Friday, May 8, 2015

I'm Hooked!

Hello everyone!

There is a reason for this post.  But, most importantly, there is a reason for what you'll see IN this post.  The reason?  It's all because of this blog!  You see, Sally shared a fabulous find on her blog recently.  It completely swept me off my feet so I just HAD to go check it out further.  What was it that she found?  


Yep!  It's a beautiful soft chunky cable knit throw in my favorite color.  But, the best part is that it was ON SALE!  She swooned me with her gorgeous pictures of it here.  And then I was HOOKED!  (pun intended.)    

Would it be possible to find one for me too?!

And the answer was YES.  Yes, there was one available for me too.

How could I resist all of this chunky cable goodness?

So, Sally, if you're reading this...........this is ALL your fault!  

You tempted me with your gorgeous pictures and charming home displaying this amazing new throw. 

And for that..............I thank you!!  

Find a throw for yourself here (before they're all gone).

Visit Sally's blog here.

Oh, and for those of you who cringe thinking of buying a throw during warm weather, you'll think twice once you see how much money you save buying it out of season.

Hope all of you have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day weekend!

Thanks for stopping by.

~ Kelly ~


  1. That's so comfy and cozy looking, it really just makes you want to touch it and cuddle up, no matter the season! I'm going to click on over and check it, and if I get one, for sure I'll say IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!

  2. Kelly you are too funny! I'm so happy you love it, I love mine too. It looks beautiful with your stripey pillow and grayish blue clock in the background. Thank you for all of the super sweet compliments!
    xo Sally

  3. Very cozy and pretty on your chairs Kelly. Glad you got hooked and got one for yourself. Very pretty. Happy Mom's Day.

  4. I have looked at those and touched them more times than I can count, but the price was just too much. Nice to know they are on sale. I have the pillow covers in the same knit.

  5. Love it..sold out except for grey!!

  6. It is beautiful and it will be so snuggly next winter. xo Laura

  7. I just love Pottery Barn's throws... I got a chunky cable knit/fleece one for Winter at the Post-Christmas sale one year. Your cable knit throw looks so nice on that chair!!
    PS-love the blue clock! Following you on bloglovin' now. :-)

  8. I've never seen one quite that chunky, and I love it! Even though it's very warm here, I still use throws in the summer. Buying out of season is a good tip!

  9. Gorgeous Kelly, I'll have to give it a look. Maybe they will have the color I need

    Happy Mothers day


  10. WAH!!!! They are all gone :(
    Sadness! Gogh on a search!
    Happy weekend.

  11. Boo hoo their gone! Such a beautiful cozy looking throw!

  12. oh ...i just love how chunky and pretty that throw is. off to see if any are left. happy mothers day mama!

  13. Beautiful throw!
    Happy Mother's Day Kelly!!

  14. Love your beautiful throw...and it's from my favorite store. Wonder if our Pottery Barn Outlet Store carries it...thinking I will have to check that out.

  15. So pretty and prefectly chunky! We had to turn the a/c on today, 30C with humidity 35C, and hubby has it way too cold. I could use a throw tonight lol.

  16. Love how it looks in your home, so cozy and I am going to try to make one.... Perhaps not as intriguing with its cable knit pattern, but maybe simple for a the style of my bed and home.
    Love your throw, I also have to tell you your home is perfectly amazing.


    Happy Mothers Day

  17. Oh just gorgeous and so confie and cozy looking! I love it!!

  18. God help me if it comes in Orange or gray. Then I will be saying Kelly it's all your fault.

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Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly