Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Playing with my New Camera

Hello everyone!

Well, I finally got one!  I have my very first DSLR camera now.  It is so much fun to use but a lot of work trying to learn!  My husband surprised me the other morning with this Nikon D3300 camera.  He bought the kit with it so it included a strap, carrying case, wifi card to download pics to our phones etc.  He even bought me a tripod!  So, needless to say, I have been knee deep in learning how to use this thing!  It's much more complex than my little point and shoot that I had for years.  

We've been reading the manual, watching You Tube videos about it, and watching DVD material sent with the camera.  We've been learning new terms like ISO, aperature, effects, exposure compensation etc.  

Here are some pics taken with my new camera.

Trying out different lens:

Trying out different aperatures:

Using the view finder:

Using the tripod:

Using basic "point and shoot" style:

I think what I love about this camera  is that I don't have to edit them so much now.  I get a much clearer picture and when I download them to be edited, the picture is much larger to see on my computer screen.  I think I will enjoy using the tripod the most!  I am terrible about tipping the camera when I press "shoot" so all my pictures have to be straightened out afterwards.  

So, now I want to know (from those of you that have this same camera) what set-ups do you like the best?  Any advice or recommendations you would make?  

Be sure to come back here tonight at 7pm  (eastern standard time) for our weekly Share Your Style party too!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Have fun with your new camera, Kelly! Your photos look lovely!

  2. Congrats on your "big girl" camera, Kelly. Whoo Hooo. Good for you. I am afraid that I am stuck with my old point and shoot and still can't figure it
    You did a great job here already!!!! xo Diana

  3. Wow Kelly what a thoughtful hubby you have! Your pictures are beautiful too. I took a class at my connunity college when i got my DSL camera. It made a world of difference in my photography. Have lots of fun playing with your new toy and congrats!!!
    XO Barbara

  4. Have fun learning your new camera. The pictures look great.

  5. Have fun with that new camera. I just hate having to learn anything new! I guess it's my age. LOL


  6. What a nice surprise from your husband!! I'm sure you are having fun learning all that your new camera can do. Love the photos you shared today.

  7. YAY Kelly, you will LOVE this new camera and your world and blogging will never be the same!! I have a Canon 70D and I'm still learning, I have to see something to figure it all out, so I need to try the YouTube videos. Have fun!

  8. How exciting! I am hoping to get a dls camera later this year. Now I can go to you with all my questions. ;)

  9. How sweet of him to do that! I'm lazy. I won't learn anything about my camera. I just put it on automatic, make sure Flash is never on, and take pictures.

  10. Your lilacs are beautiful! For some reason they just don't bloom very well where I live in northern CA. Congrats on the camera. Your hubby is a keeper!

  11. Yay! You will love your photos. It is a lot to learn, but just take your time. The key is to us M and don't use Auto. Also you can turn your lights off in the house and just up the the apterture and exposure. You can up the ISO when needed, but for the clearest shots set it on 100 and use the tripod. You have to use the tripod for low ISO or the photo will be a blur. Have fun learning I want a new one, too better than my beginner one.

  12. Your husband just won "Husband of the year award" how sweet of him to surprise you with such wonderful gift!
    Your pictures are beautiful! Have fun shooting your world with your new camera!

  13. Congratulations on your new camera! It definitely takes great pictures, but I think the person behind it has a great eye ;)

  14. I think you're doing a great job with your new camera already! I've gotten really bad lately about just using my phone to take all my blog pics. So bad, I know! I need to get back into the habit of using my DSLR. I always thought your pics were gorgeous, so I can only imagine how great they'll look with your new camera. And you have such a beautiful house to practice on!

  15. You are going to love it and it looks like you are already off to a great start!

  16. Awesome! Are you getting the hang of saving photos in a size for blogger?

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  18. Congratulations on the new camera! I got the very same one for my birthday last September, and I LOVE it, but I am still figuring it out. My hubby bought me a tripod for Hanukkah, and it has made a huge difference. I have SO much to learn, still. I took a class but it wasn't very good. My local camera store is having a class on Nikon DSLRs in a couple of weeks, and I'm going to it. Your pictures are beautiful!

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly