Friday, May 1, 2015

Morning Sunshine in the Dining Room

Hello everyone!

This weekend is going to be beautiful here in Georgia.  No more rain and lots of sunshine and warm temps are finally here!  It will be a busy weekend here too.  Tomorrow, we'll be celebrating my youngest son's 14th birthday.  We'll also be celebrating Mother's Day (early) with my MIL.  On Sunday, my husband is planning on grilling all day (which I'll share with you).  It is one of our favorite things to eat and it has to cook all day.  Yum!  Be on the lookout for that soon.  

In the meantime, I wanted to share some of these rays of sunshine shining in my dining room today.  It gets the most sun of all of my rooms.  

In the center of my dining table, I placed this wooden pedestal (that I finally found).  I placed some white hydrangea flowers in a glass jar and voila!  Instant centerpiece!

I moved my glass demijohn crate in here too.

And there's one thing I can count on every morning..............

This is where you'll find Max.  He loves lying on the warm floor in the sunlight.  

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~

Linking to:  Best of the Weekend


  1. Your dining room looks great and I really like the wood pedestal you found. Your weekend sounds like it's going to be fun. We are going to have a nice warm one starting today and are all buzzing about it!

  2. Very pretty! Love the wooden pedestal. Thank goodness the sun is shining- finally! Have a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to the grill reveal ;-)

  3. Kelly, uou have the nicest dining room - I love its minimalist decor - thus making the items you have chosen there stand out and be noticed!

    Your sleeping sun-loving pooch is adorable!

    Have a wonderful sunshine celebratory weekend.

  4. Awwww, Max!! What a cutie! :-) Your dining room looks so inviting. I need to cheer up my rooms a bit after the long winter.

  5. Hurray no rain this weekend finally! I have plenty of yard work to do. You are so lucky to have a man who cooks!

  6. We are also looking at a great weekend weather wise!
    WE have so much to do, I am not sure where to start first!!
    Max ... how cute. Master Vic does the same thing. :D
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  7. Max is no dummy. Isn't it wonderful to have the warm sun shining in on your pretty dining room? xo LAura

  8. Max looks so happy sleeping in the sunshine. The sun is shining here in Ohio today too. Have a great weekend.

  9. Hi Kelly,
    Love your dining room and the new centerpiece. So pretty. Awwwww little Max is too adorable soaking up the rays while he gets in a nap!
    Have a great week end. Enjoy that great weather. We are going to hit 80 tomorrow here in Chicagoland. Woooo Hooooo can't wait.

  10. That wooden pedestal is REALLY sweet! Your dining room is beautiful and so full of light. Love that Max is sleeping in the sunshine. He and my husband have a lot in common. xo Diana

  11. so pretty! isn't it funny how our pups and kitties can find just the smallest sliver of sun to nap in!!

  12. What a pretty center piece!

  13. I just love hydrangeas, so simple yet they make a great statement. And, I love that pedestal! You have a beautiful weekend as well! Blessings, Cindy

  14. Happy birthday to your son!!
    Your dining room is beautiful. I love the mirror and the chandelier. The center piece looks so simple, fresh and beautiful.
    Have fun celebrating mother's day with your MIL and enjoy the yummy grilled food on sunday!!

  15. Let that beautiful sunshine shine in On that beautiful home.


  16. Kelly your doing room looks fab and Max is just too cute!

  17. oh boy Max looks so cute!!!! Love your dining room Kelly...enjoy your weekend with your boys!!!

  18. The wooden pedestal is gorgeous, and I've been looking at white flower arrangements just this morning as I want something similar for our bedroom - love your hydrangeas!

  19. Max reminds me of my granddog...always sleeping lol. Come to think of it, so does hubby!

    I have some pieces with the same kind of wood as your pedestal, but none as unique and useful as that!

  20. Have a great weekend with your celebrations....I have that same pedestal and love is actually on my dining room table too!...Beautiful room Kelly!

  21. I have seen wooden pedestals for display, but wouldn't know where to look for one. Yours looks lovely.

  22. Good Morning Sunshine! I bet you feel like being in the dining room in the morning. I know I would probably have the table covered with the project of the day. Your home is lovely and I was pleased to see the base you are using on the dining room table. I have a distressed green painted (primitive) in my shop and in my head I thought someone could use it the way you used yours. ~Ginene

  23. That wooden pedestal is great and I love the chair slips and pillows you have in there. Can't wait to hear what your hubby is grilling! We've got perfect grilling weather right now. :) Oh BTW, I couldn't help myself...I binge watched the entire Aussie version! I personally think the American one is MUCH better. There's much more character development in our version. And I don't know why in the world my sis-in-law loved the house so much in the Aussie version. I didn't like it at all. Lol!

  24. Your dining room looks so pretty Kelly...enjoy your weekend!

  25. I hope you have a wonderful celebration weekend. The table is pretty. The weather is gorgeous here too


  26. How pretty, Kelly! I hope you have a lovely celebration with your MIL.

  27. I love the sunlight streaming in (obviously, your sweet pup does, too)! Your new centerpiece is awesome ... always looks beautiful. Have fun celebrating with family (pretty sure I can smell what's cooking on the grill from here ... jealous)!

  28. Your wooden pedestal is a GREAT piece. Have a great weekend. We have sunshine!

  29. I LOVE the wooden pedestal and the entire hydrangea arrangement. Enjoy!

  30. The centerpiece is gorgeous, Kelly! Max looks very content! My puppy likes to lay on the couch in the living room in the sun.

  31. Thanks for linking this up at Best of the Weekend, Kelly!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly