Monday, May 11, 2015

My Painted Clock

Hello everyone!

As promised, I am sharing the details to my painted clock.  I've had the clock for several years.  It was originally a cream color.  After changing my color scheme to mostly grey and white, I painted it grey.  It looked like this.

Then, I found this paint and decided to give it a try on my clock.  I just bought a sample pot so I wouldn't invest in more than I needed in case I didn't like it.

It states that no wax is needed, but I found that it was very unfinished looking without it.  So, I did use wax on mine.

The brand is called Farmhouse Paint.  Sample pots are $12 and quart sizes are $32.

I bought mine at an antique store.

Here is what it looked like after the first coat of paint was applied.

The color that I used was Blue Toile.  It looked too bright to me after just using the paint, so I decided to add a dark wax to it to achieve the aged look that I like.

Ah!  Much better.  The dark wax toned down the brightness.  I didn't sand any areas because I just didn't feel like it needed it.  Here is a close-up.

I'm loving this shade of blue compared to other one that I used last year on a few pieces of furniture.  This color is more of a true light blue rather than a turquoise blue.  

It helps pick up some other subtle blues in the room.  

It's nice to be able to make this easy change in just one afternoon!  If you want more info about this paint you can click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Kelly ~


  1. I love it! I really like the clock. It looks like a Swedish Mora clock. I agree, it looks much softer and more antique with the dark wax. Great job!

  2. That's pretty much my favorite color blue Kelly. I agree with you about the wax and also it not needing sanding. Perfect!

  3. Very pretty....I love the new color!!!!

  4. So gorgeous Kelly!! I'm loving the new color and your entire home. You have such a lovely casual, yet elegant style. pretty, pretty!
    xo Sally

  5. It is so beautiful, Kelly...and I love your paint treatment, too. I have a tall clock and have been looking for the perfect cabinet to marry it with to make a clock of this size. I'm on the hunt...

  6. Love the color and you're right, the wax really finished it off perfectly! Such a nice piece!

  7. It is so pretty. It reminds me of the clock in Diane Keaton's living room in the movie, "Something's Gotta Give".
    Michelle from

  8. Lovely. What dark wax did you use. I find some are really too dark. This looks perfect

  9. Your clock looks beautiful. I've always wanted a clock similar to this one...Swedish aesthetic and all that:) You're much braver than I am having painted it over. I so often want to paint over something's original color and then chicken out because I feel like I might ruin it and it won't look like I want it to look. I'm also very hesitant when it comes to waxing because when I first started painting and waxing I just never felt comfortable with it and because of that I never thought waxing ever made my pieces any better. Have to get over that:)

  10. The new color looks so nice. The older color was nice too, but now it looks more aged. Great job!

  11. Love the new color of your clock, Kelly! It complements the other accessories in your room very nicely.
    Mary Alice

  12. My favorite color. Love the new look of the clock. xo Laura

  13. I completely agree, the wax made a big difference. Great job


  14. Kelly...I love how you clock turned out!! It looks great!!

  15. Love the new color. I have not tried that paint yet.

  16. Love, love the new color rocked it by using the dark wax....turned out terrific!

  17. the clock just keeps getting better and better Kelly!!!!

  18. The clock looks great with the rest of your decor, Kelly!

  19. Bravo Kelly. This looks so awesome. Love the dark wax over the blue the finish came out so sweet. Very pretty.

  20. Wow! I love the color and how your clock turned out. Great idea adding the dark wax. Stunning!!

  21. So pretty Kelly! The dark wax added so much depth and character. Great job! ~julie

  22. The clock itself is fantastic and then the color you chose is perfect.

  23. Such a cute the new colour!

  24. I love it Kelly, the paint technique makes it look like the original paint, really pretty with your decor!

  25. That clock is so cool you could paint it any color and I would love it!

  26. I love it. It has been fun catching up with you.


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly