Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hello everyone!

How was your weekend?  I hope you had a good one.  Mine was really wonderful.  Why?  Because my whole family was together and we celebrated a birthday, and did projects around the house and cooked some great food.  Oh, and did I mention that it was the prettiest outside that's its been in weeks?  So, I just had to share a few photos of our fun weekend.

On Friday, I did a little shopping and found some pretty blue paint (that I will share with you in another post).  I decided to buy a sample pot and paint my clock with it.  

I will show you more about this project in another post.

On Saturday, we celebrated my son's birthday.  His birthday was actually on Sunday though.

He turned 14.

On Sunday, my husband smoked a Boston Butt all day on the grill.

We love eating homemade barbecue!  He cooked a huge one and it gave us enough to even share with our neighbors.

I will share the the instructions for cooking this in another post.  I must say it was just as good as any that I've had at a restaurant!

Amidst the cooking on the back deck, deconstruction of the swing set in our back yard has begun.

My boys are too old for it now and it was starting to look bad.  We plan on building a nice fire pit in place of it this summer!  Can't wait for that!

Be sure to check back with me later this week for more info on the painting project and the barbecue.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. Gosh that meat looks great! I didn't know you can smoke meat on a Weber. I will have to learn that. It was glorious weather for sure!

  2. We have a fire pit and use it all the time in the summer months. I am planting flowers near the fire pit today to spiff it up for my son's graduation party. I know everyone will be sitting by the fire pit all night.

    I need to know more about smoking the meat on the Weber.

  3. That meat looks so good! Isn't it kind of nostalgic taking down the swing sets? It hurts to think our "little ones" have outgrown that kind of thing.


  4. so nice that your hubby is the cook for that great meal. looks delish! I know we're all so glad for decent weather. I have been so tired of being inside all winter!

  5. Your barbecue looks fantastic!! It was a glorious weekend to be outside. Love the blue painted clock.
    Mary Alice

  6. YUM!!!!
    Ohhh the weekend, and today is just amazing . The weather is beautiful.
    We are planning and went out to 'find' the perfect gazebo and chairs , plants and pots... we start the construction and deconstruction in a few weeks. Can't wait. After 9 years... we are due for a change!

  7. Happy birthday, Will!!! I love those cookie cakes! Sounds like the perfect weekend! We had pretty nice weather too. I spent some time outside planting flowers while the boys mowed the yard. I know I've probably asked you this before, but do you remember where you got your clock? I love those, but never see them anywhere. I can't wait for your hubby's recipe! That meat looks wonderful! We deconstructed our playset a few years ago and it was kind of sad, but I was also equally happy to do more landscaping in that corner. A fire pit sounds like the perfect solution!

  8. Kelly,
    That bbq looks so good. Happy Birthday to your 14 year old. Glad to see you had a great week end.

  9. I always loved cooking in a Weber-although hubby prefers the gas grill. That BBQ sure looks good though and now I am craving some and some cole slaw along with it! lol

    Happy birthday to the 14 year old! They grow up too darned fast, don't they?

    I will be back to see the paint episode! Looks great! xo Diana

  10. Looks like a perfect family weekend! Happy birthday to your son! Always a little sad to see the playset come down...

  11. It must feel a little bittersweet taking down that swing set, but having a firepits will be nice. We are having some trees removed (he should be finished today) and then we are going to get to work making one too. I think we are going to use rocks that we already have. What kind are you going to make?

  12. The barbeque looks wonderful..Yum..Can't wait to see your fire pit..Happy Birthday Will..

  13. Hi Kelly, Sounds like a fun weekend! We had beautiful weather here too. Your clock came out beautiful, I can't wait to hear about the paint!
    xo Sally

  14. Sounds like a wonderful weekend Kelly...Happy Birthday to Will!! Your clock looks so pretty!

  15. Wow my hubby and I would be in heaven. Was this done in a smoker? I would like to be able to do this on our Webber grill.

    The clock is pretty too


  16. Love the clock Kelly and that BBQ looks awesome...and looking forward to your plans for the fire pit.

  17. Happy Birthday to your son! It's funny, I read your bbq post before reading this one, and joked that the neighbors would want to be invited, after smelling this cook all day, so I laughed when you said you had enough to feed the neighbors!

  18. Sounds like you had a great weekend!! Happy Birthday to your son. My granddaughter turned 15 yesterday and all of our family went out last night to dinner to celebrate.

  19. The BBQ looks amazing Kelly! I'm glad you're going to share the recipe. We had a beautiful weekend too. My niece got married. It was an outdoor wedding. So happy it was sunny. Now you've got me thinking about a fire pit. We love bonfires in the summer months. Hope you're having a good week.

  20. All I can see is that clock lol - the food looks glorious - but that clock !!!
    Love the color you painted it too - it's just beautiful !
    The weather's been glorious in Montreal too !

  21. oh nooooo, send me the fort!!!! what a bitter sweet project!! The clock is awesome Kelly

  22. What a fun weekend! I love the clock, and the beautiful blue you painted it.
    That meat looks delish!
    The fire pit will be so much fun for the family to gather and tell stories!!
    You sure had a great weekend!!


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly