Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Share Your Style Party #12

Hello everyone!

Thanks so much for stopping by the party tonight!  Now that Spring is in full swing, I bet you have lots of great projects and inspiration to share.  I can't wait to see what you have for us this week!  Lynn, from the Vintage Nest is your host this week.

Welcome to Share Your Style Party #12.   

 So happy to have you here today and see your inspiration for us.   I hope you can take some time to visit other party goers and your hosts, gather some new ideas or just delight at the photos and make new friends.   I am Lynn, of the Vintage Nest blog, your hosting host today and here are your other blogger host. :)

Sharing just a  little bit of my style today. :)  This past weekend, I, along with several other ladies, had a big booth at The Vintage Home Market in Richmond, Va.  It's a lot of hard work, but, oh my, the new friends you meet, new prospects, new followers, and sharing my style for the love of vintage is so much fun.  We had a blast.  Maybe we'll see you at the Christmas show. :)

as always,  "picking" a few Share Your Style posts is a very hard thing to do. They are all so wonderful, but one colorful photo caught my eye right away and since I love strawberries, they are one of the best fruits for you, and it's strawberry pickin' time, I'd like to share Pam of Everyday Living 's field trip.  Great photos and recipes Pam! 

Penny, of Penny's Vintage Home, shared a potting table that knocked my socks off.  Picked up at a yard sale, she transformed an old table to a thing of beauty for her back yard.  Go see!


Julie, of Little Farmstead,  showed us her arbor that sets the entrance to her property.  It's so pretty, and now that Spring is here, it's covered in gorgeous greenery and twinkle lights.  

A little Spring DIY project was the subject of Maria of Home Away From Home's post last week.  Full of fresh cottage farmhouse charm, it's inexpensive and simple to make.  You will love it!

If you were featured today, we would love to gift you this "feature" blog of SYS and wear it on your blog. :)

 And please Make sure to have a link back to Share Your Style somewhere in your post.  



  1. Thanks so much for the party !
    Hope everyone has a great rest of the week :)

  2. Thanks for hosting the party Kelly!!!

  3. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a wonderful all! Diane

  4. Always look forward to the party my friend! Thanks tons for hosting. Jane

  5. Thank you all for hosting! Have a great week!

  6. Thanks for the party Kelly and friends. Loved joining in this week. Have a wonderful rest of the week and great Mom's Day.

  7. Hello Gorgeous! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party. It would be amazing if you would stop by our party. We Pin and Tweet Everything! Lou Lou Girls


Thanks for letting me know you visited today. Kelly