exciting time outside. I just love it all!

  5. I just love Spring time with all the blooms around! My pink knockout rose never seems to grow as well as the red ones either. I've never heard of fescue grass, but it sure is green and pretty. Oh, and to have beautiful Peonies!!! Love them!

  6. Kelly, Your yard is wonderful! I especially love Peonies.

  7. I love how your home is situated on a hill with the path leading up, so charming. Your grass and flower gardens are gorgeous!Love those peonies! We tried planting some of that variety this year and not a single one came up. I'll most likely try again though. I'm a sucker for peonies!
    xo Sally

  8. So pretty. Your lawn looks amazing. Ours still not good. The landscapers will be working on that in early fall


  9. Gorgeous flowers and backyard Kelly!!!!!

  10. Hi Kelly! Your grass is looking quite this time of year when things are just so beautiful. I really like the roses and honeysuckle by your mailbox, just the sweetest. Happy Monday to you, hope it's the start of a wonderful week. Jane

  11. I guess that if fescue at the top that is so green and lush? Looks great. I need to come see your house in person since it has been made over. Love the new colors.

  12. That green grass is as colorful as a green crayon. I see someone has been out mulching. I like your shade.

  13. Your yard looks lovely..Be glad your knock outs haven't gotten too big because they can get huge!!Count your blessings..

  14. Kelly your yard is so lovely. You must work really hard. It sure has paid off. Jo

  15. I have serious "yard-envy!" I love your peonies and knock outs are my absolute fave! With us being in a new house, our landscaping is minimal ... hope to be adding knock outs soon ... they're about the only thing that I can't destroy!

  16. such a gorgeous yard! nothing is prettier than yards from the South. Your peonies are so pretty, I really miss the ones I used to have. LOVE how your house sits up on the hill, it has such a lovely setting!!

  17. Such a pretty, peaceful yard Kelly! Peonies are my favorite! :)

  18. Kelly - your yard is looking great. We have a lot of new sod and it is loving all the rain we've had!


  19. So pretty, Kelly! I'd love to have peonies! We had a couple of rose bushes when we first moved in, but they died :( You've inspired me to plant some. They are so beautiful.

  20. Kelly- Your yard looks great. It takes a lot of work to make a yard look good. I am hoping my peonies bloom this year- they remind me of overdressed church One of my spring favorites-although ours don't bloom until summer here.

    Hope you have a great week- xo Diana

  21. Kelly
    Your yard looks gorgeous. Your grass is so green and lush. Have a great week.

  22. wow, this is so beautiful yard. Beautiful yard has a great role in the beauty of the house too

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  23. That was fun getting to see your pretty flowers! just your peony! It looks all ruffley!

  24. What a beautiful yard you have Kelly! I love all your flowers specially the peonies! And your grass looks so nice and healthy too!!

  25. You have a beautiful lawn and gorgeous flowers Kelly!!!

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly